On the coast of the Kingdom of Prodence, guard soldiers saw a huge pirate ship approaching with the wind and waves.

"The flag? You can't be wrong, it's the Luochen Pirates...!"

"That's the number one swordsman in the new world! What should we do!"

"Hurry up and inform His Royal Highness."

"Yes, yes, yes, inform His Royal Highness."

The soldiers were all panicked. One soldier mentioned His Royal Highness, so they all said together as if they had found the backbone.


Luo Chen Pirates on board.

Luo Chen stood at the bow of the boat, looked at the front and said, "In a moment, carry out the task according to the assignment just now."

Luo Chen allocated all the main force and said.

"Ah! The Luo Chen Pirates are here, run!"

The people and soldiers on the shore ran away in fright when they saw the Luo Chen pirates approaching the shore.

"You guys start to act!" Luo Chen said to everyone.

All the squadron captains began to spread to the entire kingdom of Prodence.

In the castle of Prodence Kingdom.

The guards outside rushed in and said, "His Royal Highness, it's not good, the Luochen Pirates are here!"

"The great pirate Luo Chen has attacked our kingdom of Prodence."

After Elizabello II and Vasco da Gama heard the panicked roar of the guards.

"What did you say? Luo Chen Pirates came to my country? And launched an attack?"

Elizabello II also said in surprise after hearing this.

"Your Highness, this is too bad. The Los Chen Pirates are attacking your kingdom of Prodence."

Da Gama also knew that this was a big problem, depending on how they could resist this kind of big pirate.

"His Royal Highness, we are a member of the World Government, please inform the World Government and the Navy Headquarters! Now we can only rely on their strength."

Da Gama thought that this was the only solution, so he spoke.

"That's right, inform the world government and the Navy headquarters that we can't deal with this kind of big pirate at all."

Elizabello II agreed with Da Gama when he heard what Da Gama said. At present, he really can only rely on the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

"Da Gama is going to get the phone bug that contacts the World Government."

Elizabello II looked at Vasco da Gama and said.

Vasco da Gama immediately replied, "Yes, Your Majesty the King, I will do it now."

"It's really terrible. Even if I contact the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, it's too late. I'm going to join the war. I hope to last longer."

Elizabello II looked at the ceiling and said worriedly.

Da Gama's efficiency is also very fast, as soon as he entered the door, he said:

"His Royal Highness, let me bring the phone bug, here it is."

Elizabello II took the phone bug and dialed the World Government.


Mary Gioia, the Holy Land of World Government.

"Moses, Elizabello II, what's the matter on the phone?"

Wulaoxing's office, one of the Wulaoxing answered the phone and said.

"Your Excellency Wulaoxing, my country, the Kingdom of Prodence, is being attacked by Luochen Pirates."

"Request the support of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters."

Elizabello II stated the problem directly and clearly, because now the clock is racing against time.

"Okay, I see."

After one of the five old stars finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After reading the phone call, Vasco da Gama hurriedly said, "His Royal Highness, how is the situation?"

"We can only block it first, hoping to hold on until the navy supports us, but I find it difficult."

Elizabello II felt that it would be difficult to persist until the naval support came, so he said helplessly.

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured, this subordinate will follow you to the death." Da Gama said firmly.

"Come on, Vasco da Gama, join me in organizing soldiers to fight against the Luochen Pirates, and we must swear to the death to defend the kingdom of Prodence."

Elizabello II said as he walked outside.

"Run! It's a pirate! Who will protect us! Damn pirate."

The civilians all ran away in a panic. The fear brought about by the direct invasion of the entire Prodence Kingdom by thousands of pirates is quite huge.

"Listen, don't resist, as long as you don't resist, it won't hurt you, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

The pirates spoke loudly directly to the people.

The captain had already ordered before, not to harm the people, as long as everyone is under control, and large-scale disturbances are not caused.

The pirates of the Luochen Pirates also obeyed the orders that were conveyed.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot, drive all the pirates out of the kingdom of Prodence, we will defend the kingdom of Prodence to the death."

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Prodence also fought bravely with their guns.

It's a pity that although they are ahead of the Luochen Pirates in terms of weapons, the huge gap in overall combat effectiveness has brought about a one-sided situation.

Elizabello II and da Gama rushed over again and saw panicked people everywhere.

They were all in a hurry, and kept speeding up to the battlefield.

Marine Headquarters Marine Fodo.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, the Luochen Pirates are really scary! They just arrived in the New World, and they immediately attacked the countries that joined the government."

Huang Yuan sat on the side drinking tea and said.

"Wuluoxing has already said that it is very serious, and you have heard it."

Warring States once again emphasized the seriousness of the matter and said.

"What is uncertain now is what the Luochen Pirates plan to do."

"Is it just to attack the Kingdom of Prodence, and then rob resources, or occupy the territory."

"But although we can't guess the purpose, what we can guess is that the possibility of occupying the territory is very high."

Lieutenant General He was thinking about what kind of movement the Luochen Pirates would have just now, so he spoke when he thought about it.

"Crane, you are right. I also think that the Luo Chen Pirates are more likely to occupy the territory."

"Luo Chen, this bastard, is so courageous! He dared to attack the franchise country directly."

"Huang Yuan, you should make a trip! The time is too fast, and your speed is faster."

"Except for you, it's too late for anyone else to rush to the Kingdom of Prodence."

Warring States talked a lot, and finally ordered Huang Yuan to dispatch quickly, after all, time waits for no one.

"It's really scary! Thinking about facing the entire Luochen Pirates, it's really chilling to think about."

"After all, the old man was frightened in the Chambord Islands before, and now he has to face it again."

Huang Yuan said reluctantly and wretchedly.

The yellow ape immediately turned into a golden light and disappeared in the Marine Headquarters Marlene Fodor.


"Warring States, but I feel that even if the yellow ape rushes over now, it will be too late."

"You also know how strong the overall combat effectiveness of the Luo Chen Pirates is."

Lieutenant General He felt that things would not be so simple, so he told Zhan Guo.

"I also know that it's too late for the yellow ape, but our navy can't do nothing."

"Once there is no action, the people will be even more disappointed with our navy."

Warring States knew that Huang Yuan would eventually return without success, but the navy did protect the franchise countries, so it could save some face.

"Aokiji has a stronger sense of responsibility now, at least he won't be as lazy as before." Sengoku continued.

"The current situation is severe. As a general, you should cheer up. The future marshal must not be lazy!"

Lieutenant General Crane heard the Warring States talk about Qingzhi, and he also followed suit.


On the other side of the new world, the Kingdom of Prodence.

"You all stand on the sidelines, or go to your own room, this will become the territory of our Captain Luo Chen."

"So you are all citizens of Captain Luo Chen in the future."

The pirates of the Luochen Pirates, after controlling the general situation of the entire kingdom, began to promote non-stop.

Lafitte, Trafalgaro, and Hawkins also met with the guards of the Kingdom of Prodence, King Elizabello II, and Da Gama.

"You are King Elizabello II of the Kingdom of Prodence!"

"Give you a choice to survive, obediently give up the Kingdom of Prodence, and let you live."

"Otherwise today will be your memorial day next year."

When Lafitte came over before, Luo Chen had already told him that if the king of the Prodence Kingdom cooperated, his life would be spared.

If they resist, they will be killed on the spot, so Lafitte said exactly what he said.

"What are you kidding, a wonderful country is handed over to you bunch of pirates."

"It is impossible for my country to be handed over to you pirates. I heard that there is no Luochen Pirates."

Elizabello II counterattacked Lafitte without hesitation.

"If my guess is correct, you have already notified the World Government and the Navy Headquarters!"

"But even if they are notified, it will not stop our Los Chen Pirates from taking the Kingdom of Prodence."

Lafitte saw that Elizabello II had the intention of delaying time, so he spoke directly.

Elizabello II did not expect that the other party might see his intentions.

I was planning to procrastinate, but I was surprised, what a sensitive perception!

"Hmph! That's right, I have already notified the World Government to let the Navy Headquarters come to support it."

"Let's fight a dozen during this time! Pirates, don't underestimate me, Elizabello II."

Elizabello II believes that his own strength is still very good.

Even the Four Emperors in the new world, his King's Fist, can cause damage, so he said.

"Oh! Interesting, come on! Let me see how strong you are, the king of Prodence!"

"Luo, Hawkins, don't make a move, leave it to me."

After Lafitte finished speaking to Elizabello II, he drew out his stick knife and held it with both hands, ready to launch an attack.

"Da Gama covers me, I want to prepare the King's Fist, this will take a while."

It will take a while for Elizabello II to warm up to launch the King's Fist.

So let Da Gama, the striker, help him delay for a while and said.


"Your Highness, please rest assured, I will definitely try my best to hold back these pirates."

"Soldiers, start the attack."

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