All the forts on the walls of Marin Vanduo Square were aimed at the main ship of the Luo Chen Pirates.

However, they have not received the order from the Marshal of the Warring States Period, and they dare not act easily.

And the remaining ships of the Luo Chen Pirates are constantly approaching Marin Fando.

The breath of war is imminent.

The vice admirals looked at the cadres on the Luo Chen Pirates ship, all of them were there.

These people were all recorded by the Navy.

So it was quickly analyzed.

Saori, Baccarat, Nami, Robin, Kalifa, Carmen, Perona.

Lafitte, Bashas, ​​Poison Q, Trafalgaro, Hawkins, Arkin, Van Oka, Crowe, Enero, Frankie.

These original people are all outside!

There are also those left behind by the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Yamato, Black Maria, Runte, and Peggy Wan also came to participate in this war this time.

However, these people were also recorded by the Navy.

Because they belong to the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the Navy knows it all.

But Yamato and the others don't know who it is, but they just look at the other party standing in front of them.

Just know that this woman is not a simple person.

Those who stand in the front must have more status than those who stand in the back.

But that's the case with that force!

"Destroy the Navy Headquarters."

"Destroy the Navy Headquarters."

"Destroy the Navy Headquarters."

Everyone in the Luochen Pirates shouted in unison to destroy the Navy headquarters.

The momentum is like a rainbow! cut through the sky.

From this point, it can be seen that the Luochen Pirates are not simple at all.


Huang Yuan then said wretchedly: "It's scary! Did we provoke a group of incredible monsters this time?"


"Everyone is a first-class powerhouse."

The red dog sitting next to the yellow monkey was speechless!

This Polusalino...

As the admiral of the Navy headquarters, say such a thing? Really shameless!

Obviously possessing the strength to crush everything, everything is like a fledgling rookie navy.

If you don't know Huang Yuan, you probably think it's a second-hand guy?

But now in the sea, it is estimated that there is no one who does not know the yellow ape.

Aokiji: "God~"

"The person we need to pay attention to is not only Luo Chen!"

"There are also many strong people in the Luochen Pirates!"

"These need us to dispatch to intercept them. It is estimated that the lieutenant generals will find it difficult to resist those few people."

"In addition, these Qiwuhai kings are probably just coming here for a walk, and it is unlikely that they will contribute."

Aokiji made a general assessment of the combat power of both sides.

Like the cadres of the stronger ones in the Luochen Pirates!

Without their generals personally intercepting, relying on the lieutenant generals, it is basically impossible to intercept.


It is possible for Shichibukai under the king to do it, but Aokiji knows it is impossible.

Akainu pressed down on his hat, his murderous aura was icy cold.

"A mere pirate, want to be arrogant in the navy headquarters? It's a hundred years too early."

In Akainu's view, these people came here to die.

As long as Luo Chen, the core of the Luo Chen Pirates, falls.

Then the entire Luochen Pirates will collapse directly.

The captain of the pirate group is the soul of the entire pirate group.

Just destroy the soul.

It basically declares the end of the war.

Nicole Robin knelt on the execution platform and couldn't help crying.

Because Luo Chen directly pulled all the combat power over for her.

Really, Robin himself was very moved, and felt that meeting Luo Chen was the greatest happiness in Robin's life.

If it weren't for Luo Chen, she would still be living in a dark world now.

Luo Chen was able to do this, and Robin was already satisfied.

Even if he died on this execution platform in the end.

Also enough.

Warring States said in a cold voice: "Nicole Robin."

"Not only you, but Luo Chen is also an unstable factor affecting the stability of the world."

"And this war is going to be significant."

Warring States was really shocked by Luo Chen, Luo Chen's development speed was too fast.

Very amazing.

How long has it been since I went to sea.

It has grown to such a large scale.

If it continues to be developed by Luo Chen, then it's okay?

It can be developed to such a scale in such a short period of time and continue.

The Navy wants to deal with the Luo Chen Pirates?

Even if both sides suffer, it may not be possible to eliminate the Luo Chen Pirates 100%.

Luo Chen slowly walked out of the cabin.

When Luo Chen stood on the bow of the ship, an astonishing aura spread throughout the entire naval headquarters.

Marin Fanduo, the strong generals present and the king's Qibuhai, including the lieutenant generals, all tightened their strings.

The worst enemy has appeared.


[099] The terrifying power of twisted fruit


Luo Chen and Zhan Guo looked at each other and remained silent.

The personnel on both sides also fell silent.

Many people swallowed nervously, holding their weapons tightly with both hands.

Every second feels like a year.

The corners of Luo Chen's mouth raised into a mysterious smile and said, "Warring States, you are quite bold!"

"Dare to do something to my people?"

"Or is it because I didn't announce the rule that as long as someone dares to attack my people, they will hunt down to the end, are you so bold?"

"Or is it because of the confidence given to you by the World Government? Dare to do something to me?"

Although Luo Chen's words were calm, they were full of oppression.

Many people were deeply frightened by Luo Chen's aura.

Zhan Guo looked at Luo Chen with a serious expression.

This was the first time that people in the Warring States period saw Luo Chen face to face. In the past, they had always seen Luo Chen in newspapers or on the screen.

After seeing him this time, Zhan Guo really lamented that this is a young man with extraordinary temperament.

Sure enough, it is not simple at all.

Zhan Guo responded with a phone bug: "Boy Luo Chen, I admire your achievements and courage."

"Dare to come to the Navy Headquarters this time. You have strength and courage, but it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with "060."

"Be prepared!"

"This will be the last time you see the sun."

Warring States directly issued an ultimatum to Luo Chen, which obviously meant that Luo Chen would die today.

Boya Hancock, who was standing in the front row of the navy, was overwhelmed with excitement after seeing Luo Chen.

But after hearing what Zhan Guo said, he turned his head and looked at Zhan Guo with very vicious eyes.

What does this old guy want to do?

Do you really want to kill Luo Chen?

Then she, Boa Hancock, is definitely the first to disagree.

At that time, it doesn't matter if you don't want to be the king of Qiwuhai!

The old man of the Warring States period must be slaughtered first.

And the eagle-eyed Mihawk next to him kept staring at Luo Chen, with the eagle-eyed Mihawk's own eyesight.

He had already discovered that Luo Chen had become stronger when fighting him.

That's right! Eagle-eyed Mihawk had already noticed Luo Chen's aura.

What a terrible talent!

In the past, he was called a genius by people.

The current Luo Chen, in the eyes of Hawkeye Mihawk, is the real genius.

For those other so-called geniuses, no one can compare with Luo Chen.

The gap is too huge.

Jinping looked a little embarrassed.

He and Luo Chen can be regarded as acquaintances, but it doesn't matter whether he wants to fight or not.

They are already on the opposite side of Luo Chen, I hope Captain Luo Chen can understand!

Jinping could only comfort himself like this.

Doflamingo kept laughing, "Hey hey!"

Standing in such a completely neutral position, nothing would affect him.

It was really interesting for Doflamingo to watch this volatile scene.

Bartholomew was expressionless the whole time, from Luo Chen's appearance to now! should have been expressionless from beginning to end.

Because this is the state that Balthoromixiong showed after he joined the King Shichibukai!

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