This angelic civilization is very deeply hidden.

Carl sighed.

Until he saw Hua Ye take action in person.

When you still can't break the energy shield of the City of Angels.

He knew that this was definitely not a hidden means of the angelic civilization!

After all, Hua Ye's current strength is going all out.

The destructive power produced is even stronger than the explosion of the Emerald Star!

If the angelic civilization really had this kind of technology in the first place.

I will definitely make a single energy ~ cover for Keisha alone to protect her!

After all, this energy shield can envelop even the entire city.

Making a castrated version is never difficult!

And Keisha if there is such a thing.

Will you still be able to die calmly?

With what Carl knew about her, she was afraid that she would have beaten Morgana to death first.

Beat yourself to death again!

And at that time, although he also hid his strength.

But even Keisha was no match at the beginning.

How could it be possible to break this turtle shell that even Hua Ye couldn't break now!

So, this technology must have appeared after Kaisha's death!

However, how could the technological level of the angel civilization have advanced by leaps and bounds to this point!

Karl was extremely puzzled, he knew the details of angelic civilization.

Technological development has been slow.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of a possibility!

Keisha knew about studying the Void, too.

Although Keisha researches secretly, she can't escape Carl's vision.

What's more, Kaisha also used this technology openly!

The sub-creature engine is the result of Keisha's research on the Void.

It has the ability to make people reborn, and it is also used on the angel chase.

Not only Angel Chase, but also two Angels also have sub-creature engines!

Angel Hiko and Angel Burning Heart!

In the original book, Angel Hiko was resurrected through a sub-creature engine.

Took over Keisha's treasure trove of sacred knowledge!

And in the angel civilization, Hexi is better at research!

Since Kaisha has studied the void, then this Hexi must not have missed it!

However, Carl didn't know anything about her research before!

Now, he knows!

Hexi's research has come to this point, Carl sighed.

This Hexi deserves to be the king of Tianji.

He was able to make such a forcible ability shield by studying the Void!

At this time, Karl had already recognized that this was definitely the result of studying the Void!

Otherwise, it will be impossible to explain the fact that there has been a technological explosion in the angelic civilization!

However, even if the direction of the research is different.

Hexi shouldn't be able to study it so thoroughly.

Could it be that she stole my lab data?

Carl guessed!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

It's quite possible!

After all, his previous research was all done with experimental assistants!

Moreover, he also planted spies in the angelic civilization.

There's no reason why the Angel Civilization wouldn't do this!

I see!

Carl felt like he had figured it out!

He believes that it is his research that has benefited the angelic civilization!

In the beginning, the angelic civilization was not a very powerful civilization.

However, the angelic civilization has a very strong ability to learn.

And it is often able to touch the bypass!

For example, the god-killing weapon, this thing is not the first developed by the angelic civilization!

It was the Deno civilization that created them!

At that time, the Deno civilization had the most and strongest god-killing weapons in the world!

But what about now?

The Deno civilization no longer exists.

Moreover, mention god-killing weapons.

Who isn't the first to think of the god-killing arsenal at the disposal of the Angel King Keisha!

(Today's second update!1,000-word chapter sent!Ask for subscriptions!Ask for a monthly pass!Poor grades!Please support me!Thank you!Your support is my biggest motivation!Bu).

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