Has that guy beheaded Jack of the Drought and killed the Celestial Dragons? I have never been in the habit of reading newspapers, but I just know that the way out of here is foolish, and I don't know that Bai Qi, a newcomer, has already defeated the yellow ape!

"It's impossible to ......" As a swordsman, how could he not feel the two powerful sword intent just now?

That powerful battle intent is definitely issued by someone at the same level as Hawkeye, and even he can't feel the two strands of battle intent

, who is strong and who is weak!Bai Qi, although this newcomer's talent is indeed very perverted, Zoro feels that his strength is not strong enough to compete with Hawkeye!

"What is impossible, Bai Qi was shot on the island before you, but he defeated the yellow ape!" Looking at Zoro with a confused face, Perona held up an umbrella in the sky and reminded.

"What?" Sauron was stunned at this moment, and his eyes couldn't close for a long time.

That one...... That little ghost, is it so strong now? Also as a newcomer, in the sword intent just now, Zoro has already sensed that the other battle intent is at the same level as Hawkeye.

And himself, now he can't even beat the human imitators on the island, those hateful baboons! Damn! This kind of talent, the gap is too big!

is also a newcomer, Bai Qi is getting closer and closer to the world's number one swordsman, and he is ruthlessly left behind, still fighting with a group of baboons.

Bastard!Sauron clenched his fists, and the wound on his arm was bleeding bright red again.

"You idiot, what's wrong?" Perona said in surprise, now a little suspicious of Sauron, is this guy having masochistic tendencies?"

"Where have they gone, I must go!" Zoro could clearly feel that these two fighting intentions had left, and asked.

"I just heard that you can't go to the edge of the island, the entrance to the island, so far away. Perona said helplessly.

Zoro struggled to move his body again, but his injuries were so severe that he couldn't move an inch.

Damn, Sauron thumped his weak body hard, but there was nothing he could do.

"You bastard, are you crazy?" Perona was completely confused, what was this Zoro stimulated

......?" When I beg you, you bring me over!" Zoro said fiercely, gritting his teeth.

With Zoro's temper, he could say such a thing, but Perona was surprised, when did this man with a green algae head take soft?

Obviously, Sauron is very abnormal today!

hesitated for a moment. Perona suddenly shouted, "You bastard, you want me to take you to the exit of the island and get out of here, right?

Zoro just wanted to watch the battle between the two super swordsmen!This is purely something that a real swordsman would do!

"Don't worry, even if I leave, I will go out with my own strength!" Zoro said firmly. I haven't fallen to the point where I have to rely on a woman to help me when I leave an island

!"You idiot, you're really reckless!" Perona believed this sentence, even if Sauron really had the intention of escaping, hum~ With Zoro's current injury, Perona has a hundred confidence that she can catch him back

!"Okay, you bastard! If you dare to deceive me, I won't spare you!" Perona muttered.

On the edge of the island, the sparkling water is constantly hitting the island, and an old man is reclining on a large tree with a wine jug in his hand.

"Tsk, this is the best place to watch, not only to watch the battle in the whole world, but also to avoid being hit by the aftermath. "This white-haired old man who drinks alcohol is none other than the Hades King Reilly.

I really can't say for sure, I can witness the change of ownership of the world's number one swordsman here! Reilly thought in shock.

The strength of the two is difficult to say in the eyes of Hades King Reilly, and it is possible for anyone to win. However, Reilly would prefer Bai Qi to win, in this case, the world's number one swordsman will change hands, wouldn't this battle be even more exciting? Looking in

the direction of Reilly's eager eyes, he saw only a immature figure and a tall and thin man. At this moment, the two were looking at each other.

They are the protagonists of this battle, Hawkeye and Bai Qi!

, "Little ghost, are you so confident that you can defeat me?" Hawkeye Mihawk was the first to speak.

Over the years, there have been a lot of people who have challenged themselves, but in Hawkeye's opinion, among the people who challenged themselves before, although they said that they would definitely defeat Hawkeye, it was just to cheer themselves up!

Even the red-haired Shanks of the Four Emperors, if he was fighting with himself as a sword hero, he would not dare to have the confidence of Bai Qi, a little ghost.

But this little ghost in front of him is different, Hawkeye can really feel that kind of confidence from the depths of his soul!

"Hahaha! Hawkeye Mihawk, remember our agreement, if I can defeat you as a sword hero, you will have to join the White Group camp in this war!" Bai Qi said excitedly.

"As for ...... The reason why I'm so confident, you will find the answer in the next battle!" Bai Qi continued.

Usually this island is full of human imitators, but today they are hiding one by one.

Occasionally, three or two baboons would walk through the woods, only calling a few times, and then quickly hid in the deep area of the forest and hid!

In the sky, a loli-like girl was dragging the collar of a 1.81-meter-old man, flying in the sky.

It was Zoro and Perona in Hawkeye Castle, "Hey, I said, are you just dragging me to the sky and trying to strangle me?"

"Stupid Zoro, I haven't disliked you for being too heavy, believe it or not, I'm going to throw you down now!" Perona didn't show any weakness and replied.

"Bastard, who are you calling stupid?!" Sauron said with a growl.

"Who else is there but you idiot, idiot, road idiot?" Perona continued to roar in the sky.

The two quarreled in the sky for a long time. Perona only realized the strangeness of the island.

"I say, Zoro, the baboons on this island are gone, have you noticed?" said Perona, puzzled.

"Gone?" Zoro had just reacted. Close your eyes and feel with your heart. Finally, I also felt the fighting spirit of those two strands, and the big battle was about to break out!"

"Perona, hurry up, the battle is about to begin." Zoro said eagerly.

"As for these baboons, I think they were scared and hid by the fighting intent of Hawkeye and Bai Qi!" Zoro said.

Come to think of it, I am really weak, a baboon that I can't beat, in the face of a strong person like Hawkeye and Bai Qi, I would be so afraid! From this, we can know that Zoro is more than one dimension behind the great swordsman of Hawkeye Bai Qi's level!

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