Outside Soto.

Zhu Zhuqing squatted and vomited.

Su Yan stood a little embarrassed to the side, “You… Fear of heights?

Su Yan thinks that the flight is still very stable, so Zhu Zhuqing is like this, and only the fear of heights can explain.

“Flying smoothly” refers to flying to the city of Soto two days away before meals.

Su – no self-awareness – Yan, the whole person still has a puzzled face, it stands to reason that cats should not be afraid of heights?

Zhu Zhuqing: “Disgusting…”

Dugubo: …

Su Yan: …

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Zhu Zhuqing’s face turned pale, and his legs were shaking. Sure enough, geniuses are

all crazy, and peerless geniuses like Su Yan are even more of an incomparable super madman!

Su Yan took out a bottle of water and handed it to her, Zhu Zhuqing immediately took it and rinsed her mouth, and then slowed down for a few more minutes, “Okay, I’m fine.”

“Then let’s go.” Su Yan put on a mask and gold sunglasses, and handed Zhu Zhuqing a new set by the way.

“This is?” Zhu Zhuqing took the mask and sunglasses, his expression a little dazed.

“Wear it or not, you decide.” Su Yan said, covering her appearance, “I still have to wear it, otherwise it will be troublesome to be recognized.”

No, it was old trouble to be recognized by the Tang family.

Zhu Zhuqing was a little speechless, “You were afraid of being recognized, and you directly told me your name at that time?”

“Didn’t you see that you were from the Zhu family?” Su Yan said casually, “Remember, don’t expose my identity after entering the city.”

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and also put on the mask and sunglasses, she had planned to secretly look at what Dai Mubai was doing, and cover her appearance just right.

Zhu Zhuqing and Su Yan entered Soto City together, and two beautiful women walked side by side, one with a hot figure, the other with a dusty temperament, very eye-catching.

Unfortunately, they were followed by a bad old man. Everyone can see

that the identity of the second daughter is extraordinary, and although they can’t see the strength of the old man, they can’t help but feel chills in their hearts when they are swept by his gaze.

That old man should be an extremely strong master, a bodyguard and the like, so he didn’t come up to talk without long eyes.

The three of them first found a relatively famous restaurant to eat, and after eating, Su Yan slowly sipped a cup of tea, and her spiritual power spread out.

The properties of the Martial Soul Hall are all over the place, even in this small Soto City, and Su Yan is not sure if Dai Mubai will still go to the Rose Hotel like the original.

If Dai Mubai doesn’t go, but goes on a date elsewhere, she still has to find a way to take the kitten over so that the kitten can see the true face of the scumbag.

If Dai Mubai still went to the Rose Hotel, she would directly take the kitten to the middle door to face the sniper, which was not only simple and rude but also effective.

Su Yan’s mental power swept away, not only found Dai Mubai, but also found an expected figure.

In an inconspicuous tavern, a stout, scruffy, middle-aged man was drinking cheap low-quality ale.

Poor quality ale: … Is the oil cake eaten?

That man didn’t look inconspicuous, but he was indeed the strongest existence in the entire city, Hao Tian Douluo, Tang Hao.

For Tang Hao, Su Yan didn’t pay attention to it now, a rat in the ditch, he only dared to hide in the shadows, and did not dare to show his face at all. Tang

Hao actually didn’t have any threat, the trouble was Tang Chen, the peak combat power, and Tang San, the son of fate.

As long as there is a suitable reason in the future, Su Yan can let Bibi Dong destroy Tang Hao at any time, there is no need to worry at all, let him live for a while.

Su Yan found Dai Mubai’s figure, it seems that she just came out of the movie theater with her twin sisters, planning to open a house.

Oh, Dai Mubai’s modern routine, but the research is quite fast, eat and watch movies inpart.

“Pay!” Su Yan took out two silver tickets and placed them on the table.

Under her secret operation, the paper money has been divided between countries, this is the Barak Kingdom, but it is still in the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Therefore, the paper money of the Heaven Dou Empire can also be used in the Barak Kingdom.

And soon, the real estate industry cooperated by Hao Tianzong and the Star Luo Empire will be put on sale, and it will be very interesting at that time. (Chapter 54)

Su Yan put down the teacup in her hand and got up to look at Zhu Zhuqing, “Let’s go, find a place to live first.”

For this, Zhu Zhuqing did not say no, she fled all the way, it is good to have a safe place and sleep peacefully.

I think that with this crown princess and the title powerhouse, her safety should be guaranteed.

In the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire, it was impossible for her sister’s people to kill themselves next to the crown princess and under the eyes of the titled powerhouse.

Zhu Zhuqing and Su Yan soon arrived at the Rose Hotel.

Don’t ask where Dugu Bo went, find a place by yourself, can Dugu Bo pull down his old face and go to live in the Rose Hotel?

Su Yan took out a gold coin and placed it on the counter, “Two rooms, thank you.”

“Well, I’m sorry this young lady, we only have one room left.” The waiter was a little embarrassed.

In the traditional routine of the novel world, the protagonist lives in a hotel, and there must only be one room left, although the protagonist is still on the way.

The waiter emphasized, “Although there is only one room, you can rest assured that our rooms are very large and fully equipped, more than enough for two people.”

These two women are obviously noble children, and the waiter naturally tries to sell as much as possible.

These children of large families are happy, and casually give a reward, that is, he has half a month’s salary.

“One for one.” Su Yan said, she looked at Zhu Zhuqing, “Live with me, no problem, right?”

“No, no problem.” Zhu Zhuqing nodded hurriedly, for her, it was actually the same wherever she lived, and it was safer to live with Su Yan. At this time, Tang San entered the hotel, and

at the same moment, Dai Mubai and the three appeared across the street, ready to enter this rose hotel to fight the landlord.

Su Yan couldn’t help but be shocked, it was worthy of being the son of luck, even the little dance was gone, Tang San could actually come to this rose hotel, is this the corrective power of the plot?

However, according to the original work, the current Tang San still does not know what is the difference between the Rose Hotel and other hotels.

Su Yan held Zhu Zhuqing’s shoulders and let the system block the breath of the two of them, preventing Tang San from recognizing herself, and also preventing Dai Mubai from recognizing Zhu Zhuqing.

After all, martial souls that can form martial soul fusion techniques can all attract each other.

If he didn’t shield the breath, Tang San might not be able to recognize her, but Dai Mubai’s martial soul would definitely react, and Zhu Zhuqing would be exposed.

The two girls next to Dai Mubai looked eighteen or nine years old, tall and tall, and they were twins.

Dai Mubai is about one meter eight meters tall, he doesn’t look very old, even younger than the two girls next to him, his shoulders are broad, and his long golden hair is scattered behind his back.

His hair was not curly, but hung straight there, and the most noticeable thing was his evil eyes, both of which were actually pupils.

Extremely handsome appearance, with such a pair of eyes, no matter where you are, it will become the center of attention, and it is definitely popular with brothers who pick soap. Looking at Dai Mubai

hugging a pair of twins left and right, Su Yan looked at Dai Mubai playfully.

She could already feel the black qi emanating from Zhu Zhuqing’s body beside her.

However, Dai Mubai didn’t know it, he looked at the three people in front of the counter, and he was immediately stunned.

Oh, that blue-haired kid can, two girls are no worse than him.

Well, although he couldn’t see the face, Dai Mubai could also see that whichever of the two chicks was much stronger than the twins next to him.

Dai Mubai was also a little gluttonous, but he was not yet in the hotel and exchanged P friends with someone he had never met.

Dai Mubai walked into the Rose Hotel and just heard Tang San say to the front desk, “Hello, open a room for me.”

“Sorry gentleman, the last room has been booked by these two ladies.” The waiter said politely.

Hearing the waiter’s words, Dai Mubai was stunned, this kid is an orange outsider?

Isn’t the Rose Hotel a love hotel, what are you two women doing here?

Magic Mirror ???

What a waste of that?!

Dai Mubai’s hand holding the twin sister loosened, and he suddenly felt that the twin sister in his hand was not fragrant!

And the twin sisters looked at Su Yan and Zhu Zhuqing, and those two pairs of eyes were full of hostility.

Dai Mubai put his arm around the twin sisters and came to Su Yan and the two, directly ignoring Tang San and looking at Su Yan and Zhu Zhuqing. Dai Mubai

grinned, “Two beauties, get to know each other, my name is Dai Mubai, and they all call me Boss Dai.”

“Are you two coming to this Rose Hotel for the first time, I often help some beautiful women who need help, is there anything you need help with?” Tang San glanced at Su Yan and

Dai Mubai lightly, did not recognize Su Yan, so he did not be nosy, and left directly from the hotel gate.

Article 5 of the Tang Gate’s “Xuantian Baolu* General Outline”: “All Tang Sect disciples must not easily provoke right and wrong, but if there is an active violator, they must return it with thunder.”

These people have not provoked themselves, there is no way to die, and he will not take the initiative to provoke trouble.

Su Yan looked at Dai Mubai’s confident face and couldn’t help but sneer, “Do you have a key?” How many handfuls do you match?

“What?” Dai Mubai was stunned, obviously he didn’t understand.

“Please give me a rounded out now, immediately, immediately.” Su Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with this astringent tiger, and pointed to the door with her chin.

Su Yan actually wanted to kill Dai Mubai directly at first, but after thinking about it, she still let him go first.

Although Dai Mubai’s strength is average, his identity is the second prince of the Star Luo Empire.

Even if he Dai Mubai is an outcast on the chessboard of the Star Luo royal family, and it is very likely that he will die in the battle for the crown prince, after all, he represents the royal family of the Star Luo Empire to a certain extent. Therefore, as

long as the operation is done properly, Dai Mubai can become a fuse between Tiandou and Xingluo, so that the fishermen of the Martial Soul Hall can benefit. So, if you are

still alive now, I am glad that you are still valuable.

“Oh, it’s spicy enough, I like it.” Facing Su Yan’s cold eyes, Dai Mubai was not annoyed, but smiled.

Beautiful women like Su Yan and Zhu Zhuqing, who refuse to be thousands of miles away, make him have the desire to conquer.

Those beauties who took the initiative to post upside down, Dai Mubai was tired of playing, but conquering such two cold beauties, let him think only because of moving.

I have to say that Dai Mubai, this scumbag, does have a bitch face, no wonder there are so many beautiful women who can dump under him.

But there is no one around you, just to coax ignorant girls, if you hug a pair of twins left and right, you have to hook up with other girls, there is really no lower limit.

Even the twin girls pouted in displeasure, but didn’t say anything.

Why didn’t they know that Dai Mubai had other women besides the two of them.

Both sides are just playing, Dai Mubai covets their beauty, and the two sisters don’t covet Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai’s strength is strong, his strength is strong, if he can marry such an excellent soul master, he will have three wives and four concubines, and the twin sisters can also accept it.

“Two beauties, don’t rush to refuse, I see you guys just came to Soto City, right?” Dai Mubai smiled.

“I know a lot about this place, if I want, I can be your guide, and I will pay for everything.”

“Of course, if you want, I can also take you to play some fun games!” After Dai Mubai finished speaking, he blinked his eyes thinking he was very handsome.

These two ice beauties, one with a hot figure, one with a dusty temperament, and a white rose and a red rose, inspired Dai Mubai’s cheap desire for conquest.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the appearance of Dai Mubai’s veteran, and was unexpectedly calm.

She leaned on Su Yan’s shoulder and looked at Dai Mubai coldly, without saying a word.

Zhu Zhuqing was half a head shorter than Su Yan, and the devil figure plus leaning on Su Yan’s shoulder, the bird’s appearance made Dai Mu’s white throat a little dry.

However, for Zhu Zhuqing’s figure, Dai Mubai did not feel strange, in the Douluo Continent, martial souls, as well as the way to obtain soul rings and soul bones, can cause changes to a person’s appearance.

This reminded Dai Mubai of his fiancée who was far away in the Star Luo Empire, and when she left, she had already begun to take shape, and she didn’t know what she looked like now.

Su Yan sneered, “Which family’s eldest young master are you, so popular?” ”

Sex flourishes to disaster, cut to eternal rule.

Although Su Yan doesn’t plan to kill Dai Mubai now, it shouldn’t be a big problem to scrap him.

If Dai Mubai continued to entangle…

Everyone present didn’t know what “Puxin” meant, and Dai Mubai subconsciously thought that Su Yan was praising him for being dashing and handsome.

Dai Mubai grinned and reached out to ruffle his hair, “Beauty, you look at people so accurately.”

“Dai Mubai, fifteen years old, Martial Soul White Tiger, thirty-seventh level War Soul Venerable.”

Dai Mubai reported to his family, he believed that the two beauties on the opposite side would definitely be impressed by his talent after hearing about their age and strength.

Su Yan: ???

I’ll go, Dai Shao also knows that he is a popular man?!

“White tiger?” Su Yan “surprised” turned her head to look at Zhu Zhuqing, “Oh, is it so clever?”

Zhu Zhuqing didn’t want to stay anymore, and took Suyan’s hand, “Sister Su, let’s go up.”

Zhu Zhuqing’s face and eyes were blocked by mask sunglasses, and Dai Mubai could not see her disappointed expression, but Su Yan could “see” with mental power.

“This white tiger, my friend wants to leave, sorry not to accompany.” After speaking, Su Yan directly grabbed Zhu Zhuqing’s shoulder and wanted to go upstairs, but was stopped by Dai Mubai.

“Young Master Dai, what else do you want to do?” Su Yan’s voice had a hint of teasing and a faint coldness.

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