
The four blue Nitros were hideous-faced, showing their fangs, very violent, and about to pounce.

The faces of Ayu, Zebra, Coco, Sani and others changed.

Jiro’s physical body has reached its limit and he is basically unable to fight anymore.

Sanhu was almost unloaded by Qiao Ya’s knife, and his combat power was reduced.

And the four blue Nitros were changed by Joya in taste, and their strength skyrocketed, which was difficult to deal with.

Ichiryu’s brows furrowed.

I didn’t expect that in an instant, there would be so many changes!

The corners of Chu Feng’s mouth were raised, his eyes flashed with golden light, and he launched a “reverse eye” at Qiao Ya.

And so, weird things happened.

The time that acted on Qiao Ya went back 3 seconds, and he was preparing to make a move on the four blue Nitros at the moment.

However, his expression was dumbfounded!

“What’s going on?”

“Just now, I obviously had…”

The four blue Nitros returned to their original state, and they were immediately confused.

Because, although time goes backwards, memory does not go back.

That is, they knew that Joya was doing something to them.

This feeling is like predicting the future.

Although I still don’t understand what is going on, it is clear that Joa is going to use them.

“Joya, you bastard!”

“Joya, you are looking for death!”


The four Blue Nitros were furious and killed Joa.

This sudden scene made Deichilong, Jiro and the others stunned.

“What’s going on?”

“Ahhh, what happened?”


Only Atacino was slightly calmer, because she knew that it must be Chu Feng who made the ghost.

And at this time, Yilong, Jiro, Sanhu and the others noticed the smile at the corner of Chu Feng’s mouth, and their hearts jumped.

“No, it’s Chu Feng, this guy is ghosting?”

“Turn back the clock? What is this ability? ”

“What a terrifying ability!”


At this time, even if Qiao Ya was a fool, he knew what ability Chu Feng used to turn back time.

They all stared at Chu Feng viciously, but they felt four murderous strikes, it was four blue Nitros.

Joa was angry in her heart.

Originally, he controlled four blue Nitros to deal with Chu Feng and others so that he could take the opportunity to slip away, but he did not expect to be obstructed by Chu Feng, and the blue Nitros were used against him.

Of course, Joa was angry, but did not panic.

After all, there is a guarantee of strength.

“If you don’t know how to be evil, then die!” Qiao Ya raised his hand and slashed out again: “The cooking of the demon king, the galaxy cutting.” ”


The knife qi hundreds of meters wide roared.

The space corresponding to the entire earth was cut open in an instant!

The four blue Nitros didn’t even have time to dodge, their bodies were cut in two, blood gushed out, and they fell to the ground.

Killing four blue Nitros with one knife is really a little scary.

Ah Yu, Coco and the others’ faces changed and changed.

Qiao Ya’s eyes stood high in the sky, his eyes flashed with madness, and he raised his hand and slashed down angrily: “Everyone die with the earth!” ”

“The Demon King’s Cooking, Galaxy Cutting.”

The earth was no longer of any use to him, and there was nothing worth remembering.


Another terrifying knife qi roared down.

There is no doubt that this sword qi can cut the entire earth in two.

Everyone’s looks changed drastically.

At this moment, Chu Feng moved.

The left arm turned into the arm of the gourmet cell demon, and golden light bloomed.

As soon as he raised his hand, he directly caught the terrifying knife qi that roared down, and then squeezed it.


Knife gas crushing.

Ichiryu, Jiro, Santora, Ah Yu and the others were all stunned.

So strong knife qi, lightly pinched away?

What kind of perverted strength is this?

Qiao Ya was also frightened, and the whole person was confused.

“Pinch … Crushed ?? ”

Chu Feng looked as usual, as if doing a trivial thing, turning into a figure and rushing towards Qiao Ya.

“Demon King’s cooking, stellar cuisine!” Qiao Ya reacted quite quickly, and slashed at the top of Chu Feng’s head with a backhand.

It was a huge white sphere that bombarded down, containing energy capable of shattering even a star.

Its power is no weaker than a star explosion!

The entire void twists, deforms, collapses.

Click, click, click…

Chu Feng felt the bones in his body rattling, but it did not affect his next launch skills.

“God’s Billions of Light Years Cosmic Fist!”

A huge golden fist slammed up.

It seems simple, but the energy contained in it is only clear to Chu Feng.


The fist smashed on the falling white orb.

With an explosion, the terrifying energy aftermath rolled away like a tsunami, spreading into space, and some nearby food satellites were all shattered.

The earth is naturally also suffering from strong shaking and is crumbling.

In the next instant, the white sphere disappeared!

However, Chu Feng’s golden fist advanced as always, approaching Qiao Ya.

At this moment, Qiao Ya felt death coming, roared, and stabbed out directly.


The kitchen knife breaks!

Joya was dumbfounded.

That kitchen knife is Cinderella, it is the kitchen knife used by Flora, why is it broken?

When he was surprised, the golden fist also hit his chest.

“No… How could I die in a place like Earth, I am going to the final place! With Qiao Ya’s unwilling roar, the next second, his body exploded and turned into powder.

Below, Ichiryu, Jiro and the others were collectively surprised.

Chu Feng crushed the terrifying knife qi, blasted the amazing energy sphere, broke the Divine Kitchen Knife, and shattered Qiao Ya’s body!!

This process is only done in one go, only 1 second!





Then, only the sound of Ichiryu, Mitora, Jiro and others gasping for air was heard.


It’s terrifying!

Chu Feng stood high in the air, looking at the golden blooming left hand, and his eyes also showed a hint of horror.

Using the power of the gourmet cell demon is really terrifying!

You know, after doing all this, the whole arm does not feel anything.

It’s ridiculously strong!

If you use the capture level, I am afraid it has reached 50,000!


At this time, there was a burst of sonic booms on the ground, which made everyone react.

“Not good! The earth is collapsing! ”

“Gotta stop it so quickly!”

“Jiro, can you still do the pointing?”


The only way to stop the earth from collapsing is to use the “Great Cave”!

Jiro looked a little solemn!

His physical body has reached its limit, and if he forcibly uses the “Great Point Cave” again, his physical body may not be able to withstand the explosion.

However, Jiro intends to sacrifice himself to save the earth and smiles: “No problem! ”

And Chu Feng fell from the sky and said, “Master Jiro, let me come!” ”

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