After the “Reverse Eye” was launched, Chu Feng planned to include the god of chicken crown head food with a shattered head into the other dimensional space.

However, it was resisted by the other party and could not be successfully accepted for a while.

Chu Feng’s face showed pain, and he was being eaten back.

Atassino and Chu Feng had a spiritual rhino, and immediately knew the crisis Chu Feng was facing, and without being verbose, he raised the dragon tooth in his hand and frantically released his skills.

“God’s cuisine, spicy slash!”


One after another, the yellow knife qi roared out and fell on the god of chicken crown head food.

At the same time, the big black dog did not stop attacking, spraying stars out and bombarding the head of the chicken crown.

At this time, the resistance of the god of chicken crown head food was extremely weak, and Chu Feng gradually occupied the advantage.

“Let me in!”

With a low roar, the “reverse eye” is brought to the extreme.

I saw that the huge body of the god of food with the explosive head disappeared.

But it has been included in a different dimensional space.

Chu Feng’s eyes were tingling, and he stretched out his hand to wipe it, but he found that it was bleeding.

However, after the pain disappears, it is not a big deal.

Chu Feng took a deep breath, lifted the “God Multiplication”, and then put his clothes on.

Atassino and the big black dog came to Chu Feng.

“Woof!” the big black dog barked excitedly.

Finally wiped out the nemesis.

“It worked!”

Atacino breathed a sigh of relief and a victorious smile on his face.

Chu Feng nodded.

Being able to solve the god of chicken crown head food, Atacino and the big black dog are indispensable.

If it was Chu Feng himself, he would not be able to clean up the god of chicken crown head food.

Noticing that there was blood in Chu Feng’s eyes, Atassino’s face changed slightly, and he became nervous: “Your eyes…”

Chu Feng smiled and said, “It’s no big deal, don’t worry!”


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared.

It’s no one else, it’s the god of long-haired food.

At this moment, he looked shocked.

Because, the battle between Chu Feng and the god of chicken crown head food, he saw it clearly.

I never dreamed that the god of chicken crown head food was defeated by Chu Feng.

“Wang!” the big black dog snorted warily at the long-haired god of food.

Atacino was also nervous.

Another god of food, if you fight again, you can’t eat it.

Chu Feng’s face was as usual.

Because, he did not sense the murderous aura of the god of long-haired food.

So, for now, there is no danger.

Of course, even if the other party makes a move, although Chu Feng does not have the physical strength to fight again, he is still fully sure of escaping.

“You… What happened to Lao Qing??” The long-haired food god looked at Chu Feng with a shocked expression.

He couldn’t sense the breath of the god of chicken head food at all.

As the god of food, it is impossible to die.


He thought of something terrible.

Chu Feng smiled and said, “You should know!”

Hearing this, the long-haired god of food had an ugly face, and his gaze towards Chu Feng had become different.


At this time, another figure appeared, it was the god of food with an explosive head who rushed over.

Looking at Chu Feng, his gaze also changed.

Because, he also saw how Chu Feng eliminated the god of chicken crown head food.

Being able to destroy the god of food, in the past, it would not have existed.

Even the strongest White God back then may not be able to destroy other food gods!

And now, Chu Feng actually wiped out the god of food!

It can be seen from here that although Chu Feng has the breath of the white god on his body, his ability has surpassed the white god.

Taking a deep breath, the God of Explosive Head Food looked at Chu Feng’s gaze full of admiration and a trace of fear.

Then, his eyes looked at the god of long-haired food and said, “Hey, Lao Lan, we don’t have to fight. Chu Feng Xiaoyou is very good, as long as we help him capture some ingredients, he will also help us cook the ingredients. Don’t you still have some ingredients that you can’t cook, Chu Feng Xiaoyou can help you!”

Hearing this, the long-haired god of food flickered his eyes and was a little moved.

“Not bad!” Chu Feng said with a smile: “As long as you promise me some conditions, I can also promise you some conditions.” ”

“We can trade fairly!”

The long-haired god of food took a deep breath and looked at Chu Feng: “You… Can you really help me with the ingredients?”

Although he felt that if he ate Chu Feng, or took away his food memory, he would have a greater harvest, but this would be very dangerous. He didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of the god of food in the head of the chicken.

After all, Chu Feng had the ability to destroy the God of Chicken Crown Head Delicacy, and he also had the ability to eliminate him!

Come to think of it, it’s safer to choose cooperation.

As for the “Final Place” and “Space Ingredient Library”, maybe you can find it by following Chu Feng, and you can get a piece of the pie and get your favorite ingredients from it.

Chu Feng said, “Of course!”

“Good!” the long-haired god of food nodded, “Then let’s cooperate!”

Next, Chu Feng, Atassino, Big Black Dog, God of Explosive Head Food, and God of Long-Haired Food Find a place to sit down and talk about cooperation while eating delicious dishes.

The content of the collaboration is simple.

Chu Feng said the ingredients he wanted and handed them over to the two gods of food to capture, and as a condition, Chu Feng helped them cook the ingredients they couldn’t cook.

After a while, the cooperation was negotiated.

The God of Explosive Head Food and the God of Long-Haired Food left to capture ingredients for Chu Feng.

“Whew!” Chu Feng lay on the grass and let out a breath, “I can finally take a good rest!”

A smile appeared on Atassino’s face, and he was in a cheerful mood: “Are we going to wait for them here next?”

Chu Feng nodded.

The system check-in location was not refreshed, the task was not updated, and the ingredients of the gods that needed to be captured were handed over to the two gods of food to capture, and Chu Feng had nothing to do.

Atassino: “Okay, let’s wait here.” The scenery here is also good. ”

“I want to take a shower. ”

I just fought and sweated a lot!

Chu Feng took out the wooden house and put it next to it.

Then he thought about it, released Terry, the whale king, the bird king and the devil mosquito, and told them to collect ingredients.

After all, there are not many ingredients left in the system space!

After the big black dog, Teri and other pets left, Chu Feng walked into the wooden house and bathed with Atassino.

The two naturally had some excitement and joy.

It’s just that what Chu Feng never expected was that this time Atassino was pregnant!

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