People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 114 It Was Originally a Tragedy

"How did you do it?" Harry Potter and Hermione were surprised.

And Ron himself felt incredible, looking at his hands, then at his wand, and then at the delicate goblet on the table.

Suppressing the joy on his face, he coughed and pretended to be calm: "This is very simple. Let me do it again and show you!"

After all, Ron aimed at the cup in front of him again according to the way McGonagall taught him to wave the wand and the pause and rhythm when spelling animals.

As a result, the place touched by the wand suddenly softened, as if it had been melted by high temperature. So that the beauty of the whole cup is completely lost.

Ron froze for a moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Ah, Scabbers, Scabies! What's wrong with you? Have you changed back?"

Then he continued to change with the wand non-stop, and as a result, the cup became more and more ugly, and finally became a lump of glass glue that was mixed together and could not be said.

Hermione and Harry Potter were dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Didn't Ron successfully cast the Transformation Curse before? why now...

At this time, Mag happened to inspect it.

She looked at the unchanging chameleon and owl in front of Hermione and Harry Potter, and she already had a rough judgment in her heart. It seems that the early courses of the second grade are a little bit for them, the first graders. morning.

The two most outstanding students in the entire class failed to change out.

That's enough to say.

It was also during this period of time that Luo Chen's ear-rewarding magic spell touched her too deeply. It was found that when it was used on those senior students, their progress was rapid, and the lower grade students were also subconsciously included.

However, this is also good!

The school year task arrangement does not need to be adjusted, so she only needs to follow the steps step by step, and the workload will be less.

Then her eyes fell on the ugly, unglued mass under Ron's control.

"Mr. Weasley, I wonder if this thing in front of you is..."

"Banban, this is my Banban, Professor McGonagall, can you restore it?" Ron, with a bitter face, grasped at straws.

"It seems that you have succeeded in changing, but this result should also be regarded as a failure." McGonagall hesitated for a moment, she didn't expect that she could teach such a wonderful student as Ron.

Because the final result of the transformation spell is closely related to the fixed image in the caster's mind, but after being transformed by the transformation spell, Mouse Banban turned into this ugly glass condensate.

In other words, this Ron, although he fulfilled a small part of her intentions in the quiz, obviously couldn't get the 20 points.

Then she didn't hesitate, with her attainments of the Transfiguration Curse, she just tapped the glass condensate lightly with her magic wand, and the dim light flickered, and she saw the glass condensate expand and change instantly, and finally recovered into a perfect bird. Clear tall glass.

Then, nothing else changes.

Mag was stunned for a moment, and then continued to check, but no matter how she tried, this thing itself is a goblet, right? !

But she did see Ron come in with a mouse in his arms before.

So the truth is?

But Ron didn't think of this. He saw the ugly glass condensation and changed into the previous goblet. With a happy face, he reached out to hug her.

But when he was about to touch it, he pulled his little hand back suddenly. He knew that at this time, he could not disturb Mag.

But after a while, he kept shifting his gaze between the goblet and Mag, but the other party made no next move.

"Professor, you..."

McGonagall came back to her senses a little. Since she hadn't misread or sensed it wrong before, maybe Ron accidentally cast the wrong spell, making the original mouse eternally solidified into such a goblet.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

The knowledge of spells is quite complicated and profound, and the reason why Hogwarts recruits students of the right age is to enroll. In addition to guiding them to operate mana reasonably, it also prevents them from losing their lives due to various accidents.

You may not be able to identify which student on a certain day suddenly fired a magic spell that was enough to consume their lives, and it would also cause great harm.

Then there is another possibility, which is what he guessed before, this body is a tall glass.

But his research on Charms is not deep, his specialty is Transfiguration.

Of course, Mag is McGonagall after all, so she never shy away from things she doesn't know.

"I have no other choice, but you can go to Professor Flitwick or Professor Snape after class to find a solution." McGonagall's voice was very calm, without any sense of shame.

It has to be said that Mag is indeed a qualified teacher.

"Ah, Banban, my poor Banban!" Ron cried out of fright this time, and then murmured to himself while holding the glass.

After Harry Potter and Hermione finished class, the three immediately went to find Professor Flitwick for a solution, but Flitwick did a lot of research and found no solution.

Under all kinds of reluctance, they could only go to Snape, but Snape ignored them, not even letting them step through the office door.

So let this matter go.

And after 4 pm, Hermione finished her day's class and went to help Luochen integrate the school rules as usual, so she also brought up this matter.

Although her relationship with Ron was not very good, she thought it would be good if Luo Chen could help Ron.

Of course, Hermione didn't point it out directly, after all, she also heard Ron say a lot of bad things about Luo Chen in private.

Being able to express his own meaning indirectly is already a great respect for Ron.

He didn't notice the weirdness on Luo Chen's face at all. Because most of Hermione's attention was put on the work in front of her again.

As for the recliner that Luo Chen lay back on again, after all, he is a seriously injured person now.

Although I made it myself.

If Hermione had the guts to go to Luochen's bedroom at this time, she would find that there was an extra roller or roller there.

There is a big fat mouse inside, running non-stop, even if it is exhausted, but as long as it slows down a little, it will become engulfed by the roller.

Bumping around in the wheels, it was miserable.

Obviously this is Peter's true identity.

As for the one in Ron's hand, it was a goblet in itself, which was conjured by Luo Chen with the Transformation Curse to fool people temporarily. After all, it was impossible for him to hand over such a miserable Peter.

At the same time, Luo Chen has not modified Peter's memory.

There is no guarantee that there will be some troubles that he cannot control. He can change the plot, but it must be under his general control.

Fortunately, it won't be long, tomorrow is the Chinese New Year's Eve, and he plans to wait until 12 o'clock tomorrow night to draw the spell that belongs to this month.

If it happened to be related to memory, then Luo Chen would not need to learn the Forgetting Curse.

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