
“Since everyone has arrived, then I will say the reason why the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan came today.”

Sarutobi took a puff of his cigarette, with a gentle smile on his face as always, and spoke.

The Second Ninja World War has entered a white-hot stage.

The country of earth, the country of wind, the country of fire, and the three kingdoms have already garrisoned troops on the border of the country of rain, and there are vanguard troops who have infiltrated the country of rain and fought fiercely.

There is no alliance and no enemy, war can break out between any two countries, and even if they unite, it is only for short-term interests.

Speaking of which, as a battlefield, the country of rain suffered a big loss this time, and those who obviously did not want to have a war were inexplicably involved.

Geographically, the Land of Rain is located in the middle of the three great powers, and this time, none of the three countries wants war to take place on its own chassis, so out of some kind of knowing agreement, the battlefield is placed in the Land of Rain.

The three major countries even had a fierce conflict with the Rain Country, and the leader of the Rain Country, Hanzo, led the ninjas of the Rain Country to rush around, resisting the power of the three countries and striving for peace, however, there was still little hope, and it was too difficult for the power of individuals to change the entire war…

It is conceivable that after this war, no matter who is the winner of the five major powers, the most miserable must be the country of rain.

No matter how much the Rain Country resists, it cannot avoid this fact.

The third generation of Hokage also sighed slightly when he talked about this, Hanzo is also a very powerful ninja, admirable, although it is very unkind to do so, and inexplicably involved a small country in the war, but for the sake of Konoha, it can only sacrifice the people of other countries.

Although the three generations are kind and peaceful, they are not soft.

“…… That’s pretty much what the situation is at large. I believe that both the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan should have some understanding of war. ”

Ape Fei Ri took a puff of his cigarette, and seeing that Uchiha Liuyun did not answer, he said with a solemn face:

“…… Now the most difficult is the battlefield on the side of the country of wind, the puppeteers of the country of wind have developed new toxins, which have killed many ninjas in Konoha, even if they are upper Shinobi, some have lost their combat power after being poisoned, those new toxins, ordinary medical ninjas, can not cope at all, only Tsunade can have a way to treat, so Elder Suzuki, I hope to send Tsunade, lead a group of Senju people, rush to the battlefield to support. ”

This Ninja World War is a large-scale war that spreads almost all over the country, and in addition to the Land of Rain, there are several other large and small battlefields.

The Land of Wind borders the Land of Fire, and the White Fang has traveled to the Land of Wind to carry out secret missions on the border of the Land of Wind.

In the Land of Thunder and the Land of Water, Sarutobi was also on guard, sending a lot of ninjas over, and there were many conflicts.

Konoha’s safety also needs to be taken into account, and Sarutobi Sun Slash is always on the lookout for the shadows of various countries, and once the shadows of any country personally participate in the war, it will have a subversive impact on the situation of the war. At this time, only Sarutobi and Danzo in Konoha were able to compete with it head-on.

Moreover, everyone knew that the Uchiha clan was likely to plot evil now, and Sarutobi and Danzo would definitely not be able to leave Konoha easily.

“Of course that’s fine! For the safety and peace of Konoha, we Senju clan are willing to send ninjas, and we are willing to let Miss Tsunade go to support! ”

Senju Suzuki said without hesitation.

Obviously, they should have discussed it before Liuyun came.

Yes, several of you here are actually at odds with the Uchiha clan, especially the Senju clan.

So Liuyun believes in this group of old guys very much… Well, the young guy has already discussed the plan privately.

Sure enough, when the Thousand Hands clan made a promise, Ape Flying Sun’s gaze suddenly turned to Liuyun.

“This frontline battle is very critical, and I, as the Hokage, hope to ask the Uchiha patriarch to personally intervene and lead some Uchiha ninjas to support the battlefield ahead.”

Ape Fei Ri looked solemn and seriously pleaded.

The others in Hokage’s office all looked at Liuyun, and even stared at him closely.

Now that the Senju clan has agreed to support, then the Uchiha clan has no reason to refuse.

If the Uchiha clan really refused on the spot, it was that they might really be planning something bad, and when the time came, the ape flying sun slash could also prepare in advance.

This is a temptation!

If Uchiha Liuyun agreed to go to war, then at least during World War II, there would be no civil unrest.

Of course, this is just the idea of Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo, as well as Konoha’s high-level.

Liuyun leaned on the chair, his fingers lightly tapped the armrest, raised his head slightly, and revealed a gentle smile: “Yes.” We, the Uchiha clan, are willing to fight for the peace of Konoha. ”

“Well, that’s fine! For Konoha, for peace! ”

Ape Fei Ri Chop immediately breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

At the very least, it can hold out until the end of World War II.

The words of Uchiha Liuyun can represent the thoughts of the entire Uchiha family.

A hint of disappointment flashed in Shimura Danzo’s eyes.

It was as if an opportunity had been missed.

If Uchiha Liuyun had refused just now, he could instead find a way to find trouble with the Uchiha clan.

But now this unexpected agreement made Tuan Zang not react for a while.

The previous intelligence does not seem to be like this….

Could it be that something is wrong with the intelligence?


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