At the moment when the seal in Jiu Xinnai’s body was completely lifted.

Ape Flying Sun, who was evacuating the crowd in Konoha Village, felt the lifting of the seal on the spot, and was instantly stunned in place.

“The seal of the Nine Tails… Disarmed. ”

Konoha, in a big crisis!


At this time, Sarutobi was sitting in the Hokage conference room.

Around him, there were patriarchs and elders of the major families.

Even Tsunade is among them.

As the patriarch of the Senju clan, although Tsunade is pregnant, he still has to contribute to the village at this time.

Even though Uchiha and Sarutobi worked together to dissuade Tsunade and let her evacuate and rest with the people, her temper was still very stubborn.

“If I ignore the village just because I am pregnant, what qualifications do I have to be the wife of the fourth generation of Hokage and the disciple of the third generation of the Hokage?”

Tsunade’s words were so firm that Uchiha and Sarutobi were completely speechless.

The crowd had basically dispersed, and at this time, they were in the conference room of the Hokage.

However, as the fourth generation of Hokage, Uchiha Liuyun has never been seen, resulting in the position of Hokage has been vacant.

However, these people all know where the Hokage has gone at this time.

After all, when Rukumo left with Kushina in his arms, he asked Mikoto to take his token to evacuate the crowd within the Uchiha clan.

And the Uchiha family is also the fastest family to evacuate the crowd.

In other words, at this time, Uchiha Liuyun may have already fought with the Nine Tails!

“We must quickly find the location of the Nine Tails and Liuyun, otherwise, Liuyun alone may not be able to withstand the attack of the Nine Tails.”

As the patriarch of the Senju clan and the wife of Liuyun, Tsunade said almost quickly.

She was Hokage’s wife, and she had a lot of power to speak, and everyone present nodded when they looked at her.

“Indeed, although Naruto-sama is very powerful, the opponent is the tailed beast Nine Tails after all.”

“I think Liuyun is not the opponent of the Nine Tails, we should quickly support.”

Some family patriarchs and high-ranking officials were quick to answer.

Everyone is some relatively senior personnel, and they all know how strong the strength of the Nine Tails is.

However, at this time, some other voices also appeared.

“Although the Nine Tails are very strong, they should not be able to defeat Liuyun, after all, Liuyun’s strength…”

“That being said, Liuyun alone can’t drag the Nine Tails, what if the Nine Tails can’t beat Liuyun and run away?”

“I think Liuyun summoned that blue giant and should be able to fight the Nine Tails.”

These people are all younger members of the family, and although they have good combat power, they are all some newborn ninjas.

There is not an adequate concept of the strength of the Nine Tails.

“Liuyun is just a human, but the Nine Tails is a tailed beast, do you know what the concept of a tailed beast is!”

“That’s equivalent to the unity of Chakra, and it’s not something that humans can defeat at all!”

“But Naruto-sama’s strength is very human?”

“I think it’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a monster, Naruto-sama’s strength.”

Almost immediately, the members of the two factions quarreled.

The people who felt that Liuyun could not defeat the Nine Tails were almost all very senior elders.

They had all seen the strength and strength of the Nine Tails, otherwise the Nine Tails would not have been locked up for so long.

As for the young ninjas born in this era, they felt that Liuyun’s strength was so strong that even the tailed beasts could not compare.

As a result, the two factions quarreled almost instantaneously.

At this time, it was still Ape Flying Sun who spoke.

“Everyone is silent.”

As the first three generations of Hokage, although Sarutobi Hinata has stepped down from the position of Hokage, his reputation still exists.

At this time, everyone almost stopped arguing after Ape Flying Sun finished speaking.

Only to hear the ape flying sun chop continue.

“Arguing here, it’s better to quickly find out where Liuyun and the Nine Tails appeared.”

“Otherwise, Wan Yiyun really did not defeat the Nine Tails, and the final end could only be the Nine Tails destroying the village.”

“What we have to do is to support Liuyun and defeat the Nine Tails!”

After the voice of the ape flying sun chop fell, almost everyone stopped arguing.

However, there are still some older people who are very worried.

Can they really defeat the Nine Tails?

It was a tailed beast, completely beyond the scope of humans.

Only to hear the ape flying sun chop continue.

“Now, Jiraiya and the Great Snake Pill don’t know where they are going, Tsunade, when necessary, I hope to ask the slugs of the Wet Bone Forest to help fight.”

Tsunade nodded.

Now is the most critical period, as long as they can use the power, they must use it.

“I will also invite the Fukasaku Immortals and Shima Immortals of Myoki Mountain to come and help.”

Sarutobi said.

Although he did not sign a contract with the toads of Miaomu Mountain, his disciples also had a psychic relationship with Miaomu Mountain.

This also leads to a good relationship between Konoha and Myoki-san, and Myoki-san’s toads will also help Konoha fight when necessary.

At this time, it is the period when the power of the Miaomu Mountain Toad is needed.

“Now, what we have to do is find the location of Liuyun and the Nine Tails.”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper said suddenly.

And at this time, Tsunade felt as if something in his body suddenly became hot.

This made Tsunade stunned for a moment, because she knew that this was definitely not the movement of the little life inside her.

It has not been half a month later, and there are no signs of pregnancy at all.

Then, she found out what it was.

A piece of parchment in his body, shining.

Tsunade instantly remembered what it was.

This is a contract that Liuyun once signed for her or something, which is said to keep her safe.

Tsunade didn’t suspect Ryukun at all, so he signed it directly.

Tsunade closed his eyes and felt the parchment in his body.

And then……

She actually felt the location of the flowing clouds on this piece of parchment.

Tsunade quickly opened his eyes.

“I know where Liuyun is!”


At this time, above the mountains farther away from Konoha Village.

Liuyun held Jiu Xinnai, raised his head, and looked at this huge figure like a small mountain.

He is dressed in a fiery red appearance, two huge ears, and four claws like mountains.

The most striking thing is the nine tails behind it, and the untamed expression.

His eyes were contemptuous, and he looked up at Liuyun proudly.


“Surrender to me, or, die!”

Liuyun took off the fourth-generation Hokage cloak on his body and spread it on a rock with one hand.

Then, under the gaze of the Nine Tails, he placed Jiu Xinnai, who had lost his physical strength and fainted, on it safely.

Then, almost instantly, his eyes, a pair of blood-red kaleidoscopes appeared instantly.

“I should return this sentence to you intact.”

“Surrender, or die!”

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