People Keep Diaries At Marvel, And The Avengers Are Dumbfounded

Chapter 215: The Poisoning Incident Against Su Che

Pietro wants to be a lawyer, but can't read books about law.

So it's reassuring to hand him over to Matthew Murdoch, who is known as Daredevil.

At least in general, Matthew is still very reliable!

Just like now, with a mouthful of cow, put it in your mouth.

Su Che and Matthew paused at the same time.

Raising his hand, Su Che prevented Wanda who was sitting next to him from cutting the steak.

Then Su Che beckoned the waiter over.

"Hello, Mr. Su, do you have any orders?"

The waiter still knows about Su Che, the superhero Silver Moon Knight.

When the Battle of New York fought against aliens to save the earth, it didn't bring it up.

"Call the chef who made this steak, please!"

Hearing Su Che's words, the waiter froze for a moment.

But he nodded quickly: "No problem, Mr. Su, please wait a moment!"

Watching the waiter leave, Wanda turned to look at her boyfriend and asked, "Honey, is there something wrong with this steak?"


Looking at Wanda, Su nodded slightly.

On the other hand, Matthew Murdoch said 433: "It should be a hallucinogen. It is not fatal, but it can cause hallucinations. If the dosage is larger, it will also cause fainting.

"Generally speaking, the hallucinogens on the market are not as pure as this ingredient added to the steak!"

Speaking of this, Matthew smiled slightly: "Although I can't see with my eyes, my senses have been enhanced a lot.

"And as someone who has been a lawyer in Hell's Kitchen all year round, I am still very familiar with drugs like hallucinogens!"

Listening to Matthew's words, Wanda frowned subconsciously.

So, is it for Matthew in front of you, or is it for your boyfriend?

Soon, the chef and waiter from the back kitchen of the restaurant rushed over.

"Hi Mr. Su, I am the head chef here, how can I help you?"

Looking at the chef in front of him, Su San gestured to the steak on the table: "Did you cook this steak yourself?"

"Definitely, Mr. Su, I marinated and made this steak myself. What's wrong?"

Seeing the chef's answer, Wanda waved her hand as if nothing had happened.

A crimson magic (cjfb) instantly invaded the head chef's mind.

In the next second, the head chef said: "I made this steak by myself from marinating to frying. Although I left for a minute because of some things on the way, I asked my deputy to help fry it for a while."

"But for the sake of security, and also to thank you for saving the planet from evil aliens, I put a lot of heart into it."

"Make sure you and your friends have the best steak ever!"

Listen to the head chef answering his truest thoughts under Wanda's crimson magic.

Su Che nodded: "Chef, please ask your deputy to come here!"

Hearing Su Che's words, the waiter at the side quickly said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Su, Chef Bob's deputy asked for leave after finishing making the steak this time."

"It's been about ten minutes since I left!"

"And what do you know about Chef Bob's Deputy?"

"This deputy was handpicked by me."

As the head chef, Bob replied very seriously: "I personally assessed him when he came to apply for the job half a month ago."

"According to the rules, he should start with the most basic kitchen."

"However, his love for the chef industry made me promote him as an adjutant."

"By the way, his name is Alan West."

Hearing the head chef mention the deputy's name, Wanda took out her phone and sent a text message.

"Okay, Mr. Bob, please!"

"You're welcome, I wish the three of you a happy meal!"

After watching the waiter and head chef leave, Su Che continued to eat the steak in front of him. ,

At the same time, he handed the grilled lobster meat to Wanda: "Eat this, there are no hallucinogens in this!"

On the other hand, Matthew also cut up the steak in front of him and ate it.

Hallucinogens have no effect on Su Che, or any toxin has no effect on Su Che.

Similarly, hallucinogens did not have much effect on Matthew!

While eating the lobster meat handed over by her boyfriend, Wanda glanced at the reply received on her phone.

Then he said to his boyfriend: "Honey, according to the name that the chef said, this person named Alan West is using a fake name.


Passing the dipping sauce to Wanda, Su Che laughed: "From the fact that he left here in a hurry ten minutes ago, it's obvious that he did it on purpose."

"But only hallucinogens were used, not deadly poisons like cyanide."

"This should be a warning, or a reminder!"

"I don't know exactly what he wants to remind, but I will know when I find him!"

After taking a bite of lobster meat, I can feel the Q-bomb meat constantly jumping in my mouth.

The corners of Wanda's mouth raised slightly, and then said: "Natasha Romanoff has already searched for this picture of Hua Mingwei and Alan West, and it has been added to the database.

"It shouldn't be long before we can find his trace through the satellite matrix."

After a well-fortified dinner.

Matthew bid farewell to Su Che and Wanda and then left in a taxi.

Back in the car.

Wanda glanced at the phone, and then said to her boyfriend: "Honey, is this man named Alan West coming for you, or is he coming for that lawyer Matthew?"

"If it's coming after him, is Pietro in danger?"

"It should be directed at me!"

He turned sideways and stretched out his hand to fasten Wanda's seat belt.

After starting the car, Su Che smiled while driving towards the Avengers alliance base: "By the way, how is the control of Pietro's Ability going?"

"well enough."

He folded his arms and leaned on the back of the co-pilot's seat relaxedly: "According to Pietro, he didn't expect that one day he would have the same Ability as The Flash in the comics.

"I just don't know if his speed can break through the speed of sound, or even the speed of light."

"However, Pietro is not prepared to show this strength. He wants to become a lawyer more than a superhero who saves the world!"

Well, just think of what my boyfriend wrote in the black gold diary.

Pietro will die because of this Ability.

Wanda felt anxious for a while!

She felt that she could never bear the pain of losing her only brother.

So no matter what, I will never let Pietro join the Avengers!

Absolutely not!.

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