"Ning Chengyuan, are there really foxes on the mountain?"

Xuan Jiusi looked at the snow-covered forest, with the cold wind howling, but he never saw any animals.

Ning Chengyuan pulled him downhill, and said unhurriedly: "If I catch a fox, you can give me a kiss."

"..." Xuan Jiu pushed his hand away expressionlessly and went downhill.

"Is it okay, Xiaojiu?"

"You think beautifully!"

After descending the hillside, Ning Chengyuan led Xuan Jiu towards the winding stream halfway up the mountain.

The scenery on the mountain is really beautiful. The deep or shallow rocks in the stream are covered with white snow, forming ice cones, and the faint sound of water turning into snow and falling on the shallow stream is very lively and pleasant.

Xuan Jiu was looking at the stream obsessively. Before he could react, he felt Ning Chengyuan passing by behind him like a gust of wind. Behind the tree, the posture was a bit funny, Xuan Jiu couldn't help laughing out loud, and was about to say something, when he heard a very young animal's milky wailing sound, Xuan Jiu ran over to have a look, and saw Ning Chengyuan sat up from the tree with a small yellow-white fox in his arms, and said with some disappointment: "What a small fox."

Xuan Jiu also sat down, eager to hug the little fox, Ning Chengyuan gave it to him, Xuan Jiu stroked the little guy's fluffy fur, and said with a smile: "It's pretty cute, maybe it's lost gone."

"Tsk, there's not enough food and drink..."

Xuan Jiu raised his eyes and glanced at him coolly, Ning Chengyuan curled his lips immediately and said, "Who cares about it, let him be released after a while, that's fine."

Xuan Jiu couldn't help touching the big fluffy and soft tail behind the little guy again, "This fox is quite spiritual..."

Ning Chengyuan was silent for a while: "...Where's the spirituality?"

"Don't bite."

"Nonsense, it's good if it's not scared to death!"

Xuan Jiu looked up at him again, Ning Chengyuan shut up this time.

Xuan Jiu played for a while before getting up from the snow with the little fox in his arms, "Go and catch the hares, actually, I want to see your grandfather catch the hares even more, he must be very handsome."

Ning Chengyuan didn't like to listen to Xuan Jiu's words, Ning Chengyuan frowned and told him seriously: "As far as my grandfather's current skill is concerned, how can you compare me to me, I am much more handsome than the old man. "

Xuan Jiu looked at him with a smile and said, "Is a Fei Hugging the Hare?"

Hearing this, Ning Chengyuan raised his eyebrows, and when he walked up to him, he was already within a stone's throw and was about to get closer. Xuan Jiu took a step back in a daze, but Ning Chengyuan continued to approach him, and Xuan Jiu retreated steadily and finally I couldn't help but glared at him, "What are you doing, ah——"

Before he finished speaking, Xuan Jiu was thrown onto the snowy ground, the snowflakes flew around, dazzled his eyes, the little fox let out a howl, slipped out of his arms while his hands were loose, and fled in a hurry...

Ning Chengyuan's lips pressed up heavily, kissing urgently and forcefully, mixed with heavy breath.

Xuan Jiu's eyes were wide open, as if he was surprised, but when he was kissed, he didn't resist as he imagined, he just remained motionless, and even though he kissed his lips, his mouth couldn't help overflowing with some fragmented words. Taking a deep breath, Xuan Jiu moved his eyes away, and looked away with lowered eyes. He didn't know how long Ning Chengyuan would kiss, and his whole body was stiff, and he didn't dare to move at all.

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