Lin Banxia lowered her head and silently bit her lips twice.

The slanting sun in the cold spring season shines from the top of the eaves of the Nuan Pavilion, reflecting on her drooping little face, with a layer of gentle and quiet light and mist, it looks like a delicate flower without decoration, so lovely people.

There seemed to be a flicker of blankness in her eyes, which was quickly covered up, and she opened her lips in a slow and soft tone, "I'm not angry."

He Ruojin looked at the light that fell on her ears, as if it made her skin more radiant, he looked away, "I'll pick you up later."

Lin Banxia shook her head: "No need."

He Ruojin didn't listen to her, "Go back to class first."

Lin Banxia bit her lip, but in the end she said nothing, "Yeah", and when she left, she found that He Ruojin was still holding her hand, she struggled slightly, and He Ruojin seemed to be Only then did she realize that she quickly let go of her slender wrist, Lin Banxia didn't look at him again, turned and left.

Until returning to the classroom, Lin Banxia's face was still a little uncomfortably hot.

She lowered her head and took a peek at the wrist that He Ruojin had grabbed. She didn't know if it was because of her tender skin, but after being scratched for a while, her wrist turned red.

She pulled the cuff down again, not wanting to be seen.

Lin Banxia tried her best to calm down her mood, went to class, wrote as usual, and tried her best to get everything back on her own track.

She spent the day like this as usual, and finally finished school. When almost everyone in the class had left, she was still slowly packing things on her desk. In fact, there was nothing to clean up. You can leave as soon as you put things in the backpack, but Lin Banxia seems to have some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and she has to put everything in order before she is willing to put on the backpack and go.

Lin Banxia had already forgotten what He Ruojin said about coming to pick her up, and planned to walk back to the General's Mansion.

But just a few steps out of Yulin Academy, he saw the carriage of the General's Mansion stop in front of him, He Ruojin lifted the curtain and let her get in the carriage.

Lin Banxia looked at him, frowned slightly, and said no.

Then he ignored him, turned around and walked on.

But what she didn't expect was that after a while, He Ruojin's carriage followed, and the carriage followed Lin Banxia leisurely like a leisurely stroll. Follow her as you go.

Lin Banxia couldn't help but frowned and looked back, seeing the coachman comforting the horse in pain and then slowing down, Lin Banxia couldn't bear to drag others down, and finally bit his lip and stopped He stepped forward, and the carriage stopped immediately.

Then, Lin Banxia got into the carriage with tangled eyebrows, and sat down beside He Ruojin sullenly, only then did she see that the carriage was driving normally.

"I've already apologized to you." He Ruojin turned her head to see that Lin Banxia was still looking sad, and said in a deep voice.

Lin Banxia was still depressed, pursed her lips and said, "I also said that I don't need my husband to pick me up."

"Aren't you just angry?" He Ruojin really wanted to apologize to her, after all, he was indeed at fault this time.

Lin Banxia clenched her lips and said after a while, "No."

He Ruojin stared at her, raised the corners of her eyes lightly, and said, "I'll be back soon."

However, when Lin Banxia heard this, he still had no ups and downs in expression.

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