When the number of warmth arrived at the Yulin Academy, they were already outside.

When she just walked over, she heard that Su Haichao had extended her hand. “The silver ticket was brought and brought.”

The more he snorted, he reluctantly took a silver ticket from the robes and threw it at Su Hai, and then he continued to talk and walked over.

And a few of the students next to them are happy to die.

The number of warmth is quite awkward, and the expression of “what happened” appeared.

Su Hai’s silver ticket in his hand smiled and said: “I’m betting with you, I’m betting you still or not, I’ll have to give me a silver ticket if I lose!”

A few warm looking at them, silently said: “You, boring.”

“It’s very interesting, hahaha, what will I eat for a while, I treat you!” Su Hai is very happy.

Because it is still early, they plan to go to the famous warm rain shower in the city.

The warm rain platform is located on a high water platform off the lake. The high platform has a pleasant view and you can see most of the capital.

Many people love to go here to drink and make poems when they are free.

It is not surprising that they are students of the Yulin Academy.

When they paid for the boat and went to the warm rain platform in the past, many people were marveling at the beautiful scenery around them, and Su Hai was quite uncomfortable with this. “What is so good, I have seen most of them since childhood. Look annoying.”

He gave him a white look: “You don’t want to say this kind of hateful words to a native North City?”

A few people next to it smacked the scent of the Soviet Union.

Compared to the excitement of others, Jing Fei noticed that the number of warm sitting in front of his knees was quietly staring at the warm raining platform that was gradually approaching. He asked, “The number is warm, you come too. Have you been here?”

The number of warmth turned back and said: “No.”

Yu Yue followed and sat down and said, “I can understand the warmth of this kind of temper. I guess it is nothing to look at!”

The person next to him snorted and laughed.

A few warm lifts licked the corners of the eyes and didn’t seem to understand what they laughed at.

After going to the warm rain platform, the number of warmth heard Su Hai shouted, “Students, cherish the good times of today, we will start fighting for the exam tomorrow!”

One of the students was ambitious: “We must always be in a class! Don’t abandon each other!”

He crossed his foot and said: “You are getting out, Lao Tzu is going to enter the class of nine!”

“You have to abandon us!”

The more you smugly rushed to the warmth and threw your eyes: “Surely the number is warmer?”

The number of warmth slammed the corner of his mouth and said: “I am… with ease.”

Su Haile: “It’s still warm and sensible!”

They stayed at the warm rain station for a good afternoon, during which many people made poems. Jing Fei also wrote an article, and he was convinced of it.

The number of warmth is just a quiet and quiet view of the warm rain platform, the mood seems to be quite good.

At noon, they took a boat back to the city to find a restaurant for lunch, and later proposed to go to the moon forest outside the city to play.

When I heard that the forest was a forest, I frowned slightly. “Is it far?”

Su Haidao: “Not far away, it’s time to go out of the city and go west.”

I heard that the number of warmth did not mention anything.

Just thinking about it, you should be able to rush back before the time.

(I found that the question I answered was still asked, then I will talk about it here, the imprint on the number of warm clavicle will be removed later; 2晟Uncle is twenty-six years old, is ten years older than the number; 3 this article is overhead Don’t study history.) Then remember to vote, good night, demi~~

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