Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 454: Decisive Battle 26·Fire

"Faster, faster!"

Yin Mu kicked Mary on the cheek, instantly stopping Mary from flying at high speed, and then with a fierce force, Mary was completely thrown away.

"Aren't you famous for your speed? Kid, your current speed is still far behind!"

Yin Mu scolded coldly.

Mary stabilized her body and held the sword in her hand.

"My face is the body of death, and my blood is the sea of ​​death..."

"Don't even think about it!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Yin Mu's body instantly became blurry.

The concept of eternity is far more stable than justice, and it is no less famous in terms of popularity. As an eternal elf, the limit of Yinmu's body size after becoming hollow is also quite astonishing.

Crossing hundreds of meters, Mary was knocked away with one punch.

"This ability to infiltrate the world appeared during the war. So, is it an ability related to the soul?"

Yin Mu recalled the inherent barrier that instantly collapsed after being hit by his own punch, and roughly figured out a little bit about it.

Mary covered her dizzy head and exhaled a long breath.

"Too much trouble……"

Yin Mu's abilities are very simple, including physical skills, explosive rock fruit, and the ability to destroy the soul after turning into a spirit.

In addition to the fact that it is unclear what the power of the eternal elf is, Mary has been aware of Yinmu's ability almost from the beginning.

There is also information support from Vegapunk.


It's one thing to know, but another thing to be able to win.

Although the categories of abilities are very simple and crude, Yin Mu's own hard power is too high.

Mary looked at Yin Mu with slightly focused eyes.

If it hadn't been for this curse, Mary would have been able to fight with Yin Mu, and she wouldn't have been beaten like this...

The speed cannot exceed Yin Mu's limit of sight, hearing and color, and the strength is far inferior.

The development ability of Sanse Haki in every direction is inferior to that of Yin Mu.

The transformation speed of Elf is not as fast as that of Yin Mu, and her concept of justice is far inferior to Yin Mu's eternity.

Fruit ability... Most of the Fruit of Life has been destroyed. Although the Fruit of Desire is useful, the conditions have not been met.

For other abilities, almost all of them were roughly crushed when faced with Yin Mu's Explosive Rock Fruit...

The situation Mary is in now is simply like Kaido who faced Mary before.


After that, Yin Mu opened his arms.

Behind him, countless dynamite rock fruits gathered into long swords, floating behind him like a sword disk.

Mary didn't even need to guess to know what a fierce attack she would encounter next.

"Although your strength is far from what I think it is, there is one thing I admit..."

Yin Mu said calmly: "You are very durable."

"...I really don't know whether I should laugh or cry." Mary smiled bitterly.

"Buzz buzz..."

The dynamite rock swords were all aimed at Mary and began to vibrate.

The buzzing sound in the air became louder and louder, and the sword was about to be shot.

Mary tensed her body. Whether she was attacking or dodging, the pressure of Yin Mu's attack was too great.

next moment--


It was neither Mary's nor Yoom's voice.

A strange yet familiar voice came, and before the two of them could react, the explosive rocks around Yin Mu suddenly ignited with blazing white fire.


Explosive rock is an extremely sensitive explosive material.


! "

In an instant, all the explosive rocks surrounding Yin Mu exploded at once, and Yin Mu, who had no time to respond, was instantly submerged in the sea of ​​fire.

Mary immediately looked towards the direction of the sea where the distant sound came from.

A small raft made of small wooden planks floats on the rough sea, as if it will be overturned by the huge waves at any time.

A man's body was burning with white flames, standing proudly in the storm, still pumping his fist.

He wore a cowboy hat and a necklace of prayer beads around his neck.

There is also a tattoo of ACE on one arm.

Mary's eyes suddenly opened wide.

"—Portcas D. Ace!?"

"it's me!"

Ace stopped pumping his fists and raised his arms high towards Mary.

"Hey - long time no see Mary Vinicius. You're fine. It seems like you had a hard time fighting."

"You guy..."

Mary covered her head in confusion: "How did you find here... eh? No, shouldn't you be in Mariegioa now?"

"Shanks and the others went to Marigioa. It doesn't matter if I'm missing there. But I thought you might need my help here, so I came over."

After Ace said this, he crossed his nose with his finger.

"As for how I found this place, do you believe it when I say someone has been talking in my ear?"

"...Listen to the sounds of all things?"

Mary was a little confused, listening to the sounds of all things... Does Ace have this ability in the original work?


After investigating, Mary suddenly found that Ace's body seemed a little... special?

The flesh and blood body is yes, but... something seems to be missing.

"Let's put this aside for now...Mary, how are you, do you need my help?"

Ace raised the brim of his hat and grinned.


Before Mary could speak, a sea of ​​fire exploded in the distance.

Yin Mu's body almost turned into a meteor and fell down, and he appeared in front of Ace in the blink of an eye.

A punch pierced Ace's body, and flames burst out.

"Watch out!"

Seeing this, Mary roared without thinking, and then the sea of ​​​​blood condensed into a huge blood knife hundreds of meters long and slashed horizontally along the sea surface.

"Don't worry--"

Ace grabbed Yinmu's hand and said that he was fine.

Yin Mu looked at Ace's elementalized body and his face turned slightly cold.

The armed domineering force crawled onto his hand, and he roared in a low voice:

"Just relying on elementalization...isn't it a bit too contemptuous?"

After saying that, Yin Mu's hand knife sliced ​​Ace's body like thunder.

What happened next made both Yin Mu and Mary look surprised.

Ace's cut body did not have blood and flesh splattering, but flames spurting out.

His manic smile was not affected at all. As soon as Yin Mu pulled out the knife, his body began to heal.

"Is this also elementalization? No, no, elementalization cannot be immune to Haki."

Yoon murmured.

Mary, who was coming from a distance, recalled what Ace had just said about his ability to listen to the sounds of all things, and an incredible idea suddenly flashed through her mind.

"...This guy won't turn into an elf, right?"

But even if Ace is an elf, he is not immune to domineering power. He is obviously made of flesh and blood. To be immune to domineering power, an elf must become insubstantial.

Another question is, why is Ace an elf?

"It seems like I don't have a choice now."

While both of them started brainstorming in their minds, Ace did not stop his actions.

His hand turned into white flames and he punched Yin Mu.

"fire punch--"


Yin Mu's body was instantly submerged in the flames, and the next moment, the overlord's domineering energy exploded, crushing Ace's boat.

The EX-level Overlord Haki can completely push this small boat into the sea, and Devil Fruit users will lose the ability to resist once they enter the sea water.

Of course, the current Ace will not lose his abilities due to sea water. However, over the years, the instinctive rejection of sea water cannot be changed in a short time.



This move again!

Mary watched Ace's next move attentively.

It was the same move just now. After the sound fell, the explosive rock next to Yin Mu suddenly burned without warning.

Mary had not seen any signs of flames burning before this, which puzzled Mary.


With the flash of fire in the sky, the overlord-colored domineering energy that was originally spreading towards Ace instantly froze.

Then, a blazing white fire burst out, illuminating half of the sky.


Mary and Yin Mu both showed shocked expressions. Yin Mu immediately withdrew his domineering aura without even thinking about it, while Mary immediately analyzed the ability that Ace showed just now.

Light it up in the air? combustion? flame?

The key is...can you burn something as ethereal as the Overlord's Haki? Rather, it’s a bit surprising that Haki can actually burn, right?

Mary suddenly knew why Yim couldn't hit Ace's body just now.

Was Armed Haki burned away before meeting Ace...

Thinking of this, Mary's eyes lit up.

Seeing that Yin Mu's attention was entirely focused on Ace, Mary immediately grabbed the fighter jet, and her blood condensed into a giant blade that struck Yin Mu fiercely.


Yoon-mu protected his body with armor, and was then beaten out by Mary like a bowling ball.

As Yinmu was knocked away, Ace waved his hands and jumped into the air.

Even before the fruit was developed into an elf, Ace had already developed the ability to use flames to fly. Speaking of which, most elemental fruit ability users have the ability to fly for a short period of time.

"It's been a long time indeed, Ace." Mary looked at Ace who was approaching and clapped softly, "The last time we met was during the war on the top, right? Compared to that time, you...seem to be a lot stronger ah."

"Of course, I am the one who wants to seek revenge from you. You have progressed too fast. If you don't work harder, you will never see hope in this life."

Ace first suppressed his smile and said to Mary seriously.

Then he sighed and relaxed.

"But before settling our grudges... let's get rid of this guy first."

Ace turned to look at Yinmu in the distance and bumped his fists.

"Speaking of which, Shanks and the others should have arrived at Mariejoia by now, right? Ha, maybe they have already won the battle."

"So, we can't do any errands here."

"I advise you to restrain yourself a little bit..."

Mary looked at the inexplicably confident big boy in front of her with some speechlessness.

Yin Mu has not used his full strength until now, and Mary can detect this. There was nothing wrong with Mary's previous thoughts. Lovedru was indeed a battlefield that benefited one's side.

Yin Mu seems to have been suppressing his power to avoid affecting Rafdru.

And Mary also knew that Yin Mu was most likely going for the Lunaria Stone.

But suppressing one's own strength does not mean that the opponent is really that weak. If the opponent is forced into a hurry, no one will have an easy time.


"Ace, can you burn the toxin?"

Mary suddenly asked.

"Huh? Toxin?" Ace was stunned for a moment, "Can't you burn this thing? Your fire is hotter than mine. Killing the poison doesn't take a minute?"

"No, it's not... I don't care about that kind of poison at all."

Mary shook her head and then explained: "Let me give you an example..."

She raised the dusk in her hand.

"Can you burn away the poison in this knife?"


Looking at the familiar black knife, Ace was silent for a moment.

Then he nodded.

The poison on this knife has always been one of the shadows in Ace's heart.

Ace could only watch Whitebeard fall with this kind of poison that even Marco couldn't eliminate.

Now he has the ability to burn abstract objects. This poison is almost like a curse...

"You can give it a try!"

After hearing Ace's affirmative answer, Mary narrowed her eyes.

She opened her arms and faced Ace.

"Then if you can, burn the curse out of my body."


Ace frowned: "Are you serious? I have never tried to burn such a thing before."

"And...you believe me?"

Mary met Ace's doubtful gaze and grinned.

"I hate pirates. But I still trust idiots like you."


Ace crossed his arms, shook his head, and then couldn't help laughing.

“Can’t you guys say something nice?”


A crimson spear cut through the sea of ​​blood and stabbed the two of them. Ace and Mary started at the same time, and a blood gun and a musket hit the spear of Explosive Rock one after another.

The shock wave of the explosion knocked the two men upside down.

"It seems like it's still a bit troublesome..."

Ace looked at Yin Mu who quickly finished and said, "Before that, we have to get rid of this guy first..."



Mary's hand patted Ace's shoulder.

"My body rotates like day and night..."

A series of spells were spoken quickly. This series of spells was much shorter than the set of spells used by Demon King Buwu.

Moreover, the spell used was completely different from the previous one, and Yin Mu didn't realize anything, so he didn't stop it immediately.

The next moment, a white light flashed, and the bodies of Ace and Mary disappeared into the air at the same time.

Yin Mu's body suddenly stopped in the middle of the rush.


On the distant Rafdru Tower, An and Lilia stood on the high platform with some uneasiness, looking anxiously at the flickering battle on the sea in the distance.

It was difficult for them to help in a battle of this level, and Mary had no intention of letting them participate in this battle, which kept the battlefield far away from the beginning.

Just as the two of them were nervously watching the battle in the distance, there was a sudden roar behind them as a giant object fell to the ground.

Both of them looked back in shock, only to see a metal dome emitting heat hitting the steel frame of the high tower above their platform.

The next moment, a foot violently kicked the shell of the dome, and a limp figure crawled out of the dome, sticking out its tongue half-dead.

"Ah... we're finally here."

"Lan Hai, I'm back..."

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