Pirate Company

Chapter 267 Don’t let him run away

Taking advantage of the opportunity to attack Zhou Xian, the Bullfighting Family has recently deployed additional maritime forces to patrol the waters of the Central Sea.

With the intervention of the Bullfighting Family, there are basically no merchant ships owned by Yixian Food Company in the Central Sea, and maritime trade continues in the Central Sea.

Yixian Food Company withdrew from the stage of the Central Sea, and the Bullfighting family took over the maritime trade of the Central Sea.

The current central sea channel is still busy with countless merchant ships. Compared with the past, the people and horses have changed. Most of the merchant ships sailing on the central sea are merchant ships under the Bullfighting Kingdom.

It can even be said that the merchant ships of the Bullfighting Kingdom were somewhat unscrupulous when conducting maritime trade in the Central Sea.

As long as they like the business, they will snatch it up and will not care about the life and death of merchant ships from other countries.

The powerful maritime power of the Bullfighting Family gave them such confidence.

The domineering behavior of the merchant ships of the Bullfighting Kingdom made many merchant ships from other countries around the Red Continent miserable. At the same time, they also missed the time when Yi Xian Food Company controlled the central sea.

"It would be great if Yixian Food Company was still here."

"Yes, they are a group of real businessmen, so they would not do such barbaric acts."

"It's a pity that Yixian Food Company has offended someone they shouldn't have offended. The Bullfighting Family is too arrogant."

"Stop talking, the warships from the Bullfighting Kingdom are coming."

"Be careful and don't talk nonsense."

Several ships were sailing on the central sea. As the business at hand was greatly affected, the people on the ship had not complained more to the initiator of all this. They saw the cruising warships of the Bullfighting Kingdom appearing around them. They were so frightened that they quickly covered their mouths, fearing that the other party would hear something.

"Look, what we found is another group of merchant ships that are conducting maritime trade in the central sea without permission." As soon as the merchant ships of the Bullfighting Kingdom approached, they heard jesting and mocking sounds.

"Sir, please let us go. We had just left the port and were preparing to report to the maritime power of the Bullfighting Kingdom when we met you." Voices begging for mercy were immediately heard from several merchant ships.

Since the Bullfighting Kingdom has taken control of the Central Sea, merchant ships from other countries must obtain permission from each other if they want to conduct maritime trade on the Central Sea.

The so-called permission is just to pay a considerable escort fee to have the right to sail in the central sea.

Having been dispatched with maritime forces to maintain safety at sea, it is understandable to pay a protection fee. The problem is that in order to ensure its own commercial interests, the Bullfighting Kingdom exploits the merchant ships of other countries too severely.

If the escort fee is really paid, most of the benefits brought by a maritime trade by other countries' merchant ships will fall into the hands of the Bullfighting Kingdom.

It is precisely because of this that there are many lucky merchants who secretly enter the central sea to sail when merchant ships from other countries have no choice.

Once this kind of behavior is discovered by the maritime power of the Bullfighting Kingdom, the result will be nothing more than sinking them all.

It happened that several merchant ships secretly entered the central sea.

Only then would they immediately beg for mercy like the warship of the Bullfighting Kingdom in front of them, hoping that the other party would open up and bypass them once.

"Looking at you, it seems you have no intention of paying the escort fee. Now that we have caught you, you should know the result."

On the Bullfighting Kingdom warship, all the soldiers burst into laughter.

Originally, the maritime force sent by the Bullfighting Kingdom was to find the merchant ship of Yi Xian Food Company and sink it, so as to force Yi Xian to hand over the scalpel fruit in his hand.

Someone actually dared to rob the bullfighting family of something they wanted, not to seek death or something.

A group of soldiers from the Bullfighting Kingdom, who were full of energy, originally planned to have a battle on the sea, but they did not expect to sink a few merchant ships of the opponent. They retreated on Yi Xian. On the sea surface of the Central Sea, let alone the ones owned by Yi Xian Food Company. The merchant ship was gone, not even a shadow could be seen.

The soldiers of the Bullfighting Kingdom, who were bored after cruising all day, decided to have some fun on their own, and scaring merchant ships from other countries who were smuggling into the country became their daily pastime.

"Sir, we know we were wrong. We will make up for the escort fees we should pay now. Don't do anything." Seeing the attitude of the soldiers on the ship, the owners of several merchant ships were very smart and stopped a group of soldiers who were wiping the gun barrels. , painfully took out a box full of gold coins and placed it on the deck.

For a moment, the ship was so gleaming with gold that it was hard to keep your eyes open.

"Oh, you are still sensible. I can't forgive your reckless behavior this time. Next time, remember not to forget to report it in advance." Everyone on the Bullfighting Family's warship saw a box of gold coins on the other side's ship and immediately chose Forgive each other.

Their job is important, but it does not prevent them from taking advantage of their work to reasonably increase their income.

Therefore, it is understandable to be tolerant to others.

"I will definitely not forget it." The owner of the merchant ship wiped the sweat from his forehead and promised repeatedly.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Wait a minute."

"Is there anything else we can do for you?"

After the soldiers removed a box of gold coins on the deck, the owner of the merchant ship quickly asked his men to get busy and start the merchant ship. Before their ship could set off, the other party called out to them again. Everyone on the merchant ship was so frightened that they trembled and couldn't finish their sentences.

"Hahaha" After laughing, the commander on the warship said: "There is nothing else, just to remind you, when you find a merchant ship from a food company, remember to report it to us as soon as possible."

The senior members of the bullfighting family promised enough benefits to their subordinates, asking for money for money, and officials for officials, and only one request, sinking all the merchant ships under Yixian Food Company.

Envious of the benefits in the hands of their lords, the soldiers of the bullfighting family are quite concerned about the traces of the merchant ships under Yixian Food Company.

After all, this is a good and effective way for them to get promoted and make a fortune.

"Should be, should be" I thought in my heart that there is no food company merchant ship in the central sea, and the owner of the merchant ship subconsciously glanced at the calm sea.

A merchant ship of Yixian Food Company appeared in front of them majestically.

"My lord, the merchant ship of Yixian Food Company is right there. I reported it immediately, and we left first."

The owner of the merchant ship pointed out a direction, and Flee also ran away with a few merchant ships under his command.

It is definitely not a good thing for a merchant ship under Yixian Food Company to show up at this time.

If you don’t leave now, wait until later.

"The boat in front, stop immediately and accept our inspection. The other party is about to escape, so hurry up and chase them, don't let them go."

The warships of the Bullfighting Kingdom also found the merchant ships of Yixian Food Company, and chased after the merchant ships of Yixian Food Company without paying attention to the departure of the several merchant ships in front of them.

Sinking a merchant ship belonging to an idle food company would definitely be of great benefit to their own future. How could they let go of this rare opportunity.

"The opponent is fleeing too fast. If we only rely on one ship, we can't stop the opponent at all. Let's contact other warships."

After chasing them all the way, they just looked at the shadow of the merchant ship of Yixian Food Company from a distance. The soldiers of the Bullfighting Kingdom had no choice but to seek other help.

"The merchant ship of Yixian Food Company appeared and walked on the waterway near the West Central Sea. We are chasing each other. Please support the nearby warships immediately."

Blue blue!

Sailing on the surface of the Central Sea, the sea forces cruising in the Bullfighting Kingdom heard the phone bug ringing almost at the same time, and the same sentence came from inside.

"Brothers, the merchant ship of Yixian Food Company has appeared, hurry up and chase after it."

"After being idle for so long, I finally have something to do."

"Don't rob, the military exploits of sinking the merchant ship of Yixian Food Company belong to us."

"It doesn't matter, first come, first served, whoever sinks it counts."

The sea power of the bullfighting kingdom in the entire central sea seemed to be crazy, and it increased its horsepower and rushed to the sea area where a commercial ship from a food company appeared.

"The fish is hooked, let's watch your performance next."

Suddenly appearing in the central sea, a lonely commercial ship of an idle food company was idled out on Monday.

The purpose is very simple, it is to create an opportunity for Alujie to plunder the merchant ships of the Bullfighting Kingdom.

I always remember the loss of several merchant ships.

If you have a chance on Monday, of course you want to come back for revenge.

Since Alujie wants to be a pirate, he must give him a little help.

"Don't worry, Brother Barbarossa, the whole world is destined to be shocked." On the boat, Arujie assured Zhou Yixian beside him.

"I've finished my work, I won't leave you here, go get busy." Zhou Yi waved his hand, and a blue door appeared on his boat, sending Alujie away.

After the people left, Zhou Yixian looked at the many merchant ships that were chasing him with a cold look in his eyes.

"It's time for revenge to come back."


Zhou Yixian jumped, and the merchant ship under his feet was smashed into pieces by the huge force.

"Someone is coming, ready to meet the enemy."

"It's a free Monday. We caught a big fish and made a fortune."

"Catch him and don't let him go."

"If you dare to board our ship, just stay there."

The warships of the bullfighting family who came after them spotted Zhou Xian's figure, and shouts of excitement came from the sea.

"If you want to keep me, I don't know if you have the ability."

Zhou Yixian, who was in the air, looked at the excited bullfighting family soldiers with a look of disdain.

Behind him, several blue doors appeared again.

Juus, Sparta, and Eve walked out of it.

"Finally it's our turn to make a move, great."

As soon as the three people came out, happy expressions appeared on their faces.

It was as if the bullfighting family sea fleet in front of him was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"It's a seventh-order powerhouse, and all four of them are."

"Leave quickly, don't give them a chance to get on the boat."


It was too late to discover the sea power of the bullfighting family, and what awaited them would be a merciless massacre.

The arrogant bullfighting family, due to the recent easy victory, did not send top combat forces to the central sea.

Therefore, if the four seventh-rank powerhouses board the ship and fight, it is enough to severely injure the bullfighting family and the sea power of the central sea. Using oneself to attract each other, and then get them together, this is Zhou Xian's plan.

For revenge, he never wanted to borrow the hands of others.

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