Pirate Company

Chapter 325 A Message

Seeing such a scene, all the Tianlong people still feel a little uncomfortable.

They have no objection to the naval headquarters stationed in the Red Earth Continent. A group of people in the Navy headquarters, a group of Tianlong people still have enough understanding.

They are not worried at all that the Navy Headquarters will pose a threat to the status of all countries. On the contrary, with the assistance of the Navy Headquarters, the security of the Red Earth Continent will be greatly improved.

The red earth continent is too chaotic, it's time to settle down. A group of Tianlong people with self-consideration rarely expressed their opposition to the entry of foreign forces into the Red Earth Continent.

You must know that before the change, the Tianlong people would never allow foreign forces to enter their own territory, even the Navy headquarters without any ambitions.

No objection to the Navy Headquarters, a group of Tianlong people simply have an opinion on Zhou Yixian.

"Since everyone has found a way to eliminate the pirates, the purpose of this world conference has been achieved. There is nothing else, let's go back to our country and prepare."

Not wanting to have a hot fight with the kings of small countries on Monday, a group of Tianlong people directly announced the end of the World Conference.

"The opportunity is rare, don't worry."

"We still have a lot to say with the King of Iceland."

"The domestic pirate issue cannot be rushed. We plan to stay for a few more days."

The kings of the small country, as if they didn't hear the words of the Tianlong people, still surrounded Zhou Xian, hoping to get closer to each other and get some help.

"You guys. Where is the World Conference now?"

Blue blue!

When all the Tianlong people reached the peak of their unhappiness and were about to explode on the spot, the phone bug on Zhou Yixian's body rang.

Seizing the opportunity, a group of Tianlong people persuaded: "You have plenty of time, the King of Iceland may not have the time to spend more time here. Now that the agreement has been reached, everyone has relieved their worries, let the King of Iceland deal with his own affairs first. "

"That's right, Greenland is waiting to be rebuilt, and everything is inseparable from the King of Iceland."

"We are the ones who interrupted you, so let's take our leave."

"If you have the opportunity, make more contacts."

A group of kings of small countries scattered like birds and beasts, and left Zhou Yixian's side, creating opportunities for him to answer the phone bug.


Zhou Yi chatted flatteringly to everyone, picked up the phone and squeezed out the crowd, pushed open the door of the meeting room, found a quiet corner, and then picked up the phone bug in his hand.

He was also very curious, what kind of event happened if his subordinates still chose to contact him even though they knew he was attending the World Conference.

After picking up the phone bug, Zhou Yixian first reported his home, and then said: "Is there anything urgent that I need to deal with?"

"My king. Boss has an urgent situation, and I need you to deal with it." On the other end of the phone bug, Eric originally planned to call Zhou Yixian the king, but thinking that the other party didn't like this title, he changed his words and said: "You I have been paying attention to something, and there is news.”


Holding the phone bug on Zhou Yixian, a meaningful voice came out of his mouth.

Eric said: "Not long ago, the exploration team found a boat that claimed to be the Bujarni family and went to Greenland near Greenland. From them, the exploration team got an important message. I think it has something to do with what the boss said. Therefore, the subordinates reported it immediately, hoping that it will not cause trouble to the boss."

"There is no trouble, don't worry about it." Zhou Yixian gave Eric on the other end of the phone bug, a reassuring tone, and continued: "Buyarni, I have never heard of this person, can you explain it to me in detail? say?"

After the words fell, Zhou Yixian recalled it carefully in his heart, and found that his memory was correct, and he had no memory of this strange name at all.

He really didn't understand what he was paying attention to had anything to do with Bujarni.

"Of course." Eric was also very moved by the boss's politeness. He eased his emotions before lowering his voice and said, "Boss, is it convenient to talk now?"

Even through the phone bug, Zhou Yixian felt the cautious look of the other party. Looking around, he moved a little further away from the meeting room, and then said: "There is no problem now, you can talk about it."

"The Bujarni family originally planned to immigrate to Greenland. After they transited in Iceland by boat, they joined the large fleet that emigrated to Greenland by sea. Later, they encountered a heavy fog and went to Greenland. The fleet lost contact." After roughly introducing what happened to Zhou Yixian, Eric continued: "From the end of the red earth continent, they found a waterfall. A shipwreck took the Buyarni family to a completely unknown place"

"Don't worry, it's okay to slow down."

Sensing Eric's anxious tone, Zhou Yixian interrupted the other party in a timely manner, taking a breather before speaking.

Zhou Yixian knew about Eric's eagerness to show himself in front of him. Back then, Zhou Yixian became the king of Iceland on a whim in order to avoid troubles from the bullfighting family. Eric, an Icelandic citizen, committed a serious crime. Zhou Yixian spared his life and gave their family a good income. Eric has been working hard for himself.

Now Eric, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is honest and responsible. The Vikings who now live on Greenland are in a similar situation to Eric.

The Vikings with a brutal bloodline have undergone such a change. It has to be said that no one can match the power of money.

Who would risk their lives to go to sea with an ax in their hands to beg for a living when they had a stable meal?

At the beginning, Eric was still somewhat disapproving of Zhou Xian's decision to exile himself. In his opinion, Zhou Yixian was completely forced by the pressure of the island residents, so he had to let himself go.

However, after the naval battle in Greenland, Eric realized that he was wrong. If the boss wanted to kill him back then, he didn't have to worry about anything at all.

Although he didn't know why the boss spared his life and made him the captain of the exploration fleet of Yixian Food Company, Eric was always thinking about giving the boss some necessary rewards.

He has a hot temper, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to be grateful.

When he became the captain of the exploration fleet, Zhou Yixian gave him a special account.

Eric has always kept in mind the boss's intentional confession to him, but he has been searching the Red Earth Continent for a long time, but has not found the existence of the golden land that the boss said, so Eric is also a little anxious.

Feeling that he had let down his boss's trust in him, Eric got in touch with Zhou Xian the first time he got the news.

Now that he finally had the opportunity to share his boss's worries and problems, how could Eric not be excited.

On the other end of the phone, it took a long time before Eric calmed down his excitement, and said: "Because Buarni is not in the mood for adventure, he wants to take his family to Greenland for a stable life." We didn’t stop at the land where they arrived, which was full of forests, and we are not sure whether that land is the place the boss mentioned.”

"Are there no pyramids on that piece of land?" Combined with what Eric said, Zhou Yixian couldn't be sure whether the land Buyarni found was the land he thought of.

After all, in his previous life, he searched for some news about pirates because of the popularity of the pirate anime, but after all, it was some one-sided news, and the details were not very clear.


It was only then that Eric remembered that his boss had given some special explanations about that unknown land. After a careful meeting, it seems that they got the news from Buyarni that their family did not find such a distinctive building on that land.


On the other side of the phone bug, there was a long silence.

"It doesn't matter. There are still many undiscovered places above the sea, and you don't have to pay too much attention to it."

As if feeling Eric's self-blame, Zhou Yixian comforted him softly. For his employees, Zhou Yixian can be called a good boss.

"That's right. What did I think of?" Although he has lost hope that the land Buyarni discovered is the land that the boss said, but he still hopes to provide some useful information to Zhou Xian as much as possible. , "According to the news from the other party, that piece of land is not unclaimed land, and there are aborigines on it."

"aboriginal people"

Zhou Yixian was also silent. With the degree of magic reform in this world, there should be no human footprints on that land.

Zhou Yixian immediately denied the news that Eric said, and that piece of land was consistent with what he thought.

"The land where Buyarni landed has a distinctive feature, wild grapes can be seen everywhere." Eric didn't want to let go of a detail, and continued: "There is another very strange thing, according to Buyarni Ni said that after their brief contact with the aborigines on land, they learned from the aborigines that no outsiders had set foot on that land for hundreds of years."

"Perhaps, another Wano country."

Zhou Yixian listened carefully to what Eric said, and murmured to himself.

"Boss, I didn't hear what you just said clearly."

"Don't worry about it, it's just some irrelevant words."

Zhou Yixian explained a bit, and then he was about to end the call, but Eric's voice sounded again, and Zhou Yixian put down his hand again.

"Regardless of whether Bujarni said it was the land that the boss mentioned, the subordinate has already sent his son, Leif Erik, to go there in person. Regarding the route to the land over there, Buyarni has already recorded it completely, and I believe that after a while, accurate news will come back."

Eric didn't want to let go of any possibility. As soon as he got the news, he sent his son to visit. Even this kind of news, he didn't forget to inform Zhou Xian.

"Thank you for the long-distance sea voyage, let Leff pay attention to safety."

"Thank you boss, that piece of land is near the waters of Galle, where the Celestial Dragons and other countries have developed quite a few deadly islands, and the safety issue can still be guaranteed."

"When your son comes back, he will definitely bring good news."

Not to mention that the Galle sea area is okay, but once you talk about Zhou Yixian, you can conclude that the piece of land that Buyarni discovered is probably the piece of land he mentioned.

It's just that Zhou Yixian doesn't know, the footprints of Tianlong people from all over the world have already reached the Galle sea area, why they haven't found that piece of land for a long time.


Zhou Yixian sighed, half of the world he lived in was seriously transformed by magic, and half of the land that was about to reveal its mysterious veil. A piece of land that is no worse than the Red Earth Continent, he has no choice but to take it all to himself.

Anyway, another era is coming.

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