Pirate Company

Chapter 334 This project, voted!

"Does your aircraft have a name?"

"The name. I haven't decided yet. I'll make a decision after the research is successful."

"How about calling it Rocket?"

"Rocket, that's a good name. After the research is successful, I'll call it this name. It feels like it will be an appropriate name."

The two of them looked like a rocket with iron bumps to outsiders, chatting happily.

"Boss and the old man, did you know each other before?"

"It's not very similar, but it feels like we can chat."

"I always feel that the two of them talk about things very well."

Behind him was a group of food company soldiers who didn't even know what the boss and the white-haired old man were talking about. And they talked very enthusiastically, they couldn't help thinking, are things like rockets really that powerful?

Not only his subordinates, but also Zhou Xian himself was shocked by what Braun secretly researched in Kojima Lab.

Overall, the technological level of One Piece World is extremely deformed. Man-made cloned soldiers and human weapons can be regarded as high-tech products. However, these kinds of scientific and technological achievements do not represent the technological level of Pirate World. There are many backward technological products in the world, such as muskets and human paddle boats.

In One Piece World, there are some whimsical advanced technologies that are in the hands of a few people. The technological level of the entire world is still relatively backward.

What other people hold is the artillery with a range of several kilometers at the farthest. Braun is researching rockets that can hit hundreds of kilometers away.

Once the rocket research is successful, who else in this world will be his opponent. No matter how strong your personal strength is, there is nothing that cannot be solved by a rocket launcher. If so, then a few more rounds, hundreds of rounds.

Everything within the range of the rocket launcher is the truth.

This is why, when Zhou Yixian saw something similar to a rocket model in the laboratory, he would not hesitate to invest in Braun.

At present, it seems that Braun has been secretly researching on the island alone. In the absence of funds and manpower, the rocket is almost almost successfully developed.

With my own help, it's not easy to catch.

It doesn't matter whether it can go to space or not, as long as it can be made into a missile.

"It's really great that you can provide me with manpower and corresponding equipment funds. It should not be a big problem to transform it into a missile capable of hitting hundreds of kilometers. When the rocket is successfully developed, we can immediately carry out the transformation .”

Regarding Zhou Xian's request, Braun didn't even ask. He only thought about continuing his research. It's no big deal to develop a little subsidiary product or something.

"Then there's no problem. I've voted for this project more than a week ago."

Seeing that Braun didn't ask why he needed a highly offensive product on Monday, he was relieved.

Getting along with a pure-minded person like Braun does not need to bother too much at all, just communicate directly. Not long after, Zhou Yixian and the other party verbally reached a series of funding agreements.

Between the two, neither of them is someone who would easily go back on their word, so they didn't care about it. The cooperation between the two seemed less formal.

After dealing with the matter at hand, Zhou Yixian left the laboratory with the pirates.

This group of pirates did not fall into the hands of King Charlie in the end, and their whereabouts are unknown, as if they disappeared from Usedom Island and lost their traces. Disappeared with the pirates, and the hostages who were hijacked.

Fortunately, due to personal safety considerations, King Charlie did not go to the island with Zhou Yixian, so he gave him the opportunity to wipe out the existence of the laboratory on the island.

Braun's research is really too important. Since it has not been discovered before, it is best not to let others discover it. A killer's mace can only exert its fatal effect if it is hidden in a place where others cannot see it.

Outsiders only know that the Usedom Island, which is jointly owned by the Beer Kingdom and another country, and the Slavic pirates who caused chaos in the Pineapple Sea were all wiped out by King Charles on the island.

King Charlie wouldn't care about the details, and as an outsider watching the fun, it's even more impossible to care about what happened on Usedom Island.

There is nothing worth paying attention to in an extermination battle against pirates. Perhaps, the hiding place of the wealth in the hands of the pirates would be a good focus.

But they knew that the wealth in the hands of the Slavic pirates could never be hidden on Usedom Island, and it was too late and impossible.

Therefore, Usedom Island, because of a decisive battle, quickly cooled down after a fire, and there was no one else. There was no special island in this pineapple sea area.

With the last force of chaos in the Red Earth Continent and the destruction of the Slavic pirates, the Red Earth Continent has finally recovered, in a state of safety it has never had before.

Seeing the harm brought by pirates, the countries of the Red Earth Continent also let go of their prejudices, and they don't care about outsiders, as long as they can protect their own safety.

Logically, the Navy Headquarters took over the work of safeguarding the security of the sea area of ​​the Red Earth Continent. On the waters of the Red Earth Continent, with the existence of the navy as a professional force, the difficulty for pirates to become bigger and stronger has risen several levels at once.

Since the Navy Headquarters took over the defense of the waters of the Red Earth Continent, no decent pirate forces have appeared above the waters of the Red Earth Continent.

The countries of the red earth continent finally understand that professional issues should be handled by professionals. Anyway, the Navy Headquarters will not have other ideas, as long as they pay a protection fee, they can guarantee their own safety, so why not do it.

After breaking away from the world ZF, the Navy Headquarters and the countries of the Red Earth Continent have reached a new relationship. Non-interference, just a simple employer-employee relationship, harmonious and beautiful.

The Navy Headquarters has made enough money, and the safety of all countries in the Red Earth Continent has been guaranteed.

For the countries of the Red Earth Continent, the most important point is that they don't need to waste their strength to maintain the safety around the sea area. They finally have enough strength to look further in the direction of their eyes.

They have extra strength to develop the maritime trade business with the kingdom as the background.

The Hanseatic League has taught many countries in the Red Earth Continent a good lesson. Only when they are united are they the strongest and the most profitable.

At the beginning of its establishment, it was to deal with Slavic pirates at sea. Unexpectedly, before they had time to take action against the pirates, the pirates in the sea were wiped out.

At the beginning, the Hanseatic League joined each city, and I was still a little confused.

We have been developing silently for so long, why don't we have the chance to express ourselves.

Fortunately, the Hanseatic League is not a fighting organization. They joined together initially to ensure the safety of their maritime trade and to develop some maritime-related industries.

The Hanseatic League didn't worry about not being able to show off their muscles to the pirates for too long, so they devoted all their attention to how to safely develop maritime trade.

As a result, they began to further improve the system and formulated a series of commercial policies to make the business in their hands look more legal.

Maritime trade in the Red Earth Continent has become more regular.

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