Pirate Company

Chapter 342 I gave everything I had to give

In the morning, the sun shines on the earth and everything recovers.

In the palace of the king of the gods, another day began, quarreling over the successor to the throne.

"You idiots actually want to let such a stupid person inherit the throne. The decision you make will drag the kingdom of the gods into the abyss."

"Hmph, the character you chose is not so good, but he is a greedy and lustful person."

"That's better than your choice, too."

"I don't think so. I'm afraid that some people would do such demented things because of selfishness."

"If you say I have selfish intentions, what will you do?"

"Stop arguing, there is no result if you continue."

"After you have discussed it, come again."

A respectable old man in the palace interrupted the continuation of the quarrel, and everyone looked at the old man who spoke, so they had no choice but to let it go.

"With me here, you can never succeed."

"This sentence is also what I want to say."

Regarding the issue of succession to the throne, the kingdom of the gods was divided into several camps, all thinking about the throne that their supporters would eventually take. If disputes continue, how can the domestic situation get better?

Before the results of the succession to the throne came out, the big figures who controlled the state power had no intention of governing the country.

"My lord, it's not good. Huhu"

As soon as a group of high-ranking people reached the gate of the palace, they were stopped by a soldier. It seemed that they were running in a hurry and their breath was not smooth.

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

Although a group of high-ranking people can say all kinds of cursing and vulgar words secretly for their own benefit, but in front of ordinary people, they still maintain the etiquette that nobles should have, with gentle smiles on their faces, which makes people feel comfortable.

"Hoohoo. The Fjord Kingdom is attacking."

"Where is Queen Margaret attacking again? She is still an ambitious woman."

"No. It's the kingdom of the gods, which was attacked by the fjord kingdom."

"What. Why didn't you say it earlier."

In the eyes of a group of nobles in the kingdom of the gods, except for the issue of succession to the throne, it is not a big problem. They had no interest in Queen Margaret's insane ambitions. However, when they knew that the opponent's attack target was their own country, they all ran back to the kingdom like burning their butts.

"Margaret, a crazy woman, will definitely not make small troubles. Choosing this time to attack the kingdom of the gods is really a good time."

"Who is it that leaked the intelligence of our country? Once I catch him, I will make his life worse than death."

"At this time, it's not the time to care about these things. Let's think about how to deal with the attack of the Fiordland Kingdom."

"With the Hanseatic League at sea, there is no need to worry too much. All we need to pay attention to is nothing more than an attack on land."

"Yes, we should focus our main strength on defending the opponent's land attack."

Within a short time of running back to the kingdom, a group of high-ranking people roughly discussed the countermeasures. Seeing how harmonious they are, it's hard to imagine that not long ago, the two sides quarreled so much that they almost had a big fight.

At this time, no one in the kingdom of the gods thought about the issue of succession to the throne again. They can still clearly distinguish the priorities of things. The country is gone, so what kind of throne is needed.

Not long after the Fjord Kingdom attacked the Kingdom of the Gods, the Kingdom of the Gods responded by sending a large domestic army to guard the border between the two countries.

On the sea, the kingdom of the gods didn’t care at all. On the one hand, after Queen Margaret lost the participation of Viking pirates, there was no decent sea power in the country. On the other hand, the Hanseatic League wanted to protect and control merchant ships For the security of the Hanseatic League, it has spent a lot of money and effort to establish a powerful maritime armed force, which has been patrolling and security activities in the waters controlled by the Hanseatic League.

As a member country, the Kingdom of the Gods will require a maritime patrol fleet. Recently, it will not be too difficult to focus on the waters near the Kingdom of the Gods.

After the battle between the Kingdom of New Fjords and the Kingdom of the Gods began, Queen Margaret launched a fierce attack on land, as expected by the nobles of the Kingdom of the Gods.

Even if the opponent's attack direction was expected, due to the influence of the recent throne disputes in the kingdom of the gods, the army of the kingdom of the gods who defended in advance was not an opponent of the Vikings of the kingdom of New Fjords.

The Kingdom of Fjords is in full swing, and it will be a matter of time before all the defenses of the Kingdom of the Gods are broken. In desperation, the Kingdom of the Gods had to seek help from the Hanseatic League.

The Hanseatic League joined the Battle of the Cities, and Rostock and Wismar dispatched garrisons in the city as soon as they received help from the Kingdom of the Gods, giving the most violent and resolute counterattack to the invasion of the Fjord Kingdom.

With the joining of the cities that joined the Hanseatic League, the Kingdom of the Gods finally eased its decline and barely resisted the attack of the Fjord Kingdom, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

The two cities relentlessly subsidized the kingdom of the gods, but the rulers behind them were not happy. The soldiers stationed in the two cities did not have the consent of the king at all.

The Hanseatic League has shown signs of losing control.

The war between the two countries, compared to the hustle and bustle on land, seemed much deserted at sea.

At the request of the Kingdom of the Gods, the king of the Hanseatic League's maritime armed forces has almost lived in the waters of the Kingdom of the Gods recently. Looking at the calm sea, they feel bored.

"The battle on land has already attracted all their attention. Can we attack now?"

"I'm ready."

"I have given you what is due to you, and the rest is up to you."

The Hanseatic Alliance maritime armed forces, dozens of warships, and a merchant ship parked nearby, observing every move of the Hanseatic Alliance maritime fleet.

The few people talking on the boat were none other than Zhou Xian, Queen Margaret, and Klaus.

"King of Iceland, don't you have any interest in the land in front of you?"

Thinking of something, Queen Margaret made a final attempt. From the beginning of the contact between the two parties, she wanted to pull Yiyi Xian into her chariot, but the other party had no interest in land at all.

Despite being rejected many times, Queen Margaret still clung to a glimmer of hope. Once the King of Iceland and the Yixian Food Company fleet join in, the Kingdom of the Gods in front of them is not worth mentioning at all.

Even if someone wants to intervene in the current war, they must consider whether they can withstand the subsequent retaliation from the Kingdom of Fjords and the Kingdom of Iceland.

The combination of the two would definitely make the Red Earth Continent tremble.

"Land has never been what I want. I just want to make a small amount of money safely."

Zhou Xian shook his head and refused again.

The Greenland Island was already enough of a headache for him. He knew that he was not the material to be the king at all. Zhou Yixian didn't want to look for trouble anymore and get himself a piece of land that would give him a headache just by looking at it.

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