Pirate Company

Chapter 366: The Sky Is Falling

As usual, the bar in Port Royal was full of pirates. Since Monday leisure brought Pat back to the coachman kingdom, the taverns on the island were one of the few industries that had not been affected.

Going out to sea to find the treasure ship of the Bullfighting Kingdom, regardless of whether they harvested or not, the pirates will return to the bar in Port Royal to relax and relieve the fatigue of going to sea, and adjust the monotonous life at sea.

"Come on, keep drinking."

"Next time, the treasure ship of the Bullfighting Kingdom will not be so lucky."

"Hurry up and finish the drink, let's go to sea."

"Thanks to the Bullfighting Kingdom for bringing us a new source of income."


Toasting and drinking, the pirates who are true to each other communicate with each other, the recent gains from the sea, and because the recent income is not bad, the tavern is full of laughter.

Knock, click.

In the joyous tavern, the wine glasses placed on the table shook unrestrainedly.

"Is the volcano erupting again?"

"There will always be a little problem in Port Royal, don't worry, let's keep drinking."

Since there are several active volcanoes in the waters near Port Royal, sudden movements in the tavern have long been familiar.


The pirates in the tavern were about to continue drinking. When they picked up the glasses in front of them, a gust of wind blew open the door of the tavern.

"When a volcano erupts, strong winds are not common."

"There's nothing else going on."

"Who goes out to see what's going on."

"The sea area of ​​Galle has been chaotic enough recently, who still has the heart to care about these things."

"drink, drink"

Even if something unexpected happened, the pirates in the tavern still didn't pay attention to it. They paused for a while, then poured a large glass of wine into their mouths.

No one, the look of wanting to get out of their seats.

"Are we going to drink until night?"

"Why does it get dark all of a sudden, the happy time is always short."

"Boss, hurry up and turn on the light."

It was still at noon, and the sky became inexplicably dark. A group of pirates in the tavern were a little drunk, and they didn't realize that there was something strange.

"I clearly remember that it's only noon now, why is it getting dark?" The pirate in the tavern drank his head, but the tavern owner didn't. Feeling strange, he murmured a few words to himself, and was urged by the pirate, and forgot to go on. Thinking, but hurried to turn on the lights in the tavern.

"Look. Outside. The sky is falling outside."

Because the tavern was too dark, and he had something on his mind, the tavern owner searched for a long time, but couldn't find the switch that he usually found easily. The tavern owner was groping around the bar counter, feeling blessed for no reason, and glanced outside the door that was blown open by the wind.

At a glance, he was terrified.

A piece of the sky in the distance was missing, turning into eternal darkness. The missing piece of sky formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding blue sky.

The picture in front of him did not make the tavern owner feel any weird beauty, but his heart was completely filled with fear. He just forgot to take a look at the missing sky, and he felt that his soul was about to be dragged away, how could he dare to continue to look at it.

"Boss, turn on the light."

"Do you want us to pour wine into our noses? What kind of broken tavern, when the night comes, the lights are reluctant to turn on."

"It's fine if you don't want to turn on the light, and if you say something stupid, God will collapse,"

"I'd like to see if it's true. We're not so easy to fool."

"Tiantian collapsed."

Hearing the foolish words of the tavern owner, I originally wanted to prove it myself, and then show the tavern owner a good look. After all the pirates looked out the door, they were so scared that they forgot what they wanted to do before.

They didn't even feel that the hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly and the wine spilled all over the floor.

The scene in front of me was too scary.

"The end is coming, leave now"

"The evil Port Royal is about to usher in destruction."

"Go back to the sea and escape far away."

The pirates in the tavern, although they have seen strong winds and waves, have never seen such a terrifying scene, and they are a little scared. The previous cheerful atmosphere of the tavern was replaced by panic.

Already drinking enough, many pirates felt that it was difficult for them to even stand at this time. Even so, they still staggered towards the door of the tavern, and rushed over with a shake of their heads.

If they don't leave, they are afraid of being swallowed by darkness.

After all, the place where the sky collapsed was not far from Port Royal, and who could guarantee that the collapsed sky would not spread in their direction.


Before all the pirates could reach the gate, a gust of wind suddenly blew up inside the tavern. Before they figured out why the wind was blowing in the tavern, they felt a powerful attraction behind them, pulling their bodies forward.

Boom, boom, boom!

The battle was already unstable, and a group of pirates were blown upside down by the sudden gust of wind in the tavern and piled up on the door of the tavern.

"There is a monster in the sky. He wants to devour us."

Not caring about themselves, all the pirates gathered together looked at the distant sky. They quickly found the reason for the wind. It wasn't the wind blowing in the tavern, but the collapsed sky, which sent out a frightening devouring force, attracting everything on the island to the distant sky.

There are already many tables and chairs on the island, which have flown into the sky. Fortunately, they didn't see someone being rolled up into the sky for the time being.

"Fortunately, we are far away."

"It's hard to imagine how terrifying it would be to be in that sky."

After being blown back by the strong wind, the pirates finally regained their minds. They found that as long as they steadied their bodies, they would not be pulled over, so they put down their worries.

"You are all well-known pirates in the nearby waters. Don't you feel embarrassed to be so panicked when something happens?" A contemptuous voice sounded in the tavern, and his words were full of shame towards the pirates lying on the ground.

"Boss Loronas, do you understand what happened?"

Being despised, the pirates were not angry at all. Instead, like curious babies, they looked at the only group of people sitting calmly inside the tube.

Loronas, like Minsi, is one of the actual rulers of Port Royal and a powerful eighth-level man with destiny.

The pirates in the tavern believed that with the strength of Rolonus, they should be able to understand the strange situation in front of them.

"So what if you understand, there must be top warriors fighting in that sky." Rolonas did not show off and directly informed the pirates of what happened in that sky.

He felt fear from the terrifying fluctuations coming from the sky. This was a feeling he had not had in many years. For the sake of his own safety, he had no intention of going to investigate.

Who is it that started the war?

Although he did not want to participate in the battle between strong men, Rolonus still wondered in his mind whether the two parties fighting might be people he knew.

"In the Galle Sea, even the top experts have taken action."

"We won't be affected."

The frightened pirates felt completely at ease after hearing what Rolonas said.

It's just a fight between strong men, so that's fine.

Just fighting can cause such a terrifying phenomenon. This kind of strong man has no intention and does unnecessary things.

Naturally, they won't come to trouble them.

"The Bullfighting Kingdom finally takes action."

All the pirates knew that there must be strong men from the Bullfighting Kingdom on both sides of the war.

"We should restrain ourselves a little lately."

"Haha." The cowardly performance of the pirates earned another sneer from Rolonus. He looked down at the group of pirates underground and said: "A top strong man was frightened, how can you still What a coward. The era of rampage has begun, isn’t it the time for us to show off?”

"This will be an era that belongs to the strong. Only the strong can have the last laugh."

Rolonas looked as if there was no one around, and opened his arms as if he was hugging something, with confusion written all over his face.

"Our time has come."

"Take advantage of the opportunity and plunder."

The fallen pirates seemed to be awakened and laughed evilly.

Chaos is their era.

A little chaos will give them a chance.

The terrifying vision caused by the collapse of the sky was not only seen by a group of pirates in Port Royal, but also the Crocodile Island and Arawak Island not far away.

All forces from the Red Earth Continent were stationed on the island. When they looked at the sky, the expressions on their faces were replaced by excitement.

"The First Throne has finally been impacted."

"We will wait and see whether the bullfighting kingdom can still retain its throne in this era that is about to go crazy."

The battle between Zhou Xian and Bazan made the Galle Sea agitated.

Being in the center of the war, Zhou Xian was not feeling well. He went too far with the previous blow of annihilation. Even if he hid in the mirror space in time, he still suffered a big impact due to the chaos in the nearby space.

The external space collapsed, making the mirror space unstable and vibrating.

Just when the mirror space was about to collapse, Zhou Yixian was spit out by the mirror space, and he sent away Eve and others in the mirror space in time.

When Zhou Yixian returned to the sky, the terrifying space collapse had stabilized, and countless Dao Liyuan visible to the naked eye were filling the dark space.

The dark space is being smoothed bit by bit, and it won't be long before the collapsed sky will be blue again.

"It proves that even a blow shouldn't be painful." Looking around, but finding no trace of Bazin, Yiyi Xian let go of his guard.

Although he didn't believe it, Bazin was destroyed by one blow, but he felt that the other party left.

"King of Iceland, I have never seen your talent before." Just as Zhou Xian was about to leave, a familiar voice sounded in his ears, which set off alarm bells in his heart.

Looking back suddenly, Zhou Yixian found that Bazan was standing behind him unscathed.

"There's nothing you can do about it. The difference in strength is really huge."

Zhou Yixian had already expected the result, but he still felt a little disappointed.

"I admit that if I had been slightly negligent in the blow just now, I might have suffered considerable damage."

Bazin's body was covered with biscuit crumbs like rain, covering the sea below. With the ability of Biscuit Fruit, he directly withstood Zhou Yi Xian's most powerful blow.

The ninth-level powerhouses, as the most powerful people in the world, are indeed not that easy to deal with.

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