“Corazon, patriarch of the Don Quixote family.”

“Killing Vice Admiral Krok in the navy headquarters, he is bold and powerful,”

“Superman is a Silent Fruit ability,”

“Holy Lord Twelve Charms Rabbit Charm Divine Hidden Assassin Corazon,”

“The reward is 350 million Bailey,”

Time passed in a hurry, and just after Corazon handed over Doflamingo to the Marshal of the Warring States, Corazon could be said to have quickly subdued those cadre members of the Doflamingo family.

Although the hearts of these cadre members were indeed full of resistance and resistance, in the face of Corazon’s powerful strength, all resistance was useless.

The powerful strength was directly crushed, and the cadres of the Doflamingo family could be said to have been suppressed by Corazon one by one.

Just after Corazon successfully became the boss of the Doflamingo family and changed the Doflamingo family to the Don Quixote family, the navy’s bounty order appeared throughout the sea.

Although the Navy knows that Vice Admiral Kroc was not killed by Corazon, the Navy needs an excuse, an excuse to arrest Corazon.

Obviously, this matter is a good excuse, although this will allow Corazon to establish a lot of enemies in the navy, but for Corazon at this time, this matter is not a matter at all, what he needs is his own prestige, his prestige.

The position of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai is not easy for anyone to sit on, this is a need for seven strengths, prestige, power, and power belong to the top existence in the entire pirates.

Corazon is strong enough at this time, but his prestige and power are still a little insufficient.

He can completely use this matter to make his own prestige, Vice Admiral Crok of the Navy, he is also a well-known existence in the Navy.

Although his strength has regressed a little because of old age and physical decline, there is no doubt that Corazon’s prestige is also a small prestige because of this.

It has become the object of constant talk about in people’s mouths.

For example, the little girl who paid great attention to the Holy Lord, Nicole Robin, the Bull Charm Warrior.

“Did you really show up again? Lord Holy Lord,” Looking at the newspaper in her hand, Nicole Robin’s heart can be said to be full of endless surprises, especially for Corazon’s report, the Holy Lord Twelve Charm Warrior Rabbit Charm Divine Hidden Assassin Corazon.

Seeing this, Nicole Robin’s heart can be said to be full of endless surprises, knowing that she has been waiting for this news for six years.

“Robin,” the more beautiful and charming Nicole Olvia, she came to her daughter Nicole Robin with a worried face, and her face could be said to be full of pity and worry at this time.

“Mom, I’ve found the Holy Lord,” Nicole Robin looked at her mother with excitement, her words even full of trembling.

“It’s the Holy Lord you are talking about, the Holy Lord Lord who gave you the power of the Ox Charm,” with a hint of doubt and surprise on her small face, Nicole Olvia looked at Nicole Robin.

“Mom, look, this person is a rabbit charm warrior, which means that the Holy Lord gave him the power of the rabbit charm, doesn’t this mean that he knows the whereabouts of the Holy Lord,”

The little face is full of joy, and Nicole Robin’s face can be said to be full of endless surprises.

“The rabbit charm warrior Corazon, who killed the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, the patriarch of the Don Quixote family,” As he read the newspaper in his opponent, some basic information of Corazon can be said to be imprinted in Nicole Olvia’s mind.

This is a state that makes her feel strange, is this little guy in front of her really the evil guy who does everything?

Was he really a villain who killed the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, as described in the newspapers?

Why is the name of the Don Quixote family so familiar to her?

“The Don Quixote family, one of the nineteen Draco families living in the Holy Land of Marie Joa, a world nobleman, descendant of the gods,”

While Nicole Robin and Nicole Olvia were standing there talking about Corazon, Dr. Cloba walked out of the room of the ship of history with a serious face.

“The Don Quixote family, one of the nineteen Draco families,” Nicole Olvia looked at Dr. Cloba in disbelief, knowing that Nicole Olvia, who had been to the New World, she knew the status and power that Draco had.

The world’s aristocracy enjoys the protection and protection of the world government and navy, but it is said that they are a group of people with infinite power and position.

“That’s right, it’s Draco, but more than ten years ago, the patriarch of Don Quixo chose to leave the Holy Land of Marie Joa to give up his Draco identity,”

Under Dr. Cloba’s narration, some things about the Don Quixote family can be said to be all told.

Voluntarily give up Draco’s status and become an ordinary mortal.

However, after coming to earth from heaven, the Don Quixote family enjoyed the oppression and oppression of countless mortals, and they vented all the oppression they received from the Draco to the Don Quixote family.

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