The war on top intensified again after Luffy led a group of prisoners from the Great Undersea Prison.

The Navy’s previous plan, after Ye Feng’s arrival, had already deviated.

By now, it’s almost completely the opposite.

The situation has come to the present situation, if Ace cannot be executed, then the navy will be swept away and face will be lost.

It’s not that Sengoku didn’t think about turning off the video phone worm, but that would definitely give everyone an illusion:

The Navy is afraid!

Therefore, at this time, he can only break the jar and break it, go all out, execute Ace and fight the pirates back.

Only in this way can the dignity of the Navy be saved.

“All naval personnel, all in battle.”

With an order from the Warring States, this top war completely entered the peak.


“It seems that some things have not changed!”

For the big melee below, Ye Feng was not interested at all, and at this time, his attention was on Whitebeard.

Behind the white beard, to be exact.

The guy with a spider pattern on his forehead was standing behind his white beard with a knife, his face gloomy.

One moment gritted his teeth, the other full of respect and love, his face changed back and forth and struggled, and he looked extremely entangled.

In the end, all emotions turned into a fierce touch.

Suddenly, Sen Han’s knife light lit up…


At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and a bolt of lightning split the void, descending from the nine heavens, and instantly fell behind Whitebeard.

This sudden change immediately attracted the attention of many people.


“That guy, is he going to do something to Daddy?”

“No, that man is not trying to deal with Daddy, look behind Daddy.”

Several captains roared, first casting angry glances at Ye Feng, and then when they saw the fallen figure behind Whitebeard, they were full of puzzlement.

Obviously, they had already understood that the target of Ye Feng’s attack was not Whitebeard, but the person behind Whitebeard.

And now what made them curious was who that guy lying on the deck was and what exactly did to cause Ye Feng’s attack.

“That person is Skuyard!”

“It’s really Skuyard, but why is he behind Daddy at this time?”

Soon, someone familiar recognized the figure, it was the ‘Great Vortex Spider’ Skuyard.

“Ye Feng little ghost, what do you mean”

At this time, Whitebeard’s eyes were like torches, looking straight at Ye.

Seeing that he was holding Guan Dao’s hand tightly, Ye Feng couldn’t give him a reasonable relief, and he would attack in the next second.

As we all know, Whitebeard treats everyone in the pirate group as his own and attaches great importance to it.

Now, Ye Feng was in front of him, a son, and Whitebeard would naturally be angry.

But at the same time, Whitebeard is not a brainless person.

Vaguely guessed that there must be something he didn’t know about this.

“Huh!” Ye Feng chuckled indifferently, “That guy is going to stab you in the back, I don’t look happy, so let him sober up.” ”

Ye Feng explained, and whether Whitebeard believed it or not, he shifted his gaze to the high platform in front of him.

There, there was a murderous gaze, staring at him deadly.

Who else can there be besides the red dog who has been paying attention to the dynamics here and waiting for the father and son to be staged?


Ye Feng sneered and gave a middle finger to the red dog, and the extremely disdainful gesture immediately made the red dog angry.

This carefully planned counter-plot by the Navy, if successfully completed, will surely inflict heavy damage on Whitebeard, the most threatening one.

Even, the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, was completely left in Marin Fando.

At that time, it will be extremely beneficial for the Navy from that point of view.

Ran Goose, seeing that the plan was about to succeed, was only half a step away, but he killed Ye Feng, Chen Yanjin, halfway.

Not only will it cause all the thoughts spent by the red dog before to turn into flowing water, but it may also backfire and further stimulate the fighting spirit of the pirates.

At that time, in the face of the excited and united group of white-bearded pirates, the navy will inevitably fall into a more difficult battle.

Thinking of all this, the killing intent in Chi Inu’s eyes seemed to turn into substance, staring at Ye Feng like a hellish ghost.

The whole person was like a volcano about to erupt, emitting a gurgling terrifying boiling sound.


Eye turn.

After hearing Ye Feng’s words, Marko and several other captains who returned to the guard, their faces suddenly became extremely serious.

Whitebeard is not only their most beloved daddy, but also the pillar of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the sky that has always guarded them.

If it was really as Ye Feng said, Skuyard was ready to assassinate Whitebeard, in that case, he would definitely succeed.

Because Whitebeard never defended his family.

The consequences of this made Marko and others chill their backs when they thought about it.

Looking at the big knife in Skuyard’s hand, several people couldn’t help but feel numb scalps.

If Whitebeard is stabbed, even if he survives this war, the final end will definitely fall.

For a while, several people looked at Skuyard, their eyes full of anger and killing intent, as well as deep puzzlement and disappointment.

With Blackbeard, the precedent of killing his companions, now Skuyard wants to assassinate Whitebeard even more.

This undoubtedly deeply stung the nerves of Marko and others.

As for Whitebeard, he has been silent, and his eyes are deep, as frightening as an abyss.

Something seems to be waiting for.


At this moment, Skuyard, who was lying on the deck, let out a muffled snort, and then opened his eyes and saw Whitebeard and the others.

“Skuyard, why did you assassinate your father?”

“Tell me quickly, are you an undercover agent sent by the Navy?”

For a while, several captains questioned Skuyard out of control.

In the face of these questions, Skuyard came back to his senses and suddenly roared: “No, Whitebeard is not worthy to be our father.” ”

His words immediately angered several captains.

“Soulless, I’m going to kill you this guy, Marko, don’t stop me.”

Seeing that Joz was about to punch Scuyard to death, Marko immediately stopped him and said in a deep voice:

“Joz, calm down, let daddy decide this matter.”

Hearing this, Joz and several others immediately calmed down.

“Kula la-la, Skuyard, my stupid son, tell me, why did you do this?”

PS: Kneel for subscription! Thank you all for your support!! _

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