Seeing Lu Jiu and the others rushing towards him with joy on their faces,

Weilin ran towards them with a happy face and hugged the girls into his arms.

Especially when they saw the two little guys in their arms.

Verin gently held Natsu and Robin in his arms, and laughed heartily.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“I’m so happy to see everyone is safe!”

“Let’s celebrate together!”

Hearing Verin’s loud laughter, the faces of the girls of the Atrias Pirates also showed joyful expressions.

Just when all the crew members of the Rocks Pirates were celebrating each other,

Rocks felt a little The heartbroken statistics of the losses in this battle were counted.

Looking at the statistical results in his hands, even Rocks, who possessed an ambitious nature, could not help but frown.

But when he thought that the Rocks Pirates were about to become a member of the New World, The fourth largest force in the world, his brows quickly widened, and a proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Rocks glanced at the crew of the Rocks Pirates who were celebrating each other in the port, and he let out a cheerful smile. of laughter


“Guys, to celebrate this victory!”

“Let’s have a grand party to celebrate!”

After the crew of the Rocks Pirates heard Rocks’ laughter, they immediately rushed towards Rocks excitedly, lifted him up high, and let out a series of excited cheers.

“Long live Captain Rocks!”

“Long live the Rocks Pirates!”

Seeing this scene, all the members of the Rocks Pirates present showed happy expressions.

Only Shiji glanced at Rocks a little unhappily.

But he quickly adjusted it, and the corners of his mouth gradually showed. A happy smile.

With everyone’s active preparations, this riddled port soon became lively.

Just as the Rocks Pirates celebrated this hard-won victory,

Rocks The news that the pirates successfully defeated the Iron Wall Pirates was also reported by the World News Service.

As newspapers recording the battle spread rapidly towards the new world through special channels,

The evil reputation of the Rocks Pirates has also completely spread in the new world.

The new world is Lion Island.

Earl Jones, who has been paying attention to this battle , soon received the news.

After learning that Bright was leading After being restrained by the Golden Pirates, a look of pity suddenly appeared on his face.

However, Earl Jones quickly put this matter behind him, because today was the day for the Lion Pirates to choose their heir.

Today Earl Jones will select the strongest one from among his six children to be the heir to the Lion Pirates.

The heir to the Lion Pirates will receive the ancient species Ni in his hand. The devil fruit in the form of Mia’s fierce lion.

This time, all the cadres of the Lion King Pirate Group and the affiliated pirate groups will come to Lion King Island to participate in this grand event, where they will witness the birth of a new generation of Lion King.

New In the first half of the world, on a naval warship with a white flag flying,

Cyborg Kong looked at the looming islands on the sea ahead, his eyes full of excitement.

At this moment, Cyborg Kong’s adjutant looked anxiously towards him. He ran over

“General Cyborg!”

“News from cp0!”

“Just seven days ago, the Rocks Pirates successfully repelled the Iron Wall Pirates’ attack.”

“The fleet led by Bright is now returning to defend the Iron Island at full speed.”

After hearing the adjutant’s report,

Cyborg Kong thought for a while and then said to him firmly.

“keep going!”;

“This time we have to take a bite out of the Golden Pirates!”

After hearing Cyborg Kong’s decisive words, the adjutant left here at a trot and ran towards the cabin.

Just when the Rocks Pirates were still immersed in the joy of victory, the first half of the new world began. A huge storm is brewing.

In the first half of the new world, there is an island on the outskirts of the Golden Pirates.

At this time, hundreds of warships flying white seagull flags are heading here menacingly. As the navy warships entered the sphere of influence of the Golden Pirates, they immediately launched a fierce attack on all the pirate groups they encountered on the way.

Under countless intensive artillery attacks, these pirate groups were all defeated by the navy without exception. The warship sank in the sea.

As the naval warship approached the island, Sengoku, who was standing on the bow of the navy, also began to direct the battle.

After Sengoku issued the order to fight, all the commodores on the warship immediately With excitement on their faces, they led their troops and quickly rushed towards the island at their feet.

After seeing that the island had completely become a paradise for pirates, these commodores immediately charged towards their subordinates with angry faces. The soldiers gave their orders

“Come on! Kill all the pirates here!”

After hearing the orders from their superiors, several naval captains immediately led their soldiers with serious faces and rushed towards the pirates in front.

With their close cooperation, the pirates in front were quickly wiped out by them..

Seeing the horrified expressions of this group of pirates when they were about to die, these long-pressed marines suddenly felt much more comfortable.

On this island, there is a luxurious entertainment complex built by the Golden Pirates.

Every day here It will attract a large number of pirates to spend money here and run entertainment venues, which is also one of the main businesses of the Golden Pirates.

In the entertainment venue, on a huge round gaming table, there is a charming girl wearing cool clothes. The woman, with a charming smile on her face, slowly opened the dice cup in front of her.

Just as everyone was nervously waiting for the final result, the door of the casino was suddenly blocked by a pirate covered in blood. Pushing away hard, the expression of fear still remained on the pirate’s face.

He looked at the group of pirates who were still having fun and yelled with all his strength.

“The navy is coming!”

As his words fell, all the pirates present just laughed in disdain.


“How can it be?”

“This is the territory of the Golden Pirates!”

“How could any navy dare to come?”

Seeing the disapproval looks on the faces of these people, the pirate from the Golden Pirates did not continue to talk to them, but ran directly towards the roof.

After hearing the navy coming, on the table, there were The female officer opened the dice cup, and her beautiful eyes immediately flickered.

As the complex color in her eyes flashed away, the woman quickly squeezed into the crowd and disappeared.

On the top floor of the luxury entertainment venue, this The person in charge of the island looked at the little brother covered in blood with some suspicion.

He was also shocked by the news brought by the other party.

After learning that the island had been surrounded by the navy, he immediately put it in his arms The two women pushed away, quickly put on their clothes and got up.

The little leader of the Golden Pirates walked to the window doubtfully and looked out.

He just glanced at it casually and saw When we arrived outside the entertainment venue, we were surrounded by nearly a thousand marines.


“How dare they?”

“This is the territory of the Golden Pirates!”

While he was still dazed, the window in front of him suddenly burst open.

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