In fact, the navy fights the pirates!

In fact, civilians fight civilians, and it is the internal friction of the civilian class elite.

But then again, if you can get a better education.

At the same time, they grow up in a better environment.

There may not be so many pirates and criminals in this world.

After all, who is really willing to live in a dark corner for the rest of their lives.

has been hunted by others all his life, and he has been chased like a dog.

In fact, there is a problem with this world itself.

I haven't received any positive education since I was a child.

Plus living in such a depressing, painful, hopeless environment.

I have witnessed the unjustified extravagance of the aristocracy.

Obviously they don't do anything, they know how to eat, drink and be merry all day long.

But they just live better than you, happier than you.

Have everything you can't hope for.

And you obviously live so hard, work so hard.

But life still did not improve, on the contrary, there was a heavy tax.

As a result, the already poor life is even worse.

What's more, the aristocracy doesn't just want your money but also your dignity.

If you encounter pirates, the first to slip away must be the nobles.

It must be the commoners who will be slaughtered and ravaged

! Then the problem arises!

Since the aristocracy cannot provide shelter to the commoners, they cannot make the lives of the commoners better.

So why did the commoners have to pay taxes, is it just for the pleasure of the nobles?

What is even more excessive, once the day comes to pay the heavenly gold.

The nobles, in turn, would impose pressure on the commoners.

Obviously, I have already paid a lot of money.

Why do you have to bear such a large expense as heavenly gold.

But no one responded positively! Those

who dared to question were met with abuse, reprimand, and whipping.

It can even cost you your life.

As if everything was as it should be.

The nobles in the high echelons were obviously rich, but they were not willing to bear the cost.

Instead, he covered his purse tightly.

As for the world government,

I don't care where the protection money comes from? Is it stained with blood?

They are one with the aristocracy.

The end result, of course, is that civilians lose everything.

The little money you worked hard to earn, the little money you saved.

All at once it was squeezed dry by the aristocracy and the world government.

Even so, there is not a trace of sympathy and pity.

Not to mention thanks.

It's as if they've all forgotten where the glory and wealth come from.

What? Is it the blood and sweat of the common people?

No! No! No! This is a gift from heaven and what they deserve

! Man! That's it!

As a profit-making party, there is no upper limit to that shameless face.

As the oppressed and the ruled side

, it may be numb, but it may not be either!

People are unable to imprison their thoughts and desires, and there is a limit to patience.

I've seen and experienced so many crazy things.

People have to mature, they have to become fierce, and they have to become cold-blooded.

Especially when the simplest and humblest happiness is shattered before the eyes.

Or leave this world in despair and pain.

Either it will explode completely and fall into endless madness and extremes.

This is the truth

of this world! But does the world government really not understand it? Maybe not?

It's just that they are the biggest beneficiary of this world.

With supreme power and status, innumerable wealth.

Do you think they're going to give it up?

You don't have to think about it, it's almost none.

This is human nature

! When you have nothing, you can be great!

But when you have everything, you are not that person.

But at this time, if you still act as a virgin and a great man.

That's a disguised search for death.

For man's desires are insatiable.

When too much help is given, it will take a long time! The

person being helped will naturally feel that it is deserved.

It's not a good thing to get something that is too easy and too simple.



this time, there were several figures standing in the harbor.

The person who took the lead was the admiral Steel.

This was followed by Sengoku, Zefa and Tsuru, and then several lieutenants and sailors.

And the reason why they are here is because they are going to greet someone.

Karp didn't just inform Zefa.

Subsequently, the news was passed on to the other three people.

When he learned that Karp's son was coming to the navy.

They were surprised at first, followed by genuine joy.

They still know a lot about Dorag's information.

It is said that the talent and strength are very good!

He is definitely the best among his peers, and he is the group of people who belong to the top of the pyramid.

And according to reliable sources

, Dorag is also a natural fruit ability, and his physical skills and domineering attainments are also very good.

The comprehensive strength has entered the quasi-general level.

If nothing else, he will also be a general-level powerhouse in the future.

As for whether this information will have an element of fiction.

Several people thought that it was unlikely!

Because Karp would mention his precious son from time to time.

There was a smug look in the words.

And every time I returned to

the Navy Headquarters, I would tell them about the latest situation in Dorag.

That radiant look was added to their understanding of Karp.

So it's almost certain that what he's saying is the truth.

They also had a keen interest in Dorag for a long time.

But when asked why Dorag didn't come to the Navy.

Karp's face froze instantly.

The pride and pride in his eyes turned into helplessness and loneliness in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the scene in front of

them, they suddenly had a bad premonition, and it really came true.

When I learned that Dorag!

because I had seen somewhere that some members of the Navy were acting against the way of justice.

The justice of the Navy was questioned.

The steel bones smashed the desk table on the spot.

Sengoku, Zefa and Tsuru's faces were also full of anger, and roars filled the room.


These scum!Naval moths

!" "All of them should pay the price!"

and then dialed the phone bug!

Soon a voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"Hello! Does Marshal Air have any orders?"

"Vice Admiral Barukhta, you take people on a trip

to the East China Sea!" "According to reliable information, there is a problem in the navy of the East China Sea.

"Please go there secretly and investigate thoroughly

!" "If you find out, you will be arrested directly

!" "If you dare to resist, then you will be killed on the spot

!" "Check them one by one! I want to see how many naval moths there are

!" "As for the deadline!When will I let you come back before you can come back!""

Got it?"

"Yes! I'll leave right away!"

I'm going to get rid of all this scum. Then

the phone bug went limp.

Cyborg Sora also put down the microphone with a gloomy face.

The office fell silent for a moment.


people present were very helpless about this situation.

No way! You can't have an organization without moths.

They are here to uphold justice on the sea, but some people are not!

These people may be for power, or for power, or for wealth.

It may even be someone installed by the world government and the aristocracy.

Other powers must have planted spies in their navies as well.

But even if they knew this, they

had no choice but to try their best to get rid of those scum and spies.

As for the people on the side of the world government, they can only turn a blind eye.


in the room sighed involuntarily.

"Really! Trouble always comes one after another

!", "It's enough trouble to deal with those guys on the sea!", "

I didn't expect to have to deal with internal problems!".

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