Pirate Steel Frame

Chapter 255 Yile Ramen

Villian, who felt that there was no benefit to be gained, refused decisively.


And Villian's refusal so straightforwardly made Jiraiya choke for a moment, he didn't know how to continue persuading.

In Jilai, I also want to come. Villian has collected so much information, so it has something to do with the "Akatsuki Organization". Otherwise, how can he clean up the underpants of the "Akatsuki Organization" members?

Moreover, when he dealt with Didara, the "Scorpion of Red Sand", including "Jue" and Uchiha Obito before, Villian also made great efforts, so it makes no sense that he would not be interested now.

However, the matter has come to this point, and it is not easy to say anything. It seems that if you want to persuade Villian, you still have to rely on profit.

It is unrealistic to think of prostitution of Villian as a combat power.

"What are you interested in organized by Akatsuki?"

Tsunade was very direct, she asked Villian directly about his conditions, she thought the same as Jiraiya, if Villian was able to check the "Akatsuki Organization" so clearly, it must have a plan.


Villian was speechless for a while, but Tsunade and Jiraiya's thoughts were not unreasonable. If he had no picture, it would be really difficult to explain why he collected such information.

"If I have to say it, I'm very interested in that reincarnation eye, and I'm also very interested in the techniques of those guys."

Villian tentatively gave his conditions, but both Tsunade and Jiraiya also guessed some of this possibility.

After all, Villian also mentioned the need to collect blood inheritance boundaries before. It makes no sense that Villian would not be interested in the ability of "Reincarnation Eye", which sounds very special.

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other, mainly because Tsunade was consulting Jiraiya's opinion. After all, Nagato is strictly speaking Jiraiya's disciple. If you want to trade "Reincarnation Eye", it must be To attack Nagato.

Jiraiya is not as optimistic as Tsunade. He feels that the battle with Nagato is inevitable. The question is whether he can persuade Nagato to get back on track.

If it is possible, there is no need to mention the "reincarnation eye" thing, and if it is not possible, it is not impossible to give Villian one after the life and death fight.

So many years have passed, and Zilai is not sure that he can convince his former disciples that people's hearts are fickle.

"This uncertainty is too strong, let's wait until you are sure."

Villian shook his head, he got up again, and was about to leave. He was going to take a stroll in this "Konoha Village".

"All right."

Villian has already said so, Jiraiya and Tsunade naturally can't say anything more, they can only let Villian leave.

Villian's idea of ​​"visiting Konoha Village" was naturally approved by Tsunade, and the task of leading him on the tour was given to Hatake Kakashi's seventh squad.

Villian left Hokage's office and reunited with Class 7. There was no pressure on Hatake Kakashi, Uzumaki Naruto, and Haruno Sakura as tour guides. After all, Villian didn't need their protection. Certainly.

"Let's go eat first."

Villian immediately aimed at the noodle shop of "Datongmu Yile" and came to "Konoha Village". How could he not go to this Internet celebrity check-in spot to have a taste?

"Okay! Go eat Ichiraku Ramen!"

Naruto Uzumaki has regained his spirit, and "Yi Le Ramen" is his spiritual food. From childhood to adulthood, eating "Yi Le Ramen" is the happiest thing in the world for him.

Especially for other people's treats, which are not limited.

This hobby of Uzumaki Naruto was brought up by Uno Iruka, the enlightenment teacher of "Ninja School". People also like it, maybe this is the role of "Amway".

Willian was going, and Kakashi Hatake would naturally not refuse, and a group of four soon came to "Yi Le Noodle House".

"Yi Le Noodle Restaurant" is in this "Muye Village". It is a real old shop, at least twenty or thirty years old.

However, even after 20 or 30 years, "Yi Le Ramen" is still a first-tier gourmet restaurant in this "Konoha Village", and it can be said to be enduring.

The reason is naturally inseparable from the craftsmanship of the boss and chef.

The owner of "Yi Le Ramen" is a middle-aged uncle with an unattractive appearance. He wears a chef's uniform and a chef's hat. He smiles and squints his eyes, giving people a feeling of "unfathomable".

Of course, "Uncle Yile" has always squinted his eyes, making it impossible to tell whether his eyes are "eyes of reincarnation".

"What to eat?"

Greeting the guests at the front desk is "Uncle Yile"'s daughter Calamus. This young girl smiles brightly and is deeply loved by the guests.

She and his father were one of the few people who didn't have any aversion to Uzumaki Naruto from the beginning, which may be the reason why Uzumaki Naruto will always like "Yi Le Ramen".

Even after becoming "Hokage", I still eat "Ichiraku Ramen" all the time, and I have to eat "Ichiraku" cup noodles when I work.

Iris looked at Hatake Kakashi with a shy face, because she was the one who had seen Hatake Kakashi's true face under the mask, which also proved that Hatake Kakashi was not ugly.

“Pork cutlet ramen!”

Uzumaki Naruto shouted loudly, which made Iris roll his eyes.

"There is no tonkatsu ramen anymore, Naruto."

Iris and Uzumaki Naruto had a quarrel before because of "pork cutlet ramen". When Iris was traveling, he saw the very popular "zuke noodles" in the ninja world, so he decided to change the traditional ramen of "Ichiraku Ramen" into "Stain noodles".

What age are you still eating traditional ramen?

"why is it like this?!"

Uzumaki Naruto is very dissatisfied, he still likes to eat "pork chop ramen".

"Naruto? I'll make you a copy later."

At this time, Uncle Yile came out and looked at Naruto Uzumaki with a smile. Although his daughter had reformed the ramen, he would continue to satisfy the tastes of regular customers.

"Thank you so much! Uncle Yile!"

Uzumaki Naruto clasped his hands together in thanks, then glanced at Iris, who gave him a big white eye.

Uzumaki Naruto didn't care, he liked the feeling of being treated like an ordinary person, because he had been specialized for too long.

"I'll have one too."

Villian raised his hand, indicating that he would also like a "Pork Chop Ramen", and of course he wanted to eat the most traditional "Ichile Taste".

"Good taste!"

Uzumaki Naruto found a resonance and gave Villian a thumbs up.

Villian smiled and nodded to him. Hatake Kakashi and Haruno Sakura did not choose, and they chose the "new style pickled noodles" for Iris, which made Iris very happy.

"Who is this gentleman? It's a bit unfamiliar."

After a while, Uncle Yile came out with two bowls of hot "Pork Chop Ramen" and put them in front of Uzumaki Naruto and Villian, and then he leaned beside him and chatted without leaving.

"An important guest who came to visit."

Hatake Kakashi replied that he was not very good at describing Villian's identity, which should be considered more appropriate.

"Hi, my name is Villian. I've heard that Yile Ramen is very delicious. I can finally taste it today."

Wei Lian greeted Uncle Yile with a smile. His words made Uncle Yile's face immediately serious.

An important guest of "Konoha Village", because he has heard of the reputation of his ramen for a long time, came here to taste it. He can't be ashamed.

However, the noodles have already been served out, so he can't do anything else, he can't bring them back and make a new bowl, right?

Fortunately, he has always been very serious about every bowl of noodles, so naturally he is not afraid of Villian's sudden attack.

"It's my pleasure, and I hope it suits your taste."

Uncle Yile looked at Wei Lian, who had already started eating noodles.

I have to say that this "Otsuki Ichiraku" does have two brushes, and it is worthy of being a hidden master who can hit Naruto Uzumaki and Choji Akimichi who are peeping in the dark with a rolling pin.

Well, it has nothing to do with that. This guy is indeed a master who can stand in "Konoha Village" for 20 or 30 years by relying on ramen. The taste of this ramen is indeed extraordinary.

Even Villian, who has tasted many delicacies, has to admit that this "Yi Le Ramen" is one of the top delicacies, and the pasta is one of the top.

In the world of "One Piece", there are naturally many delicacies, and Villian often sails around to taste them. He is really not ignorant. When his own financial resources are sufficient, he still cares about the enjoyment of his tongue.

"It's really good, it's worth the trip."

Villian gave an evaluation, which made "Uncle Yile" laugh, obviously very satisfied with the result.

"Just normal ramen, as long as you like it."

Uncle Yile became humble, but to him, it might really be just an ordinary bowl of ramen.

But if it is in the game, this "Yi Le Ramen" probably needs to add a lot of buffs and attributes, and the level is also the highest level.

While eating, Villian thought about whether he could go to some "gourmet fans" to take a look, taste the food, and then come back, or simply send someone to study abroad to learn art.

For example, sending someone who is keen on being a chef to "Totsuki Academy", Villian believes that Sanji must be willing.

But it’s still a bit far away, the current Sanji is not enough to go to "Togetsu Academy", mainly because of his lack of age, "Togetsu Academy" is a place similar to "technical school" after all, although it is divided into junior high school and high school, But even if you want to enter the junior high school, you have to be twelve years old anyway.

When Sanji was twelve years old, Villian felt that he could really send him there. Sanji's culinary talent was undeniable, and Villian believed that he could gain a foothold in "Togetsu Academy".

"It's over, thank you for the hospitality!"

Just as Villian was thinking, Naruto Uzumaki had already finished eating noodles, and a bowl of noodles was really nothing to him.

"Would you like another bowl?"

Haruno Sakura is very caring, she doesn't dislike Uzumaki Naruto anymore, more than two years of experience and those common experiences have indeed made her mentality grow a lot.

The current Haruno Sakura is also a trustworthy and excellent ninja.


Uzumaki Naruto resolutely chose to have another bowl. Although he is not a big eater, one bowl is not enough.

Uncle Yile smiled and went down again, and Villian had already finished eating at this time, so he didn't ask for another bowl.

"Sakura-san, is there anything you want to ask me?"

After eating the noodles, Villian looked at Haruno Sakura, and he noticed that Haruno Sakura was struggling whether to speak or not.

Not only him, but Kakashi Hatake also noticed it, only Naruto Uzumaki who was eating noodles didn't notice it.

"Ah! Yes"

Haruno Sakura was startled at first, then said in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Just ask."

Villian can probably guess what Haruno Sakura wants to ask.

"It's about Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke."

Sure enough, what Haruno Sakura wanted to ask was Sasuke Uchiha, and Villian's powerful intelligence ability gave her an idea that maybe Villian would know the whereabouts of Sasuke Uchiha.

I have to say that Haruno Sakura really loves Uchiha Sasuke deeply. If she liked Uchiha Sasuke in the past, she still had a sense of vanity, but after going through so much, she has completely settled down now.

"Sasuke Uchiha? I do know something about him."

Villian nodded. As soon as he said this, he immediately became the focus. Naruto Uzumaki and Kakashi Hatake stopped their movements and looked towards him. Sasuke Uchiha is very important to the "Seventh Class". , is definitely a common goal.

"Really?! Can you tell us?!"

There was longing in Haruno Sakura's eyes, they hadn't received any news about Uchiha Sasuke for too long.

"There is no free lunch in the world, so what can you pay for it? Sakura-san, what are you willing to pay?"

Villian smiled, this information cannot be given away in vain.

His words, if the painting style is a little crooked, may lead to a 404 road, for example: "Mr. Sakura, you don't want Uchiha Sasuke to continue to suffer, do you?"

"I don't know what I can give you, is money okay?"

Haruno Sakura didn't want to be wrong, after all, there are so many people watching here, and Villian's behavior is also normal, it's just an ordinary intelligence transaction.

"Money? It doesn't mean much to me."

Villian shook his head. It is really useless for him to ask for money in this world. There are not many things that money can buy, at least not things that can improve strength.


This time Haruno Sakura was stumped, she really didn't know what else to give, and she didn't know what Villian wanted.

"Make an offer."

Hatake Kakashi next to him opened his mouth to help Haruno Sakura. Uchiha Sasuke was his student, and he felt that he had an obligation to bring Uchiha Sasuke back.

"There's also Obito, let's make a price too."

Hatake Kakashi is very concerned about the deal with Villian, because Villian has everything he wants here.

"You can't afford Uchiha Obito, but if you want the news of Uchiha Sasuke sincerely, you can exchange it with ninjutsu, such as Chidori, Raikiri, and Spiral Maru."

In fact, Villian himself didn't think about what he wanted, so he just said a few things casually, so let's treat this news as a free gift.

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