Pirate Steel Frame

Chapter 319 Big Throwing Coins

"You're right in saying that, unless it's a last resort, you definitely can't use Johnny Silverhand's method, that's too irresponsible, no matter how well he whitewashes it, it's useless.

Moreover, the current Night City is not dead, it is just asleep, and it needs someone to wake it up. "

Villian smiled, the big "companies" have only come back for a few years, and it's not enough to completely kill the city.

As Jack Wells said, after going through so much, the city is still not destroyed, and it has not become history. The residents of this city are very tenacious, and they will not be defeated so easily.

"So, are you going to be the one to wake up the city? By what? These gangsters? Mercenaries?"

Jack Wells, smoking a cigarette, pointed to a mess of "cyberpunks" gathered in the square downstairs.

He didn't think those guys could really change anything. If it could, then "Night City" wouldn't be what it is now.

"Cyberpunk" only recognizes money, and whoever pays them will do things for them. It is conceivable that the "company" is the richest existence in "Night City".

"Well, no matter what changes are made, someone must be sacrificed. I don't think it's a problem to let them sacrifice."

Villian was also a little speechless, because he was thinking too much. In "Night City", there are not so many innocent people.

Those who came here in response to his call were all mercenaries, and there were also some gangsters who sneaked in. In short, it was a mixed bag. To sum it up in one word, it was "a mob".

Of course, it's not that there are no idealists, and it's not that there are people who want to do their part to change "Night City".

What's more, people from the "guild" organization really came here.

The members of the "guild" are actually quite capable, after all, they are treated as "terrorist organizations" by big "companies".

In order to protect yourself, if a big "company" says you are a "terrorist organization", then you'd better have the fighting power of a "terrorist organization".

Obviously, these initial "guild representatives" had to develop armed forces, methods of action, and also developed from "strikes", "parades" and "protests" at the beginning to the current "armed confrontation" .

This shows that they have matured, and they have seen through the essence of those big "companies", and have given up unrealistic ideas.

But in a sense, saying that they are a "terrorist organization" is not a problem from the perspective of a "company".

"That Christopher, do you understand?"

Thinking of the "guild" organization, Willian asked Jack Wells that Christopher was the representative from the "guild".

For these seemingly reliable guys, Villian has already contacted them in advance, and did not let them mix with the "rabble" below, and gave them some respect.

The reason why I asked Jack Wells was because that Christopher was also a Latino, born in the "Heywood District", and he was young, in his early thirties, and he was of the same generation as Jack Wells, so he might know him.

"Christopher doesn't know very well. He is from Heywood. He should have been a worker before. I don't remember people like this. They must be honest children. They either didn't join the Valentino gang, or they didn't have much presence in the gang."

Jack Wells didn't know Christopher well. Obviously, before becoming a "guild representative" and being pushed into this situation, Christopher's life was very ordinary, and he might just be an honest man who worked hard.

"This bastard's company is really trying to drive people to a dead end."

Jack Wells cursed, obviously, he had some sympathy for what happened to Christopher.

If you join the "guild", you will be labeled as a "terrorist", and you will be killed if you encounter them. Basically, you will completely lose the possibility of returning to normal life.

However, the original intention of the "guild" is just to improve the treatment a little bit, maybe even just want to increase the salary requirements of tens of euros, and want to have an extra half hour of rest time.

It is really desolate to force an organization composed of ordinary workers without any armed attributes into an underground armed resistance force.

"So now that these people have such a radical program, it's completely understandable that they want to destroy those companies. Although they can't do it, it doesn't prevent them from harassing the company's caravans and businesses like wanderers."

Villian's face is serious. These guys are indeed poor people, and their stand is absolutely firm, because those "companies" will not leave them room for relaxation.

The "guild" is not a mercenary like "cyberpunk". The "company" does things for the "company" like it gives money. The "company" only wants these "guild members" to die thoroughly.

"Arrange them well, Taipingzhou will be their best safe haven, and let all their people settle in Taipingzhou."

Villian has made a decision that the more intolerable the big "companies" are, the more Taipingzhou welcomes them. These are the most staunch "anti-corporate righteous" and they must unite.

"Okay, I'll take care of them."

Jack Wells nodded. Anyway, he and that Christopher are also from the "Heywood District", so it is easier to establish a relationship of trust. He is quite confident, because the "Guild" There must also be a place where they can be stationed safely.

"What about these cyberpunks? What are you going to do with them? Pay them to help?"

After taking over the task, Jack Wells got up and was about to leave. Looking at the "cyberpunks" who were gradually quieting down under the constraints of the "clone warriors", he felt that as a "cyberpunk" A member of , can still provide some suggestions.

"Of course, these are some masters who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. If they don't see money, they won't work for us."

Villian nodded. If he wants to use those "cyberpunks", he will naturally have to pay some price. Fortunately, they have seized a lot of "stolen money", but they can also play with "big coins". Anyway, for "money", Villian didn't care.

The main reason is that the "company" looks down on these "soldiers and warriors", otherwise, it would not be the turn of Villian to "sprinkle coins". The "company" can cast much more coins than him. The "scavengers" do have a lot of savings, but there is no comparison in front of the "company".

"My suggestion is, pay a deposit first and give them some sweetness."

Jack Wells left a suggestion, and then went to Christopher of the "Guild", who was their next companion, which was different from the "Cyberpunk" who was just an employment relationship.

"I just don't know how many people dare to earn this money."

Villian smiled, he understood that Jack Wells' suggestion was to stimulate those "cyberpunks" with money.

In fact, most of the tasks will not be paid until they are completed, because the employer obviously does not trust the "cyberpunks", and they are afraid that these street gangsters will take the money and run away. Of course, "cyberpunks" They also don't trust their employers, and they are afraid that they won't get paid after the work is done.

This is the meaning of the existence of the "middleman" industry.

A middleman who makes money by relying on credit guarantees cannot be separated from both parties. Even if they know that the existence of the "middleman" requires a commission, both the payer and the receiver can accept it. The trust between people is based on money. The front is very powerless.

Now, Villian doesn't have any reputable "middlemen", so if he wants "cyberpunks" to do things for him, it is naturally impossible not to pay in advance and not give a deposit, those guys will not believe that it is profitable of.

After getting ready, Villian appeared in the square, and his appearance immediately caused a commotion among the "cyberpunks".

There is no way, Villian is now a real "man of the hour", it can be said that he is truly well-known and famous all over the world.

Not only in "Night City", all countries have started to broadcast news about him. It can be said that "the world is focusing on this".

"Villian! You are a kind! I admire you!"

Before Villian could speak, someone yelled from below. For a moment, Villian suspected that he had arranged "Trust".

But it is obvious that it is not "Trust", but a guy who is really convinced, at least by his courage. There are still many secondary people in "Cyberpunk".

"Thank you. During this period, you dare to come here. You are also very brave. I thought most people were afraid of the company. Obviously, you are not afraid."

Villian smiled and nodded to the "cyberpunk" who gave him two thumbs up. When people praised him, he would naturally praise him back.

"Don't underestimate us, isn't it just doing things with company dogs? Who here has never fought with company dogs? Others are afraid of them, but we are not! Are you? Guys?!"

Some people clamored, and Villian complained in his heart. This is natural. After all, any mission related to the "company", whether it is for the "company" or from the "company", the price is much higher than ordinary tasks. Any "cyberpunk" with a little skill will grab it. In the face of interests, what's the trouble with the "company"?

"Exactly! Who is afraid of whom?!"

"We're going to beat the company dog!"

The "cyberpunks" clamored for a while, don't care if you have done it or not, just keep shouting, anyway, you don't need money to brag.

"Okay, what I want is this momentum. This time, I will pay ten times the market price for the task of fighting against the company dogs and defending Pacific Island!"

If Villian said, let the scene be quiet, ten times the price is definitely exaggerated, because the price Johnny Silverhand hired Rogge and Santiago was only fifteen times, and they directly killed him for this. "Arasaka Tower".

You know, Santiago and Rogge are the absolute first echelon. Few of the "cyberpunks" present can touch this price, so they boiled instantly, and it really is the most touching money.

"I did this job."

Soon, some people began to volunteer, regardless of whether the money was spent or not, but the opportunity to earn this money was already in front of them, and they had to give it a go.

Apart from other things, Villian is absolutely convinced that these "cyberpunks" are not afraid of death. As long as these guys are afraid of death, it is impossible for them to work in this industry for a long time.

And those who dare to come to him at this point in time are the ones who are the least afraid of death. As long as the money is enough, they are absolutely willing to contribute.

After a while, basically all the "cyberpunks" decided to stay, not only because of the high price, but also a large part of the reason, because they saw the troops deployed by Villian in "Pacific Island" .

In their view, Villian is fully capable of gaining a firm foothold in "Night City", especially after seeing those outrageous "Power Armor", they are more and more sure that this is definitely a wave that can stir up "Night City" new forces.

That's right, Villian used all the equipment at the bottom of the box.

In other respects, the technology of "Ling Cage" may not be as good as that of "Night City", but in terms of military industry, "Cyberpunk 2077" is really not interesting. Civilian technology "Cyberpunk 2077" On the contrary, it has developed better.

In Villian's view, it is a bit stupid to install "electronic components" on people. The development of military equipment must first be "exoskeleton armor" and then "power armor". This is not as good as changing yourself into a "robot". Is it more normal to be tough with others?

If you are missing an arm or a leg, it will be normal to replace it with a mechanical one, and if you are not sick or in disaster, you can still replace it. Pure brains are not working well.

There is AI, and there is also the technology to make robots. If you really want to use robots to fight, just build them directly. Why waste yourself?

Although the "exoskeleton armor" and "power armor" are broken, the exposed fragile body will be easily dealt with by the enemy.

But if you think about it carefully, is it normal that an enemy who can't be dealt with by wearing "exoskeleton armor" or "power armor" can't be defeated physically?

The "Legendary Killer" Adam Hammer of "Night City" inserted a tube and transformed himself into a "Terminator". He looked awesome, but in the face of "Power Armor", Villian can guarantee , it will definitely not be easy to fight.

Adam Heavy Hammer may be more flexible, after all, he is also equipped with "Sian Weistein", which is still the top product.

But the "turtle shell" "power armor" can make countless mistakes, but Adam Hammer can only make one mistake. This is the difference between having armor and directly hitting yourself.

The reality is not a game, there is no blood bar, and the implants of Adam Heavy Hammer are indeed very hard, but the implants are all fine parts after all, and it is impossible to be harder than pure armor.

Moreover, it is a very disturbing question how "Sian Weistein" has an effect on Adam's heavy hammer.

The essence of "Sian Weistein" is to "stimulate the muscles, making the user faster, stronger, and more perceptive." However, there are really few muscles that can't be seen on Adam's heavy hammer. How did this stimulate it? The truth is incomprehensible.

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