Pirate Steel Frame

Chapter 327 Lucy's Panic (Happy New Year~)

"He has mastered Arasaka, are you sure he will still want to destroy Arasaka?"

Lucy stared at Villian with shining eyes, her eyes were full of suspicion, full of distrust, distrust of Arasaka Laishou.

"He can't lie to me."

Regarding Lucy's worries, Villian naturally understood that when the power is not in his hands, everything he says is false, and the key still depends on what he does after he has power.

The slogans were shouted loudly, and there were many people who did nothing after they took power, or even directly did the opposite. Lucy's worries were perfectly normal.

As for this man, Raisaka Arasaka, Willian doesn't know if he will be like that, and it doesn't matter, because he has already controlled Raisaka Arasaka. Since the man accepted his "gift", he has to pay what he deserves. the price.

"What's the reason? Why can't I lie to you?"

Lucy looked strange. Villian's words were too confident, and they were incomprehensibly confident, not convincing.

"His life and death are under my control, and everything about him cannot escape my eyes. Is this reason sufficient? Can you convince me?"

Villian was not displeased by Lucy's questioning, he spoke slowly, but Lucy was taken aback by what he said.


Lucy didn't doubt it, although it was unbelievable, but with Villian's ability, identity, and status, there seemed to be no reason to lie to her.

It's just that Raisaka Arasaka is so miserable, she didn't expect it. It seems that Villian and "Arasaka" are not an ordinary cooperative relationship, let alone an "subordination relationship" as most people think.

"Why are you telling me this?"

After being silent for a few seconds and accepting the statement, Lucy spoke again. In fact, this was the most puzzling thing for her.

Although she is indeed one of the people who knew Villian earlier in "Night City", their intersection is very limited, unlike Jack Wells and David Martinez, who decided to get married from the very beginning. Follow Villian.

She and the members of Mann's team, joining Villian's forces at this time, have obviously missed the best investment period. For them, Villian shouldn't need to bother too much. It's a bit too considerate. The thoughtfulness made Lucy feel that Villian had other plans.

"Does this make you feel at ease? You work for me, and I solve the factors that may affect your work for you. Isn't that what you should? You don't have to bear the burden. I do this because I still don't know your hacking skills. Useful."

Villian smiled, he didn't really have nothing to do to solve Lucy, he really needed the power of these "hackers".

In this world, the BOSS on the surface is the evil capitalists and the oppressive group. They control most of the world's wealth and constantly exploit the general public. They are the common enemy of all people of insight.

However, the threats lurking in the shadows, hidden in the depths of the online world, cannot be ignored.

Those "floating AIs" and those "people" outside the "black wall" are the real threats to the entire human world. For this world where basically everyone has "implants" and various information interfaces From a general perspective, once "AI" sets off an "omnic crisis", it will be a real catastrophe.

In the late 20th century, a computer terminal was necessary to connect to the Internet, and data could only be sent and received using a device called a modem.

However, in the world of "Cyberpunk", as long as you use your own brain, interactive interface, and complex interactive programs that can convert computer data into personal feelings, you can directly enter the network, and people Connecting to the network has become too easy.

And the threat of AI is imminent. Even an AI like Delaman can hardly control the "sub-bodies" it produces. If there is no "V", once Delaman completely loses control, the damage caused will be absolutely insignificant. It will be small, after all, Delaman's cars are capable of fighting.

Villian understands that if he wants to truly control the world, he must face the threat from AI, and "hackers" are the key, especially "hackers" like Lucy.

Lucy was trained to explore beyond the "black wall", to let them fight in the depths of the network, to explore the fragmented "old network" full of fighting AI.


Lucy's expression didn't change, she was thinking about it, and Villian's attitude was very sincere, and he really valued her very much.

However, she had already decided not to continue "sneaking".

"Sorry, I may not be able to help you."

Lucy didn't hesitate any more, but chose to tell the truth. She thought that what Villian did could not make her work hard for it, and she couldn't let her step into the "deep part of the network" again. It was a nightmare for her.


Villian was a little speechless, he had already understood and moved with reason, but Lucy still couldn't change her mind.

This makes people very helpless, he can't really fall in love with Lucy, can he? The time-consuming cost was too high, because he didn't think about using that method at first, so he didn't prepare. Now under this situation, it is obviously more difficult to transfer to the emotional line.

"Don't worry, I can give you time to adapt slowly, now Arasaka will no longer target you, and what you do afterward is to make this world a better place, instead of putting your trust in the beautiful world in alien colonies It’s better to create it by ourselves together.”

Villian thought about it, and decided to let Lucy think about it slowly, and don't force her to make a decision in such a hurry.

For him, it may be just a sentence, but for Lucy, it may change life.

The power of the superior, the impact of each decision, these things, Villian can still understand correctly.

Villian's words made Lucy's heart tighten, and at the same time, there was a sense of horror of being seen through, pointing directly to the depths of the soul.

She hadn't talked about it with Willian, or even with anyone else, but Willian just said it.

"how do you know"

Lucy's thoughts were interrupted, which made it difficult for her to think rationally and calmly, and this was the effect Villian wanted.

"It may be through intuition, an emotional inference drawn from your words, habits, expressions and other details. From this point of view, my guess is right, isn't it?"

Villian looked at Lucy who seemed a little flustered because of being punctured, and gave an ambiguous answer. What he said would only make Lucy start thinking wildly.

".Does it have to be me?"

Villian's persistence made Lucy a little flustered. She thought that after she refused, she would be let go, but Villian obviously really insisted on letting her come. These words made her thoughts start to race.

"We knew each other very early, didn't we? As one of the first people I met in Night City, I trust you more."

Villian smiled and said, this time Lucy was taken aback again.

Although the reason was nonsense, the trust from Villian did not seem to be fake. Villian really trusted her, even though they didn't really have a deep relationship between them.

Even now, they have only known each other for a few days. After drifting with David Martinez's hospital bed that day, she just stopped in front of Villian who was passing by. Maybe this is really the arrangement of fate?

It's not that Lucy thinks too much. Her accidental actions made her meet Villian who killed Arasaka Saburo and controlled "Arasaka" by controlling Arasaka Yoshinobu. This is indeed very unexpected, as long as the details in the middle are slightly different A little bit more, it will not be the current result.

From Lucy's point of view, what she did that day was full of chance. Before meeting Villian, what she did was too complicated, as if fate deliberately made her achieve the result of meeting Villian. .

She happened to meet David Martinez, and David Martinez happened to be fitted with the "Sian Weistein" that Mann ordered, and then she started to fool David Martinez, who happened to be because of I didn't know about "blockers", so I passed out after using too much "Sianweistein", and the doctor who picked them up just happened to be malicious.

So many preconditions resulted in the final result of her "bed drift" stopping in front of Villian.

"I will think about it."

After thinking a lot for a moment, Lucy's attitude softened a little, and Villian found a good way to deal with her.

Lucy is a person who needs the trust of others in her heart, and needs others to give her support and be her pillar.

She pinned her hopes in a beautiful world that she imagined, because she had no spiritual sustenance in the real world.

It's not that Lucy has regarded Villian as her spiritual sustenance, it's just that Villian's words made her less resolute. The inherent ideas cannot be easily changed with a few words.

"Of course, you have plenty of time to think about it."

Villian nodded. He is not in a hurry, because it will take time to form the "strongest hacker group" to deal with AI.

He needs to integrate the power of "Arasaka", "Military Technology", "Network Surveillance" and other large companies. This matter cannot be completed by one or two people, or even one or two "companies".

After the "old network" collapsed, after the world network was broken into desert islands, "network monitoring" has made efforts.

They're trying to turn things around, trying to rebuild the global network.

However, they failed in the end, and they faced too many troubles.

In many areas, the network infection is too serious. Once someone logs in, the entire system will be destroyed in an instant.

Aggressive rogue intelligence systems and out-of-control combat AIs are floating around on the Internet, hunting and killing cyberrunners who rashly enter the ruins of "cyberspace" and obtain lost data.

After paying a great price, "Network Watch" decided to abandon the "old network" and launched the "Black Wall Project". They built an impenetrable ICE-style wall, which can separate the usable network from the domain controlled by out-of-control AI. open.

Up to now, they have only acted within the "black wall", and even the main task has become to fight against "hackers" instead of dealing with AI outside the "black wall".

The main reason is that the protection of the "black wall" makes them lose their sense of urgency and crisis, and makes them focus on their interests. Of course, it is too dangerous to deal with the AI ​​outside the "black wall", and their lack of strength is also an important reason.

The "hackers" of other "companies" hardly pay attention to AI issues, and they are busy fighting cyber attack and defense.

In fact, the reason why the Internet world has become what it is today is because of the war of "corporations", and the death blow of Larch Buttermos is the direct cause of the destruction of the "Old Web", but before that, the global Internet It has become a battlefield.

If you want to rebuild the "global network", defeat and eliminate AI, and break out of the "black wall", you must gather all your strength.

"Then I'll go first."

With Villian's permission, Lucy left with a full heart. Her changes naturally attracted the attention of her companions.

"Lucy? What happened?"

Rebecca asked curiously, she was curious about what Villian and Lucy talked about.

"It's nothing, he is going to form a hacker team and asked me if I would like to join."

Lucy spoke briefly, but there was nothing wrong with it.

"What, seeing your strange expression, I thought you said something."

Rebecca complained, so it was just talking about work?

"Haha, I thought he had a crush on you."

Mann laughed and made a joke, but Lucy didn't get a response, but Dorio patted him.


Qi Wei looked at Lucy with a complicated expression, formed a hacker team, invited Lucy, but did not invite her, what does this mean? Don't like her? Obviously her qualifications are older than Lucy.

"Have you joined? What is your mission?"

Qi Wei asked, she still wanted to fight for it.

"I haven't decided to join yet."

Lucy answered calmly, which stunned everyone. They didn't expect that Lucy had the power to refuse.

"I said no, but he pushed me hard to join, so I'm going to think about it."

Lucy opened her mouth to explain, which made everyone look at each other in dismay.

After Qiwei heard it, she was even more "envious, jealous and hateful". She still wanted to try to join, but they were even considering whether to accept it or not.

Villian didn't know about Mann's team's reaction. He had already set off to get the "Military Technology".

Other "companies" have to go back a little bit. As long as "Military Technology" and "Arasaka" are taken down, the remaining "companies" will not be a problem. Once these two "companies" can join forces, they can basically Declare business game over.

Of course, not all "companies" will end. After all, the businesses of "Military Technology" and "Arasaka" overlap a lot, while other "companies", like "Biotechnology", rely on "Military Technology", " "Arasaka" successfully made his fortune in the technical direction that he didn't dabble in much

Happy New Year~Successful work and good health~

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