Not to mention the preparations on the side of the Warring States, the current Noah is nothing but light. The whole person carried a bottle of wine and went to Whitebeard to settle the score.

This irresponsible practice of throwing all the important things to his son must be strictly stopped. Otherwise, if there is a car, there will be ruts, and who knows what messy things will be thrown on the head inexplicably.

"Allahala...... Don't worry too much about this kind of thing. "

Looking at Whitebeard's rogue behavior of laughing, in the midst of Mark's wicked laughter, Noah could only reluctantly take a sip of wine. None of the guys in front of me are worry-free. Especially this guy Marco. Looking at his lewd smile, you know that this guy definitely doesn't have any good intentions in his heart.

"Come on, come on, we brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, you must drink this bottle of wine in one go. "

Marco cautiously took out a flask and cautiously handed it to Noah, which seemed to be a good wine that was hard to buy. But Noah's instinct told him that this guy must be holding back something.

"No, no, no, if there is good wine, you should drink it first. I'm not in a hurry, I'm quitting alcohol now. "

"What are these words? When a pirate doesn't drink, it's still called a pirate? Come on, come on, you must finish this glass of wine today. "

The more Marco said this, the more he felt that something was wrong, and while Marco turned his head to laugh, Noah picked up the flask and stuffed the entire spout into Marko's mouth.


Seeing Marco dancing with his eyes wide open, Noah laughed. He didn't guess wrong, there was a pot of wine in the town in front of him, which was Marko's special chili water. Although it looks like wine and tastes like wine, once it enters the throat, it will let the person who drinks it know what life is better than death.

"Small, pineapple head still wants to play with me? "

Seeing Marco lying on the ground like a dead dog, sticking out his tongue and panting for air, Noah triumphantly picked up the flask beside him and said to everyone with satisfaction.

"Hmm...... Poof—"

"Who poured the spice water into the flask? How many years are you going to eat meat with such a big flask as a spice bowl?"

Noah squirted out unexpectedly, and his mouth was full of salty, spicy, sweet and sour tastes. After hurriedly taking a few sips of water and rinsing his mouth fiercely, Noah scolded.

"That big brother, that's Little Oz's spice bowl, the previous one was crushed when he was sleeping, so I'll replace this one for the time being. "

Bista said cautiously, and Noah turned his head, glanced at little Oz, who was scratching the back of his head and smirking, and slapped it on his forehead in pain.

It's not appropriate to stay in today's place. Noah stood up, stepped on Marco's hand, who was lying on the ground laughing, waved helplessly at his shouts, and turned back into the cabin.

Lying in his own cabin after a long absence, Ya moaned comfortably, it's good, it's better not to have his own kennel, or the bed that he is used to sleeping in is comfortable.

Pillowed on his familiar pillow, Ya squirmed comfortably a few times, turned around and gradually fell asleep.

The next morning, the Moby Dick started slowly, and unlike the naval distribution, if the Moby Dick wants to reach the Chambord Islands, it needs to take the road money to Fish-Man Island, so compared to the Warring States, Whitebeard and his party must set off now.

At that point, the coating will be time-consuming. And in order to prevent the Warring States from making any arrangements in the Chambord Islands, Noah and they had to be present first.

"Really, how old you are, you know how to drink at night. You have to learn how to maintain your health. "

As soon as Noah got out of bed in the morning, he saw Whitebeard sitting on the deck sofa, carrying a bottle of wine and pouring himself a drink. Noah sighed helplessly. Although he knew that it was useless, he still persuaded him bitterly.

Obviously he is injured, and he doesn't pay attention to rest, and he knows how to drink at night. There's still a bit of a dad to look like that.

"Just kidding, drinking what you like, how can there be anything. I haven't seen you for more than a year, and it still hasn't changed at all. "

Playing with Beard retorted with disgust that a large part of the reason why he promised the Golden Lion in the first place and didn't let Noah come back immediately was because of this, except for Noah, no one else would persuade Whitebeard to drink less, and even if he did, he wouldn't listen.

There is only the son in front of him who he raised since he was a child, Whitebeard has an indescribable fear in his heart, he doesn't know why he has a straight face like that, he is a little stunned, he knows his mother-in-law and mother at night, really, and he doesn't know who is who is the father.

"It's this set of crooked reasoning again, I'll tell you that you can do it, sooner or later I will carry out a ban on alcohol on the ship, and don't talk about alcohol at that time, and you won't have your share in drinking vinegar. "

"I'm the captain, and I have the final say on whether I drink or not. "

Whitebeard raised his eyebrows and said viciously. Wine is his lifeblood, and now Noah says that he wants to ban alcohol, which makes Whitebeard unbearable.

"Hehe, guess if those guys listen to me or you? "

Noah looked disdainful, he hadn't seen Whitebeard do anything that a captain should do in all these years, big and small, and he and Marco were not in charge there.

At this time, I knew that I was going to play the captain's majesty, why did I go earlier?

"Well, start coating, there's still some way to Fish-Man Island. "

Whitebeard sneered, changed the subject, shouted at the people on the boat to prepare the coating, and sighed slightly as he saw that there were still a few hours to go to Fish-Man Island.

"Really, a person in his forties, how can he still be like an old child, it is not worrying at all. "

Looking at the white-bearded figure seriously directing everyone to coat, in fact, Yu Guang glanced at himself from time to time, and while everyone on the splint was struggling to hold back a smile, I shook my head helplessly, and turned to enter the cabin.

Out of sight is pure, and when the time comes, when he comes back, there is a way to clean him up.

With this in mind, the Moby Dick passed by Fish-Man Island quickly, and in an instant, it was the next morning, and it was anchored at the docks of the Chambord Islands.

"You guys prepare first, there are still three days before the appointed time, and that old boy in the Warring States will definitely not be willing to give up like this. "

Noah instructed Marco, and under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Noah turned and walked towards the depths of the Shambardier Islands

"I'm going to find an old friend, maybe he can help us this time. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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