
In the face of Lori Ain’s seemingly angry response, Bonnie was not affected in any way, but was more interested.

After smacking her lips, Bonnie asked maliciously: “Well, I can guess to some extent, it should be protected by Zefa, although your ability is not so convenient compared to me, they should not miss a chance…”

“Don’t say it!”

Lori Ain for some reason, seems to be very reluctant to bring up the topic of the past, and has already shown timidity in the face of Boni’s aggressiveness.

“Hmph, luck is very good…”

Fortunately, Bonnie has continued to delve deeper, otherwise it may directly make Ain cry.

But at the end, Boni’s tone also took on a bit of sadness, which made Lori Ain frown and look at her.

Joe Ellie Bonnie, Ain had heard of it, and she escaped from there.

“Boni, don’t worry, now I have me to protect you.”

Bai Ze touched Boni’s head and hugged her into his arms again, feeling that this movement was becoming more and more skillful.

However, Bonnie also became more and more accustomed, and at the same time resisted faster, breaking free in less than five seconds, and Dragon Teeth roared: “Captain Bastard! Tell you not to do anything to me! ”

Bai Ze shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, he was really a little tsundere.

“Bai Ze, where are we going next?”

Nami asked from the side, then looked at the damage of the Cassius.

It was mainly the battle between Jinping and Zefa, which was conjured up by Pa Dong, which caused a lot of damage to the Cassius.

Bai Ze understood what Nami meant at a glance.

Sailing on the sea, many times the “sickness” of the ship is more important than the sickness of the crew itself.

When a person gets sick, at most it is a life.

In the case of a boat, it is directly a matter of the lives of a group of people.

Now the Pirates have no shipbuilders and need to go to the next island to repair the ship first.

“I’m sorry…”

Pa Dong looked down guiltily.

He also knew that more than half of the places destroyed on the ship came from himself and Zefa.

“It’s not your fault, it’s better to say that you did a good job, Pa Dong.”

Comforting Pa Dong, Bai Ze thought about it and said, “Let’s go to Risquirede Island first.”

Nami was stunned, “The three starting islands of the New World?” ”

Like Mistria, it is one of the first three islands that pirates encounter after entering the New World.

“The words there… It is a large island, there must be a boat repairer, and the geographical distance is also more suitable. ”

Nami analyzed it and finally nodded in agreement, “Okay, let’s go to Rischiled’s Island first and repair the Cassius.” ”

“Hey, wait!”

Lori Ain shouted, “I’m not you pirates. I’ll go! Otherwise, just give me a pain! ”

Bai Ze yawned, indicating that he was not interested in Ain’s life.

Nami also adjusts course, while Pa Dong continues to act as the ship’s mascot, rolling on the lawn and thinking about the previous battle with Zefa.

Only Bonnie showed the expression of the big bad wolf looking at Little Red Riding Hood, and said with a strange smile: “Hee hee, the little chicken cub who is protected in the greenhouse, this is a pirate ship, the old lady will educate you first.”

Saying that, Bonnie carried Lori Ain into the room, not knowing what to do.

“, what for? You, what are you doing… Don’t!!! ”

Soon after, the milky screams of Lori Ain came from the room on the second floor.

“What for?”

Nami glanced at him.

Bai Ze pouted, “Also as an ability of the Time Fruit, there are some places that resonate, right?” Bonnie can’t and can’t do too much…”

About half an hour later, Bonnie brought Lori Ain out with a smug smile.

Lori Ain, on the other hand, has a hollow look in her eyes, as if she has been played badly.

Seeing this, Nami couldn’t help but feel sympathy and asked, “Na, Boni, what did you do?”

Bo Ninu mouthed, “It’s nothing, just let this greenhouse princess who has always been protected by Zefa experience what I have experienced before, and let her know what virtues the world government is.” ”

“Uh… Uh~~”

At this time, Cavendish who was lying on the ground and sleeping gradually woke up, rubbed his eyes and got up from the ground, and said in confusion: “Huh? Here it is? ”

“Oooooh oh!!!”

After seeing the picture in front of him, Cavendish suddenly jumped up, pulled out Durandal and pointed at Bai Ze and exclaimed, “Bai Ze! The time of extreme evil! Hurry up and fight me! ”

“This idiot…”

Bonnie squinted.

“Let’s eat something.”

Bai Ze handed Cavendish a bunch of barbecue made by Nami, a doll, on the table next to him.

“Oh? Thank you,”

Cavendish took the skewers, and he was really hungry.

“Hmm~~ What a strange taste, what kind of meat?”

Cavendish chewed with a slurred taste.

“Horse meat.”

Bai Ze responded coldly.


Cavendish spit out all the meat in his mouth without grace, and Nami, Ain, and Lori Ain on the side couldn’t help but cast disgusting eyes.

“This, this, this, is it, my Faruru’s…”

Cavendish stared at the kebab with wide eyes, shouting like a dead parent.


Seeing Cavendish like this, Bai Ze first couldn’t help but laugh.

In the end, Pa Dong was kind and came up to explain: “No, Mr. Faruru got on the Cassius one step ahead of you, and now in the ship’s botanical garden, you eat Neptune meat.”

Cavendish let out a long sigh when he heard that his horse had not been roasted, and then suddenly realized that he had been deceived, and his eyes were full of anger at Bai Ze, “You guy-”

“Don’t you care about your pirate group?”

Bai Ze asked coldly.

Cavendish woke up again, “Yes! What about me, my crew? ”

“All of them have been arrested by Zefa!”

Bonnie gloated: “You are even more idiotic than our idiot captain, except for yourself, the combat effectiveness of the other crew members is actually only at the level of ordinary soldiers, and it is really a miracle that they were not arrested until now.”

Cavendish blushed and roared and retorted: “Wordy, verbose! The entire pirate group only needs one less person! No need for other crew members to compete with me for popularity! ”

“This guy is not saved.”

The same idea came to the minds of others. _

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