Two days later, the Cassius officially sailed into the waters of the end island.

Like Fas, End Island is an island with nothing.

The rugged ground and numerous small volcanoes surrounding it cause high temperatures throughout the island.

The water on the island is also piping hot and can be used as a hot spring.

With the Cassius quickly landing on the island.

The NEO Navy, which had been waiting here for a long time, immediately rushed to resist.

“Appeared! It’s the Shirasawa Pirates! ”

“Resist with all your strength, don’t let them approach Teacher Z!”


Bai Ze stood on the head of the Ugin lion, flanked by Nami, Boni, and Pa Dong, and on the other side were Cavendish , Faruru, and Kuzan, with only Ain standing at the back of the line.

“Just like when I was on Seken, I came to fight Zefa, and the others packed up the miscellaneous soldiers! Kuzan, take good care of the navy behind you! ”

Bai Ze gave an order, and all the members jumped down from the lion’s head.


After Kuzan landed, his lazy breath carried a bone-chilling chill.

None of these former naval soldiers dared to approach.

Ain was the only one who didn’t jump, but after thinking about it for a while, she eventually jumped over to Kuzan.

“Senior Kuzan, can you…”

Seeing Ain’s expression, before the words were finished, Kuzan had already expected what she planned to do.


Kuzan looked at Bai Ze, who had rushed towards the center of the island, “Just leave it to the captain brother.” ”

At this moment, Kuzan Ain found that Pa Dong used the transformation leaf to turn into a dozen mermaids and poured into the sea, swimming quickly in all directions.

“Hey, tanuki, what are you doing?”

Kuzan wondered.

“Oh, that’s the captain’s order, Tanuki.”

Pa Dong replied.


“I have to solve that plant ugly monster first, he escaped last time!”

Cavendish sped through the miscellaneous soldiers and rushed towards Bintz.

His speed was significantly improved compared to when he first met Bai Ze on Mistria Island.

“Fuck off, get off off, get off !!!”

Bonnie’s beautiful legs shuttled among thousands of people, and after kicking, many of them turned into howling children.


At this moment, a beam of light streaked from the side of Bonnie’s face.

Under the domineering appearance of the first prototype, Bonnie quickly flashed sideways.

Boom boom –

The beam of light passed through the surface of Bonnie’s skin, leaving a shallow trail of blood.

There was an explosion and a boom on the ground a hundred meters behind him.

Looking up, a burly steel giant with a height of six meters and at most was walking towards this side.

“That was… Pacifist!? ”

Nami, who was guarding the boat, exclaimed, but upon closer inspection, it was different from the pacifists she had encountered in the past with the Chambord Islands.

Wearing a white coat, Bartholomy Bear’s black curls turn white hair.

And there is also a NEO naval history on the clothes!

Bonnie subconsciously cast a glance at Ain in the rear, and immediately turned her head back, “Cut, it’s really amazing to watch!” ”


The heart of End Island.

Ze broke up and sat alone on the volcanic rock, drinking stuffy alcohol alone, singing a song in his mouth –

海は見ている。 世界の始まりも。

The sea is watching, the beginning of this world

海は知-ている。 世界の終わりも。

The sea also knows the end of this world.

からいなう。 進むき道へと。

So what it invites to go is the way forward.

から導く。 正しい世界へ。

So it points to the right world



“What you’re doing is simply stupid!”

“It’s like a ghost!”

“If you become a mad dog, you won’t bite the real enemy, just bite indiscriminately!”

While singing the military song of the navy, he recalled what Bai Ze said to himself during the battle on Seken Island.

Zefa looked at the explosive rocks placed around, and for a while, he fell into a confusion that he had never felt before.

“You’re just venting your hatred!”

These words were like a heavy hammer, smashing Zefa’s heart.

“I really… Is it just a simple vent? ”

Zefa whispered to himself.


Singing and contemplation are interrupted by the sound of heavy landings and smashing.

Zefa turned his head to look, Bai Ze pulled out his two swords, and walked towards him with a smile on his face, “The man who defected to the navy, but at this time he is singing a naval song, isn’t it too ironic?” ”


Zefa suddenly stood up from the volcanic rock and also walked towards Bai Ze, “Explaining it with combat power is the best way.” ”

Bai Ze’s gaze was slightly faint, his eyes seemed to be about to pass through Zefa’s sunglasses, and he raised his head and said: “It seems to be slightly more decent than the last time.”

“Then it’s up to your body to confirm it, boy!!!”

Zefa danced the crusher, and the moment he rushed with his legs, the volcanic rock under his feet was shattered by his power.


Bai Ze laughed maniacally, brandishing his two swords to meet the attack.

For a time, two blurry black shadows collided continuously in the volcanic area in the center of End Island.

Rush, crash, disperse, rush, ram, disperse!

“Golden Lion Scythe !!!”

The scythe-shaped sword qi danced down, and Zefa saw this and raised the crusher in his right hand to resist.

There was a violent sound of “clicking” the stone ground under the feet, and the whole person sank tens of centimeters.


With a roar, the claws of the crusher held the sword qi, smashed it with all its strength, and dissipated, turning into flying dust.

Zefa aimed the crusher at Bai Ze the next moment, “Smash – Blaster!!! ”

The explosive long-range firing artillery brought all the destruction in front of him and went straight to Bai Ze.

Bai Ze’s both hands and swords were covered in black with armed colors, crossed together, and resisted.


The cannon hit the body of the two swords, and Bai Ze’s body pushed out a distance of hundreds of meters in one go.


Bai Ze shouted angrily, and the two swords covered in armed color slashed forward.

Black Lion Cross !!!

The cannon was fed back, Zefa gritted his teeth and swung the crusher, this thing was indeed too heavy, but in order to compensate for the damage caused by his old age and physical weakness, he could only choose to do so.


Reluctantly wielding the bulky crusher, he met the furious sword qi that surged up.

The moment they collided, Zefa felt that his bones were misaligned.

Under the black light, Zefa saw the perception of the color, looked up, and saw that Bai Ze had already rushed over.

“What a shame! Rely on this kind of thing! Is it still worthy of being called [Black Fist Zefa]!? ”

The right fist covered with armed color came after the sword qi, and did not use the ability of the shock fruit!


A blow of armed color meets the crusher.


Bai Ze suddenly raised his strength to the extreme.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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