Pirate’s Infinite Wings

Chapter 997: After Pros and Cons

Fang Lang heard that Jane personally said the news on the phone. Fang Lang sat on the sofa for a few minutes, still feeling a little confused and unable to accept Jane's sudden decision. He asked Jane what she was doing, and Jane just said, you are the best choice. Fang Lang has no confidence, aunt. I will ruin your career for years. Aunt Jane said bluntly that even if they were lost, Aunt Jane would recognize them all. Fang Lang didn't say anything, and Jane hung up the phone.

Fang Lang has been sitting on the sofa for a long time. No wonder my sister said to go to bed early when she left last night. You will be very busy tomorrow. As expected, she already knew Jane's decision. At this point, Fang Lang Shuhao connected everything together, and it was easy to come to the conclusion that Jane should have had this plan a long time ago. No wonder Jane didn’t talk to himself last night about his fate and future in this circle. Fang Lang had to wonder if she had been testing and observing herself since Jane entered the circle.

When the second fat man stood up, Fang Lang Shuhao stared at the second fat man for a few seconds, and then slowly told the second fat man the news. Er Fei and Fang Lang's reactions were very similar, eyebrows, and slowly gave Fang Lang, just like Aunt Jane, saying that this might be her best choice.

To be honest, during this critical period, Shuhao Fang Lang really wanted to keep the second fat man, but he didn't ask, because he knew that the second man knew what he was thinking, and if he felt that he should stay, he would definitely open his mouth, Instead of letting Fang Lang Shuhao speak. Therefore, Fang Lang did not open his mouth, and the second fat did not open his mouth, which determined the meaning of the decision.

Fang Lang finally asked, the second fat, is this good or bad for me?

The second fat man said calmly, danger and opportunity coexist, it depends on what you can catch?

Fang Lang thought, said, opportunity.

Now that Jane has made her choice, now that things have happened, she herself has no way out. As mentioned earlier, this is his chance to seize the opportunity to successfully ascend at a faster rate. Be a great hero, like Jane who turns her hands into rain, and grabbing is a dangerous place where there is no death.

After weighing the pros and cons, Fang Lang Shuhao made this choice.

Aunt Jian went to prison, and the second fat walked away. Fang Lang stood at the end of his life and had to think about his next path. He knew that he would be really busy, and there would be many people and things to face. Finally thought seriously about what Jane said last night.

When Er Fatty went to tell Fang Lang that at 12 noon, his uncle would take the train to Chengdu. His name was Zhou Yi. He was 36 years old this year. He left uncle Fang Lang's mobile phone number and he would contact him.

After walking out of the house, Xu Lin stood up. Last night, he drank a lot of wine with the company's clients. When he got home, he went straight to sleep, and fell asleep until he was ready to get up and go to work. Fang Lang saw Xu Lin coming out and said directly: "Old Xu, resign." Do I need your help? "

Xu Lin, who was about to say hello to Fang Lang, stood there, stared at Shuhao Fang Lang for a few seconds, and then asked, "Okay, you're not sick."

Fang Lang said slowly: "Jane is in trouble."

Xu Lin changed his face and remained silent.

"She appointed me as her successor, and I may need your help," Fang Lang said.

Xu Zhun said, "What?"

For Xu Lin, this news really came out of the blue, even more sudden than hearing Han people's indifference to the universe, so he said slowly for a long time, "When will it be?" ..

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