Pirate’s Infinite Wings

053 Capturing Maggie (1)

For Ma Qi's impression, in addition to the other party's sutures, Fang Lang also knew that if she had the heart, she could pull her own musings enough to go around the world.

After searching for a while on the 133rd floor of the sky arena, Fang Lang even used the domineering look of knowledge, but he was unable to find Ma Qi in the end.

"Thinking about it carefully, Madge will come here, it must be looking for Hiso, but Hiso's arm is not broken, no need to suture, that is to say, Hiso is not looking for her, but she is looking for Hiso."

Fang Lang gave up the blind search, and after thinking about it, he turned around and entered the elevator, returning to his room.

"There are two possibilities. First, Maggie met Hisoka, and I met him by chance after that, so maybe she's gone now, so there's no other way. Second, I haven't seen it before, so I'll take it first. Encountered, from the analysis of the situation, the second possibility is more likely."

As he spoke, Fang Lang changed out of his usual casual clothes and wore a suit instead.

After tidying up his clothes a little, Fang Lang felt a lot refreshed.

"On an appointment with a beautiful woman, of course you have to dress appropriately. I hope she is still with Hisoka."

Thinking in my mind, Fang Lang opened the door and walked out, and the whole person instantly entered a state of utter utter utter emptiness.

Absolutely, completely isolates the qi, so that the enemy cannot feel its existence.

There seemed to be a layer of dim colors around him. Fang Lang walked quietly to Hisoka's floor, and released his perception at a distance of about 100 meters.

The arrogance of seeing and hearing is fleeting, and judging from the information conveyed by perception, there are two people in the room.

A man and a woman sat face to face, talking about something.

But after all, the other party is a master, and Fang Lang didn't mean to startle the snake, so he didn't have to listen to the other party's conversation.

"Come out!" Fang Lang, who was standing at the entrance of the stairs, stared, and he heard the sound of the door opening. Judging from the distance, it was from Hisoka's room.

Then, light footsteps came. Judging from the footsteps, it was a woman with a height of about 1.6 meters.

Everything echoed Fang Lang's impression of Ma Qi, and after a little preparation, Fang Lang lurked like a hunting leopard.

Not only Jue, but even the domineering seclusion of the spectacle is used together, and it must be done in one blow.

The distance keeps getting closer from 100 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters, 10 meters...

Madge's expression was immersed, carrying her bag, and walked to the entrance of the stairs.

She was not on guard, she didn't know that someone was ambushing her here, she never imagined that she would be attacked at such a time.

So the response was half a beat.

Just suddenly, within a fraction of a second, Madge's pupils shrank, and he was shocked to find that his shoulder was being held down, and at the same time, a palm lightly touched his neck.

"Yo, Miss March, we meet again."

A mocking voice came, and Ma Qi squinted and swept to the person who attacked her. At a glance, she was startled, "It's you..."

"Don't get excited, I won't hurt you, I just want to invite you to dinner." Fang Lang said with a smile: "Don't make a noise, I know Hisoka is nearby, but I'm sure I will kill you before he appears. ."

Hearing this, Madge was silent for a moment before saying, "Sorry, I didn't mean to eat with a strange man."

"Really, that's okay, we're not strangers. This is the second time we've met, friends." As he spoke, Fang Lang's right hand was still on Madge's fair neck, but his left hand was moved away from his shoulders, slowly Move down and touch the opponent's waist.

Feeling this action, Ma Qi's complexion changed slightly, but he did not dare to react.

The waist is also a very dangerous part. If the opponent attacks, it may be able to escape the restraint, but the internal organs will definitely be severely injured.

"Where to eat?" After weighing the gains and losses, Maggie finally chose to follow Fang Lang's meaning for the time being.

"Sky Arena will not work. If Hisoka finds out, it will be endless. In short, go to the restaurant outside." Fang Lang threatened Ma Qi's right hand and removed it from the opponent's neck. The waist is getting tighter and tighter, "I pretend to be a couple with me and get into the elevator."

"Um..." Madge responded calmly without resisting.

It is almost impossible to escape the opponent's restraint at such a close distance. After all, he is a master who can make her feel nothing and ambush her successfully.

If I remember correctly, this person is called Fang Lang, a fighter on the 200th floor of the Sky Arena.

Madge pondered inwardly, the question now is not how to escape the restraint, but what is the purpose of the other party, is it coming for her, the brigade, or something else?

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not malicious, I just said that I want to invite you to dinner, but I guess that if I ask you seriously, I will definitely be rejected, so I have to do this." Fang Lang glanced at the other party and said helplessly. .

"What's the purpose?" Madge asked directly, unmoved.

"Nothing..." Fang Lang stopped halfway through his words, the elevator opened again and a person came in.

The appearance of this person made Fang Lang's face froze.

"Fang Lang, you've been here, I've been looking for you for a long time. In the afternoon's teaching..." Bisji put her hands on her hips, said dissatisfiedly, then glanced at Maggie again, and said, "Who is she?"

"She... she's my girlfriend," Fang Lang laughed dryly and said, "Hey, I wanted to introduce you, but we're going out on a date now. Next time, Miss Bisqui."

"Um... girlfriend?" Biske narrowed her eyes and looked at it

Glancing at Madge, "It's not like that."

"Like, why not? Look how much we look like husband and wife!" Fang Lang winked at Ma Qi, "Really, Ma Qi?"

"Ah, um," Rao was very knowledgeable, and was stunned by the current situation, but he had to cooperate, "Hello, my boyfriend is under your care."

Although she didn't know who the person in front of her was, she obviously knew Fang Lang, and in terms of status, the little girl in front of her seemed to be higher, so she chose to flatter her.

And looking at Fang Lang's meaning, it is obvious that his robbery action has nothing to do with others and is not an organized action, then his purpose is worth pondering.

"Come on, let's go first."

The elevator stopped on the 150th floor, so Fang Lang had to leave early with his arms around Maggie. ..

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