Pirate’s Infinite Wings

123 Simulated systems (4)

The conversation between the two sides ended quickly, and the final result was not in line with the original plan.

Fang Lang did not really join the Breakthrough Group, but obtained the qualification to trade with the group in the form of a peripheral member.

It can be purchased with money or exchanged with cards, but at the same time, because there is no assistance or cards, the 50 billion bounty obtained will be missed by Fang Lang.

In addition, there are certain obligations and interests of intelligence sharing.

"It's really not in line with the thief's approach." Leaving the hotel, March commented.

"It doesn't matter, it's best if you can buy it with money. It's their business if they want to break through, I just want to improve my ability to read." Fang Lang shook his head, pulled Ma Qi and said, "I am a trait. The system is not bad, but the embodiment system is not bad. Ordinary cards can be easily realized. The problem is how to be like 'them'."

They, of course, refer to game developers.

"The difference in the amount of qi, you are only one-tenth of the heyday because of the oath of mind power."

"Maybe, but there's definitely something in it that I don't know about."

Think about it with common sense, the realization of forty kinds of spell cards, a hundred kinds of designated cards, and the rest of the monster cards, etc., etc., is it just because of the problem of realization?

Obviously not, there must be a special way to do this.

Maybe it's the power of constraints and vows, maybe something else, all in all, if he understands this, Fang Lang is confident that he can do it to a similar degree.

In the following days, Fang Lang continued to indulge in card research.

Fortunately, with the help and intelligence of the Breakthrough Group, many cards that cannot be bought in stores can be obtained. Of course, it is Maqi who is in charge of collecting, and Fang Lang is just researching.

Each card has a different effect, and the thoughts to achieve different effects include the six elements. Fang Lang selected a part of the research on realization.

A month later, Fang Lang has been able to achieve a similar ability.

Because of the second mind removal, Fang Lang's mind ability has returned to the fifth level of its heyday. After the realization, and adding power to the card, it can already be done.

For example, if this card comes again, Fang Lang can use Nian to move himself long distances.

Of course, it is not as terrifying as the real "come again", and you can move around the island at will.

You must know that Greed Island is almost the size of South Korea. To move freely in such a large place, the thought required is very terrifying.

What Fang Lang can do now is only flying within a thousand meters.

Although this distance is nothing, as long as the power of mind increases, sooner or later it will become a high-speed flight within tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of meters, and millions of meters.

Greed Island itself has a system that is responsible for coordinating all cards. Accordingly, Fang Lang also created this system.

With the Book of Pirates as the carrier of the system and the storage of additional thoughts, it can now achieve the effect of 5 kinds of cards, of course, they are all weakened versions.

These five are coming again, peering, communication, tracking, and red thunder.

Then again: can fly to any random spot within a radius of one kilometer.

Companion: Including yourself, everyone within a radius of ten meters can fly to any random place within a radius of one kilometer.

Communication: The person who is applied with this card can communicate over a long distance, the maximum communication distance is unknown. Fang Lang has tested it, and in the island of greed, the longest distance communication is no problem, but if the person who is applied to the communication is removed, this effect will disappear.

Tracking: The person who applies this card will be known by the user to the current location, the maximum tracking distance, unknown. Same as communication, the condition cannot be tested.

Red Thunder: Using this card, you can release red lightning, entangle the opponent, and grow with the opponent's qi until the user issues an order to destroy the opponent.

These five cards are the cards that Fang Lang can simulate and create at present. Compared with the cards of Greed Island, the effect can be said to be quite weak.

How to strengthen it, on the one hand, is the problem of his own thinking ability, on the other hand, the composition of the system, and the secret that Fang Lang does not know.



Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it was January 5, 2000.

Fang Lang and Maggie left Greed Island.

There are only two ways to leave the game. One is to get a ticket from the only port in the game to leave, and the other is to get a "leave" card and move away directly.

Fang Lang used the latter, so they went directly back to You Kexin's hotel.

"I have already booked the airship tickets, go to the Hunter headquarters first." Returning to the familiar city of Youkexin, Fang Lang turned on the computer, bought two airship tickets, and then packed up, "Leave the game for ten days, the in-game The data will be gone, so we have to be back in ten days.”

While talking, Fang Lang put the game console into the virtual space.

"Well, it should be in time." Madge nodded.

In the afternoon, Fang Lang and the two got on the airship to the Hunter headquarters.

Although the headquarters is on another continent, it is not very far from Youkexin City, so it can be reached in just one day.

At noon on January 6, Fang Lang and the two arrived at their destination.

When Fang Lang saw the building of the Hunter Association headquarters, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Not because the building is too high, but because it is unexpectedly ordinary, and it is not much different from an ordinary office building.

According to the introduction, it is 390 meters high and has 101 floors. The entire building is the property of the association and is not rented out.

Partially vacant.

"This is the world-famous Hunter Association?" Madge looked up at the building, then shook his head: "I can't see anything special at all, except for the hunter logo on the building."

"Tsk tsk, don't pay attention to the details." Fang Lang chuckled lightly and led Maggie into the hall.

It seems that he knew Fang Lang was back, and the lady at the front desk gave him a message directly.

"You are Mr. Fang Lang. The secretary just called and asked you to go to the president's office."


Seeing this, the lady at the front desk said with a smile: "The president's office is on the 101st floor. When you arrive, someone will take you there. As for this lady, you are not a hunter, so please stay in the hall later."

Fang Lang was inexplicable when he heard that he was here to be an examiner, but now it seems that he wants to see him in Nitro? ..

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