Pirate’s Infinite Wings

146 Acting Head (3)

Nobunaga has never seen a chunian, but he has never seen it, or at least he understands that chunian is not so simple.

He didn't even know when he was excommunicated!

Looking at Fang Lang at the door, Nobunaga suddenly felt that this person was unfathomable. In the past, when he was in the brigade, although the other party showed considerable fighting power, which was enough to make people look down on it, but it was not like this now. In the face, there is a feeling of invincibility.

This is not because Nobunaga underestimates himself, but Fang Lang's ability is too strange, and the bondage brought by the oath of psychic power disappeared in just an instant fight.

"No, there are two more!" As soon as he thought of this, Nobunaga discovered an abnormality. The amount of qi he emitted was extremely rare, about one-tenth of the normal state.

"Of course, do you think I can get rid of the three vows in one go?" Fang Lang rolled his eyes, "The second one will take at least half a month."

Having said that, in fact, it was all a lie. Fang Lang was afraid that he would take away the three oaths in one breath, and he would need to return too much.

At the beginning, I helped Ma Qi to remove three things in one go, but returned a considerable amount of lifespan. Although he didn't care about lifespan, Fang Lang didn't want to give it to Nobunaga.

Therefore, taking away the first oath of mind power, what he returned to Nobunaga was his mercy.

When they fought before, Fang Lang had the opportunity to kill each other, but he didn't do it, just showing mercy.

The other party lost a oath of psychic power and got mercy from the enemy.

This take-out and return has been approved.

There was no abnormality in Fang Lang's body, and there was no sign of dizziness.

"The oath of psychic power is a burden to Nobunaga, so what I return should be far greater than the amount that needs to be returned. It's interesting. It seems that taking and returning this power is something I don't know."

Fang Lang thought to himself, and then said: "Anyway, I want to tell you one thing, the other members of the brigade are also there."

Immediately, Fang Lang briefly explained what happened last night, and then sent an invitation to Nobunaga.

Because it was the reorganization of the brigade and the search for the leader and the rest of the group, Nobunaga readily agreed, but his expression was still very unhappy, "Hmph, when I fully recover, I will be one-on-one with you!"

"Okay, whatever you want." Fang Lang casually sent a sentence, but he thought about adding another subordinate, although it was not easy to control, "Let's go and find someone else."

"Wait, I'll pack up." Nobunaga shouted, then walked to the broken table, found a pocket watch from the drawer, put it in his pocket, and followed Fang Lang out.

"Which famous swords do you want?" Fang Lang gave him a strange look.

"No, it's not as good as mine." Nobunaga said indifferently.

"If you don't want it, then I'll take it." Fang Lang chuckled lightly, took out his mobile phone, walked into the house, and came out after a while.

Kurt took a special look and found that all the weapons in the store had been looted.

"The ability of the space department!" After realizing this, Kurt became more and more surprised. Fang Lang's mind ability was very complicated, and he couldn't figure it out.

The three of them immediately began to look for the rest of the team members. Although they were disguised as candidates, they were easily found under Fang Lang's domineering arrogance.

Knight, Franklin, Finks, and March.

The four of them were eating ramen with serious expressions in front of a ramen shop, with expressions on their faces as if they owed him millions.

The three of Fang Lang sat opposite each other, and Dad brought three bowls of ramen for this.

"Nobunaga, your oath of mind power has been removed?" Finks said calmly: "Did Fang Lang do it?"

"No, it's just an oath of mind power, but it's enough to speak normally." Nobunaga pouted and ate the ramen.

Ma Qi showed a look of disgust. After being with Fang Lang for a long time, he always learned various expressions.

"However, it can be confirmed that Fang Lang can indeed remove other people's thoughts." The knight said thoughtfully: "Now there are three people, Pike Nuotan, Kubei, and Flakes, who do you know where these three are? ?"

Everyone didn't speak. Except for activities, the brigade almost didn't communicate with each other during the rest of the time, and they didn't live in a fixed place.

As far as Fang Lang knew, Xiaodi was usually the administrator of a city library. If he didn't know, he wouldn't care too much.

As for Ma Qi, Fang Lang also knew that he did not have a serious job, and would occasionally undergo limb surgery, such as the case of Hisoka.

The rest are probably the same.

The brigade has no activities, that is, ordinary integration into the society.

"I said, a few, the people who are gathering now include me, Madge, Xiaodi, Knight, Finks, Feitan, Franklin, Nobunaga, and the newcomer Kurt. There are 9 people in total. It's almost time to choose An acting head." Fang Lang said solemnly: "I've thought about it, I'm the most suitable."

"Don't say stupid things, we are looking for a regiment leader, not an acting regiment leader." Nobunaga snorted softly.

However, the knight pondered and said: "It makes sense, there should be an acting head. Fang Lang's words are completely fine, and his subsequent actions will also depend on his 'position'."

He was referring to the position of the head of the review department. With the power of the Hunter Association, it was difficult to find someone, but it was not impossible.

"I agree too." March nodded.

"Hey, you and him are wearing a pair of pants! Do your votes count?" Nobunaga couldn't help but say, "Why, it will become a vote?"

"I think Xiaodi will also agree." Ma Qi thought for a while and added.

Hearing this, Fang Lang smiled, "Then, including my vote, there are already four votes. If there are 9 people, one more vote will confirm it."

"I object." Nobunaga said resentfully.

Finks put down his chopsticks, looked at Fang Lang a few times, and then said, "No, Feitan will also object. Franklin, how about you?"

"Objection." Franklin, who had been eating ramen, said vaguely.

Immediately, everyone looked at Curt, her vote was related to the outcome of this conversation.

Kurt took a deep breath and looked at Fang Lang with a smile on his face. He wanted to object, but when it came to his lips, it turned into approval.

"I agree."

She remembered what happened the night before. ..

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