Dadi was tireless and seductive, and Bartolomeo suddenly realized that he understood some other application of his abilities.

Perhaps because he has always used barriers to defend against various impact attacks, and then it is convenient to use them in turn to hit people, Bartolomeo’s thinking is a little rigid, thinking that barriers are used to hit people.

Of course, the biggest mental rigidity is that he has always thought that this barrier can defend against so many attacks, at least it should have a certain thickness.

But in fact, when he gets himself a barrier and looks from the side, he will find that the barrier is actually very thin, even so thin that it looks like only a line remains.

Hard enough and thin enough, such an object can be used as a blade.

“Boss Xie for guidance!” Bartolomeo said excitedly, immediately made a small side of the barrier, and threw it out.

Still threw the barrier out the same as before, but this time is different, previously it was throwing walls, now throwing darts.


With a crisp sound, the barrier dart was stuck by the scales!

Although he still failed to break the defense, this time, Bartolomeo successfully counterattacked! Successfully left traces of the battle he gave on the dragon.

Bartolomeo raised his hands and cheered to celebrate his breakthrough.

However, the battle was not over and Bartolomeo rejoiced too soon.

A huge shadow covered him.

“Stupid! Pay attention! Nami shouted from behind the observation window.


As soon as Dadi’s fingers moved, he was about to move the arrogant boy away, but then, he sensed Barto’s plan and relaxed his fingers.

Everyone thought Bartolomeo had underestimated the enemy, but only he knew what he was doing.

Before the fire dragon’s claws smashed, Bartolomeo screamed in embarrassment and jumped away.


A lot of blood gushed out.

Not Bartolomeo’s, it’s the fire dragon’s.

A barrier was left in place and then inserted into the claws of the fire dragon.

For Bartolomeo, Boss Dadi’s every word is a golden word, he did not just listen to Dadi’s words to use the barrier as a blade, he also noticed what Boss Dadi said: you can’t compare strength with giant creatures.

They can’t compare strength because they have a natural gap in size and racial talent.

Then, since the strength is not comparable to those huge creatures, it is better to simply use their power.

Bartolomeo, who was so calculating, quietly erected a barrier on the deck and set the angle, and the fire dragon really did not find that there was such a sinister trap here.

Of course, the most important thing was that he listened to Dadi’s words and concentrated on the battle with the fire dragon, if he were not so focused, he might have gotten carried away when he made a difference in barrier darts and successfully left a mark on a piece of scales, where there were so many things later.

“This guy, not only listens to advice, but also extracts new intentions from what I said.”

From “don’t fight with giant creatures” to “then borrow their strength”, and then from “your barrier is thin and strong, you can use it as a blade” to “use your own thin and strong barrier to create an ‘invisible’ blade trap for the enemy”, the transformation in between, it can be said, is really a huge breakthrough.

“yes, what if it were you? Will you listen to advice? Renly asked with emotion.

“I’m a bit stubborn and don’t listen to advice.” Dadi frankly admitted that he was the kind of person who was more difficult to persuade, and then praised Bartolomeo: “So, Bartolomeo, this kid, is really a little powerful.” ”

In the miserable roar of the fire dragon, Bartolomeo felt Dadi’s praising gaze, so he turned around and gave Dadi a thumbs up.

Then, the fire dragon’s flicking tail slapped Bartolomeo onto the railing.

Everyone who saw it covered their foreheads helplessly.

“Forget it, when I didn’t praise him.” Dadi hurriedly dissociated himself from the praise just now.

The fire dragon that was finally injured seemed to move more quickly, exerting more and more force, and sometimes, smashing on the deck, the force would shake the waves through the ship.

“Angry, angry, you guys are in trouble.” Dadi watched the show with interest.

Finally, even Gallot’s dodge began to embarrass him.

But Bartolomeo seems to be getting better, just now the difficult dodge in the general state of the fire dragon has only been a difficult dodge, it seems that Bartolomeo is keeping up with the speed of the fire dragon’s strength improvement.

He even seized an opportunity to throw a barrier dart into its mouth before the fire dragon spewed out its flame dragon breath.

But unfortunately, the fire dragon suddenly closed its mouth.

Renly looked at Dady.

The fire dragon with its mouth wide open cannot see Bartolomeo’s darts, and this fire dragon does not have a strong fighting instinct or combat skills.

Therefore, the fire dragon’s sudden closure was done by Dadi.

Dadi smiled at Reilly and said, “A fire dragon with empty strength, no combat skills, and thick skin is a good training equipment, I don’t want them to consume this equipment so quickly.” ”

At the very least, you should kill the fire dragon directly from its hard shell just like Solon did in the original game.

Dadi recalled the scene in the comics where Solon used “Death Lion Song” to cut off the head of the fire dragon in one fell swoop. The first few pages of the manga also said that this fire dragon had much more strength than Sauron, but Solon still carried the fire dragon head-on.

The fire dragon became more angry, more violent, and lost chapters.

But the swift and disorderly attack made the two of them unable to judge the fire dragon’s movements properly.

For example, Gallot wanted to exchange injuries for injuries to scare the fire dragon, but the fire dragon’s tail did not stop at all, but Garlot himself provoked first.

For example, Bartolomeo thought that attacking his injured foot would make him more inclined to defensive, but the fire dragon chased him fiercely.

Dadi stood tall and looked down at the scene.

Look at Bartolomeo’s embarrassment, watch Galot’s misjudgment.

Yes, that’s it. Battles with charters are at best turn-based battles that come and go, back and forth, while Battle of the Trapped Beasts is not.

The battle of trapped beasts can make them feel more deeply what it is for you to die or live, and the crazy and unchartered combat style will also make their combat experience against enemies useless. Without combat experience, all they can rely on is reaction and instinct, which is exactly what the two of them should learn in battle.

Ah~ I suddenly hope that this dragon can fight for ten days and ten nights like a red dog and a green pheasant.

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