Mental trance, when he woke up, he already found himself in a black space, endless, as if the world was all night, there were countless black prismatic giant pillars at a glance, Ye Ze’s eyes were blank, this place seemed to have seen where.

Suddenly, Yeze found a huge white ball of light in front of him, shining with light and spraying mist, which was very charming, so that Yeze couldn’t help but put his hand up.


Another picture appeared in front of Ye Ze’s eyes, a battlefield, the earth was torn and destroyed, full of the breath of death and destruction, the sky was a dark cloud, there was no light, the moon in the sky was blood-red, it looked strange, terrifying, how conspicuous a giant tree in front of the sky was, as high as ten thousand zhang.

This scene Yazawa had seen, he remembered, this is the world of Naruto.

And this scene is the fourth ninja world war.

Yozawa saw the decisive battle between Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke Uzumaki Naruto, and slowly looked down, Yozawa also stared at the boss with an incredulous look.

Surprised that what he ate was not the demon fruit in the One Piece world, but the power from the Naruto world.

Back then, Uchiha opened the reincarnation writing wheel eye on his forehead with the power of the six immortals, and even became a ten-tailed human pillar force, but he didn’t want to sneak up on him, and his strength was used as a wedding dress.

At the last moment, Uchiha split his power in two, peeled it off, and used the pupil technique with the eye of reincarnation to send it to the otherworldly space.

Ye Ze was already blindfolded and stood in place, what a heaven-defying thing he had eaten.

After reading everything, Ye Ze knew that the demon fruit he ate was from the power that split from the fire shadow world Uchiha Ba before he died, and after a long time shuttle, he had gradually fallen into a deep sleep, and even some of the forces had died in the shuttle, but it left the blood succession limit of Uchiha Mama.

Blood Succession Limit!

It is also a shock of the heart, what is the blood succession limit of Uchiha Madara, which is a symbol of perversion in the Hokage world.

Writing wheel eyes!

Ye Ze knew why his eyes were so stinging just now.

In addition, Yeze also found that his brain had some more tricks, fire, thunder, earth, wind, and even the legendary Yin and Yang.

That is the various tricks of Naruto’s world, and Uchiha itself will have many tricks, especially after opening the eye of reincarnation and having the power to rival the six immortals, it can be said that it is an existence standing at the top of the Naruto world, and it has the legendary Yin and Yang Escape Technique.

Ye Ze stood in place for a long time, unable to return to his senses.

Suddenly, the white light mass burst out of brilliant light, rushing towards Yeze to envelop him, and with Yeze’s pores, mouth and nose, burrowed into his body.

Judging from the information left behind by Uchiha Spot, this is replacing Yozawa with the blood succession limit of Uchiha Spot.

The pores are comfortable, the body is very relaxed, and Yorazawa feels that the body is full of strength and the stains in the body are removed.

This is a real rebirth, and the remaining power of Uchiha is washing his body and changing his physique.

Ye Ze could feel as if a shackle on his body had been opened, as if his body and mind were liberated.


The world in front of Ye Ze’s eyes suddenly began to collapse, and the huge stone pillar under his feet broke and shattered.

Yeze felt a trance in front of his eyes, and when he woke up again, a familiar voice came from his ears.

“Haven’t you died yet, it’s really fateful, since that’s the case, let me give you a ride!” Rao S. A long knife appeared in G’s hand and smiled wickedly at Yorazawa.

Ye Ze shook his head, and his trance gradually sobered up, and he suddenly felt that his body was much more relaxed than before, an indescribable comfort.

Yozawa looked up and saw that it was Rao A. G’s oncoming long knife, cutting through the wind, is about to fall.

Oddly enough, Rao S. G’s knife seemed much slower to Yazawa to him.

Ye Ze’s body tilted, stepped on the tip of the knife, jumped into the distance, and fell abruptly, moving quickly.

Rao S. G was shocked in his heart, Yeze’s reaction ability exceeded his expectations, his instinctive reaction was too fast, extremely fast, and agile.

Yazawa looked at Rao G, his every move seemed to be slow in his eyes, Yorazawa was a little suspicious, rubbed his eyes and looked at Rao again G, but still hasn’t changed.

“Little ghost, you…” Suddenly, Rao G’s face changed, and he didn’t show a shocked expression.

Ye Ze’s eyes showed a blood-red light, which looked very strange in the sun, as if he would be sucked in at a glance, and there were three hook jade around his eyes, which made people’s hearts palpitate, as if falling into the ice and snow.

“Is it the power of the Devil Fruit?” Rao S. G voice is low.

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