“Look at the joke!” A cold sweat appeared on Joz’s face, and the moment in the outside world turned out to be several hours in Yeze’s illusion.

The captain was frightened by Yeze, and Whitebeard’s eyes also showed shock.

If it weren’t for the fact that Marko and the others had been getting along with Yeze for several months and knew that Yeze’s eyes were born with different pupils, they would really wonder if Yazawa had eaten the Devil Fruit.

After knowing the reason, Marko and the others did not stay too much on this issue, pulling Yeze to fight wine.

The banquet didn’t end until late at night, and when Yozawa was about to go back to his room to rest, a man came to find Yozawa .

A trace of color flashed in Ye Ze’s eyes, and it really made Ye Ze feel incredible that he would come to him.

Blackbeard, Marshall S. D. Tichy!

An out-and-out careerist, who has been hiding in the Whitebeard Pirates, killed his companions for a devil fruit, indirectly promoted the top war, resulting in Whitebeard’s death, and Yaze had no good impression of him.

Yeze had paid attention to this man in the past few months, but now Blackbeard is too mediocre, behaving like ordinary people, and there is no outstanding place.

“Tichy? Is there something to look for me? Yazawa asked.

Tichy did not answer directly, just small talk, and finally he asked Yeze, the Whitebeard Pirates still lack a second team captain, I don’t know if Ye Ze is interested, with the strength that Ye Ze is now showing, it is enough to sit in the position of the captain of the second team, and Marko and others will not have an opinion.

Ye Ze sneered in his heart, how could he not know what calculation Blackbeard made, but he still chuckled on his face and asked: “Tichy, if I’m not mistaken, you are also from the second team, right?” You have no interest in a second captain, and your qualifications are older than mine. ”

Blackbeard waved his hand, saying that he did not have this kind of strength and ambition, and the identity of a team member could be, but it was Yeze, known as Ghost Pupil Yeze by the Navy, with a bounty of 600 million, if it was just an ordinary crew identity, it was a little too much.

“Yozawa is right, Tichy is right, you can no longer be an ordinary crew member, it is enough to be the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates with your strength.”

Marko came from afar and also supported Yorazawa as the captain of the second team, and the position of the captain of the second team could not remain vacant all the time.

Subsequently, Diamond Joz, Foil Bista and others also expressed their positions one by one, and they all supported Yeze as the captain of the second team, Yeze smiled bitterly, wanted to open his mouth to refuse, is also a lazy person, not suitable to be the captain.

Unexpectedly, in the end, even Whitebeard spoke, and directly opened his mouth to let Yeze be the captain of the second team, and there was no room for negotiation.

Ye Ze was so confused that everyone was named the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In 1515, the Whitebeard Pirates officially announced to the New World that Onitomi Yazawa served as the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

This did not cause a storm, because this was expected by all forces, but envied that the Whitebeard Pirates had another monster.

It was still a new day, Yeze was cultivating in the room, a small transparent cube in his hand, emitting white light, but after a while, the cube in his hand disappeared.

“It’s really hard to grasp the dust, and I’ve only now comprehended it.” Yeze sighed softly.

Dust is the only one of Naruto to surpass the Blood Succession Limit, which is formed by the change in the nature of earth, wind, and fire.

After the enchantment is launched, the enchantment encounters all the creatures that are decomposed into sub-sized substances, and everything turns into dust, ignoring the opponent’s defense.

In the world of Hokage, Dust’s achievements are also very brilliant, when the Five Shadows vs. Uchiha Spot, Uchiha Spot used the ninjutsu wood between the original Hokage Senjutsu Pillar to descend on the flower tree world, the Five Shadows were affected by pollen and lost their resistance, Onoki used the Dust Escape Original Realm Peeling Technique, and the flower tree and Uchiha Spot’s fire were destroyed into dust, and the dust also blew the pollen away, saving the Five Kages.

and the five shadows were doppelgängers of the twenty-five wooden doppelgangers of Uchiha Ban, opening the incomplete body Susano, forcing the five shadows into a corner, thanks to the Tokage Technique of Dust Escape Realm Stripping, which wiped out the twenty-five wooden doppelgangers and Susanoo of Uchiha with one blow.

The only disadvantage of dust escape is that it is too consuming chakra, which ordinary people cannot bear, but for Yeze this is not a problem, the real difficulty is that dust is composed of the combination of three nature changes of earth, wind, and fire, which requires Yeze to be proficient in these three techniques.

Just when Yeze was still worried about the matter of the dust, the voice of a pirate anxiously sounded outside the door, and his voice was urgent: “Captain, something happened.”

On the deck of the Moby Dick, the figures of Marko, Joz, Saatchi, and Captain Bista appeared here, their faces gloomy, and Yeze’s eyes also showed killing intent.

The vassal pirate group of the Whitebeard Pirates, Lei Qing Makkai’s pirate group, all the pirates on the ship died, and the body was handed over to the navy.

The atmosphere on the white-bearded pirate group was solemn, the captains showed cold faces one by one, and several captains who had a good relationship with Makkai were already drummed and emotional.

“Who the hell is it?” Marko’s eyes flashed coldly, none of the pirates on the ship of Makkai were spared, all died tragically, and the corpses were taken away by the navy, which is no longer a contradiction between ordinary pirates, this is a blatant provocation of their white-bearded pirate group.

“BIG· MAM! Ye Ze cold voice, the writing wheel eyes in the eyes unconsciously appeared, emitting cold light, the pupils of the three hook jade turned, even the captains around them could feel the killing intent revealed by Ye Ze.

“BIG· MAM? Is it their hands? The gloomy voice of the white beard came, he couldn’t remember how long he hadn’t been so angry, the momentum that belonged to the king on his body climbed, and his eyes were full of fierce light.

Yorazawa said that he had seen Makkai on an island a few days ago, when he was seriously injured and had limited mobility, and according to him, he was killed by BIG· MAM Pirates’ vassal pirate group was injured, Yeze wanted to make a move, Makkai strongly objected, did not want to bring unnecessary trouble to daddy because of his own reasons, wanted to wait for the injury to be solved by himself, did not want to worry daddy, just in case, Yeze also toured the island, in case there was BIG· The appearance of the MAM Pirate Group’s vassal Pirate Group, Yorazawa did not leave until it was confirmed that it was okay.

After Yozawa finished speaking, everyone fell silent, Marco, Joz’s eyes were even more cold, BIG· MAM Pirates, do you want to go to war with their Whitebeard Pirates?

They don’t believe it, with BIG· The strength of the vassal pirate group of MAM Pirates to kill a group of people without giving Makkai the opportunity to ask the Whitebeard Pirates for help must be BIG· The general star of the MAM Pirates has shot.

There are still two more left, and it will be offered in the evening, and you recommend it!

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