Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

The loud sound of shell bombardment sounded continuously, and the ground shook slightly.

With each explosion, many lives are reaped, and a brutal battle is being carried out at the naval headquarters base.

Led by ten gene warriors, the Heavenly Force almost overwhelmingly suppressed the soldiers and officers who remained in the naval headquarters, no matter how courageous the latter was, no matter how fierce he was to death, it was useless.

The gap in strength between the two sides is so large that it can no longer be made up through morale, and the morale of the heavenly troops is also not weak, after all, they have the advantage, and the soldiers are always high.

“What’s going on? Why is the headquarters of the Navy under attack? ”

Near the naval headquarters of Marin Fandor, there is a militarized town inhabited by the families of the navy and some members of the world government, at this time, hearing the sound of fighting and fighting, they ran out to watch.

These people simply can’t imagine that any force will dare to attack the naval headquarters, you know, the previous battle on the top, it was also the navy that took the lead in attacking, luring the four emperors whitebeard to come, it was a naval conspiracy ambush.

“Hmm! Attacking the base of the Navy headquarters… It doesn’t seem to be a pirate? Someone noticed the soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven who were fighting with the naval forces, and they couldn’t help but be surprised.

“It’s them! I recognize them! It’s the kingdom of heaven, the army of the kingdom of heaven! ”

“Aaaah! Soldiers of heaven indeed! ”

“Not long ago, the main force of the Navy was just defeated by the Heavenly Army, and I heard that the damage was serious, did the Heavenly Kingdom take the opportunity to attack the Navy headquarters?”

“Hmph! I think the kingdom of heaven has come for vengeance. ”

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s run for our lives! A little longer, those soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven will definitely kill them! ”

“Don’t worry, how can the headquarters of the Navy be breached? This is home to some of the best naval forces in the world! ”

“You better keep your eyes open and see carefully! It is clear that the naval side is suppressed! If it goes on like this, the navy will soon collapse! ”

“Wow! Why is this? ”

A group of people were talking about it, some lurking spies of other forces, and even reporters from major newspapers took out their cameras to take pictures – this is probably a reporter on the front of the front! It’s just that these journalists in front of them are really desperate, or in other words, asking for money and not life.

“Haha! The base of the naval headquarters was actually attacked by the Kingdom of Heaven! And about to be breached! This is big news! After reporting to the headquarters, you will definitely receive a commendation! “A journalist excitedly ran near the battlefield to take pictures in order to get clearer pictures.


The next moment, the shell fell nearby, and the violent explosion directly blasted the reporter away.

Half an hour passed, and the battle continued, but the main battle had been advanced by the Celestial Forces near the naval headquarters base that was being rebuilt.

Here, is the last line of defense of the Navy, if it cannot be held, the naval headquarters base will fall, and Marin Fandor will become history.

“In the name of justice! Never back down! A rear admiral shouted loudly, as if to boost the morale of the soldiers, as well as to encourage himself.


A figure suddenly rushed and smashed his fist heavily on the rear admiral’s face, and the latter flew directly upside down and fell into the building of the naval headquarters base that had not been fully completed not far behind, without the slightest sound.


At this time, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven who followed in the distance shouted slogans, and the voices converged, shaking the entire battlefield.

“Surrender! Surrender!! ”

A shout of coercion caused the last naval team to gradually disperse, and one by one retreated in fear.

“If you don’t surrender, you will die!”

The gene warrior No. 1 led by him brazenly shot and killed more than ten people in a row.

The bloody death scene frightened the remaining naval soldiers, who laid down their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

This scene was completely filmed by some reporters who ‘asked for money but not life’ outside the battlefield.

“What an astounding! The troops of the headquarters of the Navy will surrender to heaven? This is absolutely explosive big news!! ”

“Haha! This big news is from our newspaper! I’ve already passed the news! ”

“Hmph! Lao Tzu has long used video transmission phone worms to convey the specific process of the battle to the newspaper, and it won’t be long before the situation here will spread throughout the world! This time, it was our newspaper that won! Hahaha!! ”

“Damn it!!”

Several journalists representing different large newspapers fought to grab first-hand information and the opportunity to publish news first-hand.

And just when the brains of these people were about to come out, a light suddenly burst out from a large warship on the surface of the port.


The light rushed straight to the battlefield, and finally descended on the top of the half-built naval headquarters base, overlooking the entire battlefield.

“I, Anduin, Lord of Heaven, hereby declare that from this day onwards, the era of the rule of the world government is over!” Anduin said every word, and his voice echoed throughout the battlefield.

In the distance, the fighting reporters also discovered Anduin’s shocking move, and took out cameras and even video transmission phone worms and began to take photos or live broadcasts.

Under the busy work of these journalists, Andu’s declaration was conveyed to many parts of the world in just ten minutes, and then the latest newspapers were printed and distributed by major newspapers, bringing the news to every corner of the world.

At the naval headquarters base, Anduin’s declaration continued.

“Today, our heavenly kingdom will not only storm the naval headquarters, but also destroy the World Government Headquarters and the Holy Land – Mary Joa!” Anduin announced these words in a deep voice, and it was not easy to release a bomb.

This final declaration shocked the reporters who were shooting crazy.

“World Government Headquarters? Holy Land – Mary Joya? Is this guy serious? ”

“Well, I think he’s crazy, right? That’s a holy place! It’s Draco… How could that kind of place be breached?! ”

“… I think it’s possible, although ‘provoking Draco will attract admirals’, but now, there are no admirals!” ”

“… It seems to be true! ”

While a group of journalists were talking, the forces around the world who received the news began to pay attention to the war in Marin Fandor.

In just over half an hour, Marin Fando became the focus of the world’s attention. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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