Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 30 The operational concept of air strikes

Marine Headquarters Marineland is the largest military base Darren has ever seen.

Under the warm farewell of the doctors and nurses, Darren had just stepped out of the gate of the military hospital and arrived at the central military fortress that was like a mountain and occupied almost half of his field of vision.

Gray-black stone walls, towering in size, equipped with huge black heavy cannons on the flanks, it looks like an exaggerated war beast from a distance, slowly opening its bloody mouth, killing all invading enemies. Swallowed up.

On the ramparts of the central military fortress, dragons and phoenixes outline the large black characters "Justice", which is visually filled with a strong sense of oppression.

In front of the central military fortress is a huge oval-shaped military port. Several-story-high Demon-Slaying Order-level warships are docked in it. There are also groups of patrolling warships that are constantly entering and exiting the military port. Snow-white seagull flags are so densely packed that they almost cover the sky. Block out the sun.

Darren immediately glanced around. On both sides of the military port and the military buffer zone, he could see huge forts standing quietly, reflecting the black luster in the sun, making the naval soldiers patrolling and repairing on the ground look small. Like ants.

He also saw a lot of naval guards, and the aura they exuded was as if they were warriors who had experienced hundreds of battles.

"Did you see it? This is the Navy Headquarters."

Next to him, Jiaji happily smoked a cigar that came out of the gift box in the ward. He noticed Darren's slightly surprised and slightly twinkling eyes, and couldn't help but puff up his chest and laugh.

"Well... although I have to admit that you have indeed trained the North Sea Fleet very well, the most powerful force of justice in the world is still the ground you stand on."

"Since the founding of the Navy, no one has ever been able to invade Marineventor."

Jiaji's face was full of pride, with one hand on his hip, as if he was pointing out the country.

He looked as proud as a city man introducing his big city to a country man.

"This kind of military strength is not comparable to that of Beihai... Hey, hey, hey, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing Darren's unmoved look, just quietly squinting his eyes at Malinfando, Jiaji asked dissatisfiedly.


Darren suddenly came to his senses, smiled and replied casually:

"I was just wondering if there was any way to capture Marinefando if it were me."

"Don't even think about it...wait, what did you say!?"

Jiaji turned to stare at the Commodore with a confused look on his face.

"Just kidding, just kidding..."

Darren smiled and raised his hands to show his innocence:

"Come on, Jiajie, isn't the training camp about to start?"

Jiaji glanced at him suspiciously, and after pondering for a second, he couldn't help but ask:

"If it were you, could you do it?"

Darren's footsteps stopped.

"If I were to lead the North Sea Fleet and rely on the flexibility of the North Sea Fleet to conduct air strikes around areas with dense artillery fire..."

"Air raid? What does that mean?"

Jiaji interrupted Darren and asked with confusion on his face.

"Oh, I almost forgot...air strike means large-scale air strike."

Darren explained.

For people in this world, their understanding and knowledge of forms of war is still at a very primitive and rough level.

The lack of air military power means that the concept of "air strikes" does not exist in their minds.

Not to mention the various military tactics derived from the concept of air combat.

"Oh oh oh, that's it...ah no, I mean, I already knew it, I just forgot and couldn't remember it."

Jiaji raised his nostrils to the sky and said:

"so what?"

Darren did not expose this face-conscious guy. He just rubbed his chin, thought carefully for a few seconds, and said slowly:

"If we can use other methods to drag Porusalino and Drago... I am 30% sure that I can blow up the important military facilities of Marinefando to paralysis, and 10% sure that the island will be wiped out."

"Well, I knew it was impossible... W-what!?"

Jiaji stared at Darren, as if he had seen a ghost, and exclaimed.

"Hahaha, just kidding."

Darren blinked and patted Jia Ji on the shoulder.

"This is the center of the world's righteous power, how could it be captured..."

After saying that, he turned around and strode towards the training camp.

"Are you kidding?"

Jiaji stared blankly at Darren's tall back. The morning sunlight shone on him like a sharp sword, but cast a large black shadow behind him.

Even the word "justice" behind him seemed a bit solemn and solemn inexplicably.

Jiaji raised his head in a daze, looking into the sky.

The sky was blue, with white clouds curling up, and white seagulls soaring through the sky, making cheerful calls.

In Ke Jiaji's mind, a picture suddenly emerged——

One after another, the cold warships like iron lumps were like war dragons in the sky, slowly poking their heads out from behind the snow-white sea of ​​clouds. Following a cold command, the sky-wide artillery fire dragged long tail flames and poured down on the land of Malinfando like a violent storm... until the endless flames engulfed his figure.

"...Lieutenant Colonel Jiaji...Lieutenant Colonel Jiaji?"

Darren's voice interrupted Jiaji's trance. His eyes were dazed for a moment, and he saw Darren standing not far away, looking at him with an expression that was half-smiling but not smiling.

"Aren't you in a hurry to go to training camp?"

Jiaji suddenly trembled, followed him subconsciously, and responded:

"That's right, that's right."

But his body was filled with chills.

Although this guy said it was a joke... it always felt like he was serious when he was thinking just now.

Darren ignored Jiaji's strangeness.

Observing the environment and analyzing strategic significance...this is his personal habit.

After all, as an admiral in charge of military affairs in a maritime area, his thinking habits will be more "practical" and "war-like". This is also the way of thinking he has cultivated over the years.

When seeing a magnificent military base, the first thought of an ordinary person is "Fuck, it's so awesome and spectacular", but for a character who is really good at using soldiers, his thought will be "If it were me, would I have any How to capture it?"

Darren believed that Sakaski had the same idea when he left the North Sea and set foot on the land of Marinevando for the first time.

In less than fifteen minutes, Darren and the worried Jia Ji passed through a large military zone and arrived at the edge of the military zone.

They stopped in front of a closed construction zone.

The simply repaired gate is connected to the ivy-covered wall.

In front of the gate stands a huge stone slab with a sentence imprinted on it.

“All glory and life to justice.”

The signer is Zefa.





Ask for everything, thank you.

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