Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 144 The Dilemma of the Flying Squirrel

"Why did you come back?"

Looking at the Commodore sitting on the sofa next to him at some point with his legs crossed, the wariness and coldness on Flying Squirrel's face instantly disappeared, replaced by surprise.

He loosened his grip on the handle of the knife,

"Didn't you just return to the headquarters not long ago?"

Darren smiled and said:

"What's wrong? I'm not welcome to come back to Beihai for a visit?"

He unceremoniously opened the cigar box on the coffee table and took out a cigar.

He skillfully cut off the tail with a cigar cutter, lit it in his mouth, took a deep puff, and narrowed his eyes in contentment:

"Well, it turns out that the cigars from Beihai are the strongest."

The flying squirrel said angrily:

"I thought you were still recovering at the headquarters..."

He suddenly looked at Darren suspiciously and said with some confusion:

"Why don't you look good and you look thinner? Could it be that your injury hasn't healed yet?"

The corners of Darren's mouth twitched unconsciously, and he did not answer the question. He changed the subject and asked:

"How is the situation in the North Sea recently?"

Speaking of business, Flying Squirrel's face returned to seriousness and he said in a deep voice:

"It's still the same as when you left, not much has changed."

"Although you have left Beihai, your reputation still scares those nobles and dignitaries who are ready to take action."

"Especially after the news that you captured the 'chief' of the training camp and annihilated the headquarters of the Beast Pirates gradually spread in the past two days, I am even more busy with the entertainment..."

At this point, the flying squirrel paused, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Those fat guys are like sharks that have smelled blood. They send me money and gifts like crazy. They hold all kinds of wine games, card games and banquet parties, constantly trying to find out information about you... "

"With such a flattering look, he even wanted to send his wife and daughter to my bed."

Darren looked at the flying squirrel with a bitter face and a long sigh, and couldn't help but joked:

"This life sounds very nourishing..."

"——Moisturize your ass!!"

The flying squirrel cursed angrily and said with grief and anger:

"This is simply not the way to live!"

He punched his desk in indignation.

"I just want to be a serious navy! Hone my strength, fight against pirates, maintain law and order, and uphold justice!!"

"But they use money to corrupt my will, and women to destroy my body!! They use wine and cigarettes to test the righteous cadres!!"

"These damn guys!!"

"——Don't you like it?" Darren asked abruptly, half-smiling.

The flying squirrel suddenly blushed and opened his mouth, but he hesitated.

"Also...just like that..."

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Darren couldn't help laughing,

"The balance between work and rest is very important...but you have just taken office, so it is normal to have such confusion."

He blew out a smoke ring from his mouth and said with a smile as if he had been through it before:

"Those so-called entertainments, if you want to go, you can go. If you don't want to go, don't go. You can just refuse them. There is no need to give them face."

"...In this ocean, in the final analysis, strength determines everything."

The flying squirrel nodded.

Darren was right, that was their plan from the beginning.

Although Darren has left the North Sea, in fact, the more he causes trouble in the Great Channel and the higher he climbs in the Navy, the more stable the situation in the North Sea will be.

"As for the underground world, the Don Quixote family has captured all the underworld forces in the North Sea, and is now developing quite well... They have expanded part of their business to the Grand Line and even the New World."

The flying squirrel said again.

According to the cooperation agreement, a portion of the profits earned by the Don Quixote family will be given to the North Sea Fleet.

This income is named "franchise fee" in the Beihai Navy's accounts.

By hiring financial experts with high salaries to do the accounting, these huge "incomes" from unknown sources have naturally become legal income within the power of the North Korean Navy. Even the Navy Headquarters can't find any fault.

"Your vision is indeed very vicious. Doflamingo has shown a maturity and sophistication that is completely inconsistent with his age. Not only his strength and leadership... but also his business acumen and skills."

The flying squirrel looked at Darren with some amazement.

Sometimes he didn't even know how long Darren's head was.

Before Doflamingo appeared, there were actually several powerful mafia families in Beihai.

The heads of these families have very good means and abilities. If Darren allowed it at that time, they would definitely have the ability to unify the underground world of Beihai.

But Darren never let up.

——Until Doflamingo arrives.

What I have to admit is that Flying Squirrel thought from the bottom of his heart that Darren's decision to let Doflamingo unify the North Sea underground world was a bit risky.

After all, from the outside, Doflamingo is just a kid of twelve or thirteen years old.

At this age, other children are still playing in the mud.

Flying Squirrel rationally felt that it was impossible for him to manage the underworld forces in a sea area in an orderly manner.

But out of trust in Darren, the flying squirrel did not express his inner thoughts at that time and obeyed the order unconditionally.

Now it seems that Darren's keen vision... is indeed amazing.

"Well, that boy Dover is indeed good, and it's not in vain that I have spent a lot of effort to train him."

Darren smiled and said:

"This time I was able to get out of trouble, thanks to the cadre he sent."

"But the flying squirrel..."

He glanced at the flying squirrel and said,

"You must be starting to feel the pressure, right?"

The flying squirrel's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this, and he pursed his lips.

After a moment of silence, he nodded reluctantly and sighed:

"He's growing up so fast."

Yes, Doflamingo is growing up too fast.

It was even so fast that the flying squirrel felt afraid.

Especially the last time he personally led a team to Lubek Island for negotiation, the blond kid just sat leisurely on the sofa, which gave the flying squirrel a creepy feeling as if he was being targeted by a violent beast.

The Flying Squirrel is not worried about the growing power of the Don Quixote family.

No matter how powerful the Mafia family is, it can't stand up to the artillery fire of the North Sea Fleet.

But Doflamingo himself made the flying squirrel feel troubled.

With unparalleled talent and potential, Flying Squirrel discovered that the kid's strength had improved shockingly every time they met.

This feeling gave him a strong sense of uneasiness.

Because of this, during the last negotiation, he brought the battleships of the North Sea Fleet to surround Lubek Island, ready to stage a small "Demon Slaying Order" at any time to raze the Don Quixote family to the ground. .

After all, if something happens to Darren in the new world, Flying Squirrel doesn't have much confidence that he can suppress Doflamingo with his own strength.

Darren was naturally aware of the flying squirrel's difficulties.

"That's why I came back this time."

he smiled.





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