Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 135 Grow Old in a Second

"This set of combos is beautiful!" Zhang Da also gave Jinping a thumbs up.

If he wasn't eating at this time, Jinbei felt that he would be happier: "I will take him back to see His Majesty the King next."

Arturia saw Hody Jones struggling to stuff a handful of capsules into his mouth again, and reminded: "He doesn't seem to have given up yet."

I saw Hody Jones standing up tremblingly. The effect of the poison made him temporarily ignore the pain on his body. At this moment, his head was broken and bleeding, which made him look particularly ferocious. What were the side effects of the poison and what was his plan? He didn't care anymore, he just wanted to kill these people in front of him.

"What?" Jinbei turned around, feeling that this guy was really tough.

Hody Jones suddenly disappeared from the spot. Almost at the same time, Jinbei raised his arm to block Hody Jones's vicious punch.

The huge force caused Jinbei's feet to draw two traces backward: "The power has become stronger again. Is there no limit to the effect of this medicine?"

The speed is very fast, but not so fast that Jinbe can't react. After all, the speed of Dingtian is evenly matched with Luffy's second gear.

Within a few rounds, Hody Jones was punched in the chest again by Jinbei and fell to the ground.

Jinbei stepped forward and stepped on his hand that was about to continue taking the medicine: "If you continue to take it, you will die without me taking any action."

"It doesn't matter...it doesn't matter if you die!" Hody Jones grabbed Jinbei's ankle with his other hand, trying to get him to move away.

"It's really hopeless." Jinbei moved his feet, grabbed Hody's wrist at the same time, rounded him and smashed him to the ground on the other side.

Hody Jones coughed up a mouthful of blood and spilled the poison in his pocket on the floor. He struggled twice, but finally had no strength to resist anymore.

In Dragon Palace City, Hody Jones was lying on the ground, with his hands behind his back and his feet tied.

The remaining dozens of poisonous pills were placed on a plate in front of Neptune, with Jinbe accompanying him in case of accidents.

Princess Otohime, the left and right ministers, and Zhang Daye watched Neptune's interrogation.

"That is to say, are you the one who assassinated the princess and stole the treasure house? Hody!" Neptune asked.

"Yes, I did it, but it's a pity..." It's a pity that the bullet was blocked by the hateful human being, and it's a pity that he was caught by Jinbe in the end. Hody Jones didn't have any regrets, only unwillingness.

"Why did you do such a thing?!" Neptune's face was full of murderous looks, and the trident in his hand made a small hole in the ground.

Stealing the treasure house was nothing to him, and hurting Otohime was the last thing he could tolerate. If he didn't understand the question, he wanted to stab Hody to death on the spot.

Hody Jones stared at Princess Otohime fiercely: "It's so annoying. How dare you hinder us from taking revenge on mankind? How dare you preach peaceful coexistence with mankind everywhere on the island, and it's almost successful...

That woman is really an eyesore. To me, Princess Otohime deserves to die. No, just killing her is not enough. I want to use her to once again ignite the residents of Fishman Island's hatred of humans.

Crush that stupid daydream in an instant, and to do this, just push the matter of killing her to humans! "

The ministers on the left and right scolded: "Shut up! You actually said something rude to the princess!"

"Hoddy!" Neptune's suppressed anger was ignited by him, and he raised the trident and stabbed him in the forehead.

"No!" Princess Otaki wanted to stop her, but it was unnecessary.

Neptune stopped by himself, the tip of the trident was only a few centimeters away from Hody Jones' face, and everyone looked at him in astonishment.

Hody Jones laughed arrogantly: "It's useless to kill me, I'm not the only one who hates humans in Murloc Street! Let's do it, great knight..."

While talking, Hody Jones himself felt that something was wrong, why did he feel tired after saying these two sentences, and his voice seemed to be wrong.

Immediately afterwards, Hody Jones felt that his bound hands and feet were loosened, but obviously no one helped him untie them, why?

Because the effects of the poison had worn off and side effects began to appear, everyone watched as Hody Jones transformed from a three-meter-tall strong man into a skinny old man as quickly as air leaked.

A lot of the originally thick white hair had fallen out, and the rest looked gray and lifeless.

Even his voice became weak.

Due to the atrophy of all the muscles in the body, the originally tight rope fell off naturally.

But at this time, no one is in a hurry to re-bind him. Looking at him like this, whether he can stand up is a problem.

"Is this the side effect of the vicious medicine?" Neptune put down the trident. He was already like this. He wouldn't survive long if he didn't kill him. Otherwise, he would be left for a while to warn others.

Jinbe said: "It is not the right way to use drugs to overdraw your vitality to obtain temporary strength."

Neptune nodded: "The remaining ES poison should be destroyed."

"I think it's better to keep it." Zhang Daye said, "Exercise is training, and it's not bad to keep a trump card that can be used to fight the enemy."

"Having something like this will make people dependent and lose the courage to fight desperately. Then they will not be able to exert their full strength."

Jinbei thinks like a warrior, advocating fighting to the death when encountering a strong enemy. In this way, one's potential can be unleashed, and while defeating the enemy, one's strength can be further improved. The use of drugs will wear away that desperate fighting spirit.

"At worst, add a stipulation that it can't be used until the end, so that when you encounter a strong enemy that cannot be defeated in the future, there is still a slight possibility of a comeback." Zhang Da also remembered that Alabasta had something similar, called Hero water is still called Hao water.

Drinking it will greatly increase your strength, but the price is death. Although the group of people were still beaten by Lao Sha after drinking it, that is because the natural ability is too incomprehensible for ordinary people. Others would at least be able to do it. If you can give it a try, hold on a little longer.

"In this case, I will personally keep the poison, and this matter will be kept secret from the outside world. I will never take it out until the life and death of Fish-Man Island is at stake."

Neptune decided to keep the medicine. He was a king, not a pure warrior. Keeping a little more means might be equivalent to leaving an extra way for the people.

Minister Zuo stood up and asked: "Your Majesty, how should we deal with Hody Jones? And as he just said, even if he is killed, there will still be many people who hate humans in Fishman Street. For the safety of the princess, , why don’t we stop collecting signatures for a while?”

"No." Princess Otohime immediately objected, "This is a way to avoid the problem. We have finally taken this step, and we must not stop like this."

"First, sentence Hody Jones to life imprisonment and inform the entire island of his crimes. As for Fishman Street..." Neptune has a headache. Tens of thousands of people live there, and it cannot be done simply and roughly.

After all, among the tens of thousands of people there are both lawless elements and children who don’t understand anything.

A few children will walk out of Fishman Street like Ms. Charlie in the future and live like ordinary people. Most children will learn from criminals and become a new generation of criminals.

Nowadays, many ordinary people will instinctively fear and despise Fishman Street when they mention it. People in Fishman Street have also begun to have a tendency to hate people outside, not just against humans.

The longer this goes on, the more serious the problem will be. Even without Hody Jones, problems will occur sooner or later.

Zhang Da also heard that the situation in Fishman Street is very similar to the slums in some countries shown in movies...

What is the root of this problem, productivity and production relations? Yaoshou, he is not very good at politics.

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