"Altoria, have you mastered your domineering power?" Zhang Daye was most concerned about this question.

Artoria shook her head and said: "It is not easy to master a new power. I even doubt whether that kind of power exists in my body."

She doesn't force it, because based on her current understanding of Haki, what Haki can do may not be possible with magic power, but she hasn't seen the natural system yet, so she doesn't know what the situation is.

In fact, Zhang Da is also doubting this issue. They, a group of visitors from another world, may be able to learn the swordsmanship and physical skills here, but they may not necessarily have that kind of innate power.

Jinbei advised: "Don't be discouraged. Channeling Haki is not something that happens overnight. Maybe it will appear naturally in a certain battle. Maybe you will feel it after training to a certain extent."

Zhang Da also said: "Anyway, thank you for clearing up the confusion."

In fact, they are not that easily depressed. Even if they are not domineering, their team is actually very strong. At least they have no problem defeating a certain shameful Shichibukai.

Jinbei said politely: "I should be the one to thank Artoria-san for her guidance."

Next, Rui Mengmeng and Shark Chili also went to experience the feeling of being blown to pieces by armed domineering. Although there was little hope, they still wanted to understand this power.

Seeing that everyone was trying it, Tom couldn't help but be curious and give it a try.

The result frightened Jinbei because he flicked Tom's nose off with one finger.

Everyone watched as Tom's little black nose swirled out and hit the bubble wrap on the roof of the boat.

The bubble film showed good elasticity and ductility, protruding outward for more than one meter, and finally bounced back with a biu sound and stuck to Tom's face.

"I'm sorry! I'm very sorry! I don't mean any harm at all!" Jinbei was very panicked. According to his estimate, even if the cat was ejected with that little force, it wouldn't be seriously injured. How come his nose was knocked off in one fell swoop? ?

This cat is Princess Bai Xing's benefactor, absolutely no accidents can happen because of him!

"Don't panic, he's fine." Zhang Da also reached out and patted Jinbei's stomach to comfort him. The main reason was that Jinbei, who was just over three meters tall, had to jump up to pat him, and his shoulders were not very obvious.

Having said that, Jinbei's big belly feels average, maybe his body is too strong, so his belly is not soft at all, bad review.

"No...is it all right?" Jinbe stared dumbfounded as Tom moved his nose back to its original position and twisted it to adjust the angle.

"Is he a capable person?" Jinbe thought, no wonder Zhang Da was not in a hurry when he heard the prophecy that Tom's body would be pierced.

"It's fine if you think so." Zhang Da didn't bother to explain too much.

Jinbe checked Tom's body very worriedly, and called Aladdin to check Tom's nose, and he was relieved when he concluded that there was nothing wrong.

In addition to being the deputy captain, Aladdin is also their ship doctor, and his medical skills are trustworthy.

After learning about Tom's ability, Jinbe and Aladdin were amazed.

At this time, the surroundings of the ship became brighter, and the bright spot above the head became bigger and bigger, indicating that the sea was approaching.

Ten thousand meters is just ten kilometers. If it is on land, this distance cannot even be called a journey. But if it is ten kilometers from the sea to the bottom of the sea, the whole journey will be full of mystery.

Crash! Whale sharks pulled the boat out of the water, stirring up waves of water, and fine water mist briefly showed rainbows under the sunlight.

"Sure enough, no matter how many times, I still feel that the sky above the sea is wider." Aladdin looked at the sky, sun, and white clouds above his head. When the ship floated to the surface, he was reluctant to go back to the cabin.

"Isn't this what Princess Otohime has worked hard for for so many years?" Jinbei continued, "People like us who travel frequently should understand her painstaking efforts."

Aladdin stopped talking, understanding is understanding, the knot in his heart is not so easy to untie, either there is a good opportunity, or it will take time to slowly grind.

"I'm back! The past few days have been like a dream!" Rui Mengmeng happily looked at the Chambord Islands in the distance.

"Indeed, it was a great experience." Shark Pepper agreed, but he felt that his scientific concepts needed a small reshaping.

"Hey, I feel relieved all of a sudden." Zhang Daye said to Jinbei and Aladdin, "Don't mind if I say this. In fact, I had a nightmare on the second night I stayed at Fishman Island. 'Collapsed, that is, the bubble membrane outside the Murloc Island burst, and then the sea water poured in, of course the Murlocs were fine, but I died a miserable death."

Tom nodded. He remembered that the owner not only died miserably, but also ran fast. When he kicked his feet suddenly in his sleep, not only people woke up, but the cat also woke up.

The unconscious kick in sleep was so violent that it hurt all the time. Tom tilted his head and stepped on Zhang Daye in dissatisfaction.

"Hiss~ It hurts, it hurts!" Zhang Da also hugged his feet and jumped on one leg, complaining, "Why do you still hold a grudge, Tom? Didn't I apologize at the time? I haven't said anything about you breaking my waist. Woolen cloth!"

Tom threw his head back and whistled, pretending not to hear.

Everyone was amused by the two of them, and Artoria couldn't help but smile too.

Although the conditions for food and accommodation in Longgong City are very good, it is called a guest residence, but here, even if you haven't gone to the island yet, you will know that it feels like home just by watching them play around.

The whale shark pulled the big boat and docked near GR No. 59. Jinbei and Aladdin put down the small boat and sent them to the shore: "Then we will send you all here. We didn't take care of you well along the way. It's really rude."

Jinbei always spoke with a unique flavor, especially in such slightly serious situations.

Zhang Da also said: "Jinbei, Aladdin, why don't you come and sit in our tavern? Let us treat you to a drink."

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for me to go to the town as an old man. Besides, we are also eager to go back to deal with the matters in Fishman Street. We will definitely come to visit if we have the opportunity in the future."

Jinbei felt that regardless of his identity as a Shichibukai or a fishman, if he followed Tatsuya to the tavern with great fanfare, he might cause trouble for them.

"Well, since that's the case, I won't try to keep him." Zhang Da could probably guess his concerns, and he also knew that things in Fishman Street were very important, so he didn't force him to stay, "Then I wish you all the best. .”

Everyone stood on the shore and waved, watching Jinbei and Aladdin take the boat to dive again.

When he was about to lose sight of anyone, Zhang Daye suddenly remembered something and shouted with a smile: "By the way, Jinbei, I'll give you a suggestion, eat less pears in the future!"


Is this some unique way of caring?

The Qidian comment area does not display new comments these days, but I can see it in the background. Many people think that my book is out of date, hahaha. Thank you for your concern. It is actually fine so far.

Then why not let Jinbe eat pears: Because after the war, Jinbe sent Luffy to Daughter Island. The empress prepared a lot of food for Luffy and said that Jinbe was only allowed to eat a little.

When Jinbe was eating pears, the empress suddenly yelled at him in dissatisfaction, and Jinbe almost choked to death on the pears.

Xiaopo Station has a video of a pear almost killing Shichibukai alone.

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