Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 182 News about the Seven Islands of Water

Ye Yan went to sleep, watchmen also need sleep, but it is easy to get refreshed in the middle of the night, and can't sleep for some reason, so nap is very important for them.

And because of two reasons of jet lag, although it is past 6 o'clock in the evening, it should actually be the time for Ye Yan to take a nap. I don't know if this counts as jet lag.

He still took over the duties of the night watch, anyway, Zhang Daye and the others wouldn't go to bed so early, and there was still some exercise to do in the evening, so after Ye Yan woke up, he could just keep watch in the middle of the night.

The space on the boat is limited, so it's very inconvenient to run, but Zhang Da will never relax his legs to exercise - he definitely doesn't want to become the image of a big man with a big upper body and thin legs in the lower body.

So he took Rui Mengmeng to find the magic weapon on the boat. The two spinning bikes are actually pedal-type human generators. The power generation method is the same as that of a spinning bike. It can exercise and generate electricity. Very useful.

At least there is no problem in supplying electrical appliances such as lights and refrigerators on the ship.

In addition, the water pumping device has also been made into a pedal type, and the pumped water is supplied to faucets throughout the cabin after desalination, disinfection and other steps.

After riding the spinning bike for almost two hours, it would probably be useless for ordinary people, but Zhang Daye and Rui Mengmeng just found it quite boring, so boring that they each set up a book on the handlebars, turning the next page from time to time.

After the energy was full, Zhang Da also started to draw a lottery, and what he got were ordinary clothes and furniture from the world of Ace Censor.

Think about it, that world seems to be an ordinary modern society. Even if there are monsters, most of them maintain the appearance of human beings and live a life no different from ordinary people. device.

After completing basic physical training, Zhang Daye went to the martial arts gym. The martial arts gym occupied a large area, with an open space in the middle and weapon racks and protective gear on both sides.

Shark Chili is doing punching movements repeatedly in a precise manner, which is probably the training method of fishman karate.

Zhang Da has also seen it many times, but every time he sees the look of Shark Chili's hands, he feels that he is suitable for the Wing Chun starting position.

Without disturbing Shark Chili, Zhang Daye and Rui Mengmeng each chose a sword and started practicing.

Swordsmanship instructor Artoria is not here. She is drinking tea with Tom on the observation deck and taking precautions.

Until about eleven o'clock in the evening, Ye Yan, who woke up, came out to change shifts. At this time, he took off the mushroom outfit and changed into the casual clothes that Zhang Da also gave him. Not to mention, Ye Yan, who is not funny, is actually pretty good. handsome.

"Then I'll leave it to you. By the way, this is for you." Zhang Da also handed Ye Yan a booklet.

"What is it, a martial arts secret book?" Ye Yan took the booklet and saw four straight Chinese characters for 'Sunflower Collection' written on the cover.

Ye Yan took a breath of air and made an exaggerated bow: "I didn't expect Brother Zhang to be such a ruthless person. I admire him! But although I like performance art, I have no intention of harming myself."

"What are you thinking about? The name on the cover was written casually. The content inside is common knowledge about the world. Take a good look at it when you have time." That book was proposed by Shark Chili and was specially prepared for newcomers. In the end, When choosing a name, Zhang Da also wrote a sunflower manual.

Ye Yan opened the book hesitantly, but did not see the words "If you want to practice this skill...", he saw a very serious table of contents, covering geography, biology, humanities, etc., which was very comprehensive.

But there are some very basic things in it, and each chapter is marked with 'Please refer to "xxxx" for details'.

Reference books and newspapers are now placed in the ship's library and can be read at any time.

"You're very thoughtful." Ye Yan climbed up to the observation deck with the book.

There was no talking all night. At least Zhang Daye and the others slept peacefully, but Ye Yan was a little unlucky.

When Ye Yan was called to eat in the morning, he walked into the cabin wrapped in a cotton quilt and sniffed: "What the hell is this weather? How come it's winter in an instant and I'm freezing to death... sneeze!"

"Mengmeng, help him make a bowl of ginger soup." Zhang Da also handed the tissue to Ye Yan.

"Okay." Rui Mengmeng returned to the kitchen to boil water and cut ginger. When you catch a cold, drinking a bowl of ginger soup is very effective in preventing colds. Mainly because it is cheaper than buying cold medicine, so Rui Mengmeng knows how to make it.

Of course, some people don't like the taste of ginger soup and invented ginger cola, which has a similar effect.

Zhang Da also asked: "The weather problem is written in the book, didn't you see it?"

Ye Yan complained: "I just saw that the geographical location of the Grand Line is roughly equivalent to the equator on the earth. Who knew the equator would get so cold?"

"Isn't the location introduction about the Grand Line on the first page?" Shark Chili remembered clearly, "You can see the weather information by turning the page."

Zhang Da also looked at him strangely: "So you only read one page in one night, right?"

"Ha...ha..." Ye Yan smiled awkwardly. Reading and so on were torture to him. This genius watcher was actually a scumbag. He put all his efforts into training and performance art.

In terms of learning... if he wanted to pass the exam, he almost needed Huang Xiaoyan to supervise his tutoring with a sword in hand, otherwise he would give up within five minutes.

While he was talking, the flag demon Jin Erpeng ran into the restaurant excitedly: "Master, I caught a bird to replenish your health! Do you think this bird is strange? It also brought a lot of newspapers and coins with it!"

"Pfft!" Zhang Da also sprayed soy milk on Jin Erpeng's face, "Let go! This is a newspaper delivery gull!"

Jin Erpeng looks like a eagle demon, with his good eyesight and flying speed, it is not a problem to catch a bird, but if you eat a newspaper delivery gull, if Morgans writes it down in a small notebook, do you want to read newspapers in the future? With so few sources of information, isolation from the world is troublesome.

The poor newspaper delivery gull looked desperate when Zhang Daye snatched it down. It thought it was going to die after being strangled for so long.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. It's all a misunderstanding. It's the first time he's seen a newspaper delivery gull, so he doesn't understand the situation." Zhang Da also comforted him, explaining to Ye Yan and the others that this is equivalent to a postman, and then asked Tom about the situation. I want to give him a pack of dried fish as an apology.

The newspaper delivery gull is very spiritual. After taking back the newspaper bag and cash box, he did not show any anger. Instead, he took out a newspaper and seemed to ask them whether to buy it or not.

Zhang Da also took out a 100 Bailey coin: "Give me two."

"It's a very smart animal. If you say it's a monster, I'll believe it." Ye Yan watched the newspaper delivery gull fly out of the cabin.

"Please take a good look at that book. This kind of thing is also written in it." Zhang Da also opened the newspaper, and the headline was about the Water Seven Island they were going to:

"Miracle! The fourth track of the sea train has been laid smoothly and will be opened to traffic soon!"

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