Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 184 The Devil’s Triangle

For those who have been to sea for a short time, life on board is full of novelty.

In addition to recreational activities such as fishing, swimming, and surfing, as well as daily exercise and boat maintenance, the climate of the Grand Line always gives them some 'surprises' from time to time.

Spring, summer, autumn, and winter have randomly rotated several times, and rain, snow, wind, and frost have also appeared one after another. Just like you never know tomorrow's date in the world of Conan, you never know tomorrow's weather in the Grand Line.

It is said that people who go to sea for a long time will find it boring. Zhang Daye and the others have not realized this for the time being, because the extreme weather they occasionally encounter these days is always full of excitement.

When they have free time, everyone will take turns to tutor Ye Yan, a poor student, and make up for common sense questions about the world. If he can't remember, he will be asked to choose someone to accompany him to practice his fighting skills.

Ye Yan, who is not a flag demon and does not bring a magic weapon, is really not very good at purely physical skills. According to Zhang Daye's estimation, it will be very difficult for him to face off against the level of Creek. Of course, if he uses his brain That's another matter.

The most leisurely person on the boat is Tom. Others will exercise regularly when they have free time. Tom may choose to turn over and continue sleeping.

Tom absolutely loves this kind of life where he goes to bed after being fed and plays when he wakes up. As for what he wishes for now, it would be great if he didn't even have to cook.

On this day, Zhang Da also rarely wanted to experience the work of the lookout hand. He was holding a small dumbbell alone on the lookout platform while observing the surrounding situation.

I originally wanted to take Tom with me so that I could have some rua to relieve my boredom when I had nothing to do, but Tom always thought about fishing and eating in the past two days. Although his belly was round every time he ate, he still couldn't help but be greedy after the meal.

"Huh?" Zhang Da also noticed something was wrong ahead, picked up the binoculars, looked at it, and then shouted into the loudspeaker, "A large area of ​​dense fog is found ahead, a large area of ​​dense fog is found ahead!"

It is still very troublesome to encounter dense fog when sailing at sea, because it is impossible to determine whether there are rocks or icebergs ahead. If you get too close to such obstacles, you will not have time to dodge or stop the boat. After all, the sailboat does not have brakes.

The first one to respond was Shark Chili, raising his head and shouting: "How big is the range? Can you go around it?"

Zhang Da also came out of the observation room and stood on the horizontal bar at the top of the main sail: "It's hard to say, you can't see the side at a glance. Let's slow down first and take a closer look!"

He needed to determine whether the fog was large enough and whether it would disperse. If it did not disperse, they might have reached Moria's territory and needed to prepare early.

Shark Chili led others to adjust the sails, allowing the Amber to slow down and slowly approach the dense fog area.

Everyone gathered at the bow of the ship. Arturia held the steering wheel with both hands, ready to respond to emergencies: "It is normal for fog to occur on the sea, but this is the first time we have encountered such a heavy fog."

"Send someone to investigate." Ye Yan called out Jin Erpeng. This flag demon who can fly and has good eyesight is really a good helper in navigation.

Jin Erpeng flapped his wings and soared into the sky, then flew towards the direction of the thick fog.

If you don't take into account his usual lack of moral integrity, this guy is still quite handsome.

Tom stretched out his hand. In fact, he wanted to ride on it just now, but he was a little bit concerned about creatures such as eagles and vultures, so he didn't make up his mind.

Finally, Tom decided to get acquainted with him after a while. No one would refuse to be a cute kitten as a mount, right?

While waiting for Jin Erpeng, Zhang Da also expressed his worries.

Shark Chili said: "Boss Tatsuya is saying that we may have reached the Devil's Triangle?"

"You know this place?"

"Didn't Gragas, the wine seller, tell us about this last time? Many ships disappeared in this area, and there are all kinds of terrifying legends." Shark Chili paid special attention to such rumors about navigation.

Zhang Da also nodded: "It's the Devil's Triangle. It's actually the territory of Moonlight Moria in the Shichibukai. Many of the missing ships are his fault. His purpose is to seize other people's shadows to make zombies."

"Zombie?" Ye Yan said that he understood, "There are also people practicing corpse refining here?"

Zhang Da also said helplessly: "So I want you to study hard. This is the ability of the Devil Fruit. It can put the shadow of one person into the corpse of another person, creating a zombie that is obedient and cannot be killed. But I always feel that using this ability in this way is a problem with the direction of its development."

Talking about tutoring Ye Yan immediately lost his energy. Rui Mengmeng then asked: "What will happen to the person whose shadow is taken away?"

Zhang Daye replied: "It will die when exposed to light, and it will turn into fly ash when exposed to the sun."

"Heck, heck, heck..." Tom's teeth began to chatter, and he hugged Zhang Daye's thigh unconsciously.

Tom's shadow was also startled, and strangely broke away from Tom's feet, ran back and forth twice, and finally hugged Zhang Tatsuya's other leg, exactly the same as Tom's posture.

Zhang Da also stretched out his hand and touched it. The two cat heads could be touched and felt almost the same. He said with a smile: "Huh? Hello, Tom's shadow is a shadow that can be removed by itself without cutting. Moriah must really like it."

Tom glanced at the deck, and sure enough, the master's shadow was very clear, but his own shadow was gone, and his mouth grew wide in horror.

Tom's shadow was also taken aback, making a diving posture, and plunged into the deck. Only then did Tom's shadow hang on the shadow of Zhang Daye's thigh.

At the same time, Zhang Da was also dazzled for a moment, as if he saw his own shadow shaking hands with Tom's shadow.

Tom jumped down, raised his hands, bent down, and turned around. He made a few moves to make sure that the shadow was okay before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone looked at Tom and nodded secretly. It was now confirmed that the shadow could really be cut out.

Artoria frowned and said: "Does this mean that this person is a complete evil person? Taking away the shadow makes people unable to be exposed to the sun. In addition, making zombies requires corpses. The source of the corpse... is himself. Are you going to kill someone or rob a tomb?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "Well, it won't be a voluntary donation anyway."

Artoria asked: "Do the Navy and the World Government know about this?"

"They should know about it. They know Moria's ability very well. They must also know about the frequent disappearance of ships here. Maybe it's because most of them are pirates, so they pretend they don't know about it. Moreover, there is legal robbery in the Shichibu Sea. The right comes."

As far as Zhang Daye knows, the characters of Jinbei and Hawkeye in the Shichibukai disdain to attack civilians, Big Bear pretends to obey the World Government, and the other few do not care about civilians.

"So Tatsuya, what are you going to do next?"

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