Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 199: It’s better to just flip the table than to defeat the boss

After a brief discussion, Hogubak returned to his laboratory or operating room, Perona went to his small garden to gather animal zombies, and Absalom came to a large hall.

The entire hall looks like a church, with a huge cross placed on the innermost wall and four coffins on each side of the aisle.

Absalom's expression became slightly more solemn: "Wake up, zombie generals!"

Ka Ka Ka, the voice fell, and eight zombies emerged from the coffin, including tall warriors, knights in full armor, and gunmen with four guns in each hand.

There is no such thing as Lola, the wild boar who likes to propose marriage, because it will be about five years before Lola goes to sea to avoid being engaged.

But one of these zombies deserves a special mention. He has long purple hair and wears a captain's costume. He leans on the coffin and drinks from a wine bottle as soon as he comes out.

In addition, there were two knives stuck in his body, not on his shoulder. It is said that this was a sign that he was betrayed by his companions during his lifetime.

He is the legendary pirate Captain John from the Rocks Pirates, and Bucky the Clown is still looking for the treasures he left behind.

"Go, zombie generals, bring back all the prey!" Absalom opened his arms. No matter how powerful and famous these people were in life, they will all obey his orders after becoming zombies. This feeling is really great , so he dreams of becoming the king of the cemetery.

The zombies followed Absalom's orders and walked out. Only Captain John walked slowly at the end while drinking.

Absalom urged: "Captain John, go quickly, don't insult your bad reputation during your lifetime!"

"Yes, yes, I will go, hehehehe..." Captain John strolled out slowly while drinking a small drink, thinking that he must pick the weakest opponent later.

"I'm exhausted!" Ye Yan threw away the two bricks in his hand. In this short period of time, he spent more than 3,000 times hammering the bricks, and he could barely lift his arms.

People from the Victims Association fainted on the ground with big bags on their heads. When they woke up, it would be tomorrow.

"Brother Yan, thank you for your hard work! Brother Yan is so strong!" Zhang Da also said in a very exaggerated way, "Would you like to take a break?"

"I don't have any sincerity at all. Please put some emotion into the next time you call 666." Ye Yan said helplessly, "It's fine to rest, let's take a good rest after clearing the boss early."

Everyone set off again, and when they passed through the forest, they didn't encounter many zombies, but saw some strange animals, such as a lion with a human face, a bear without an arm, and an orangutan.

Arturia was particularly concerned about the strange-looking lion. It was obviously a beast that symbolized strength, but it looked so miserable.

Zhang Da also estimated that these were animals used by Hogbark for experiments, especially the lion, which might be the one that had its face changed with Absalom.

These wild beasts didn't dare to approach people at all after seeing them. They took one look and immediately hid far away.

Unexpectedly, there were no twists and turns while walking through the forest, and we arrived at the castle gate smoothly.

The entire castle is not just one building, but a group of buildings built around the mast of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship. The main building of the castle is the mast itself, and Moria's room is somewhere in it.

"Are you going to break in directly?" Artoria was already fully armed.

Tom also put on a swordsman costume to strengthen his courage. After seeing zombies more often, he felt less scary and even wanted to fight them.

Zhang Da also hesitated for a moment and said, "Why don't we go in and just demolish the building? There are so many zombies inside, it's easy to be attacked by sneak attacks, and the space is small and hard to use. Let's just demolish all these gloomy castles." never mind."

"Is this okay?" Artoria was a little hesitant. When she fought the Holy Grail War, she controlled her power and tried not to destroy buildings.

Zhang Da also said: "Anyway, there are no ordinary people inside. It's easier this way. If we finish the fight early, we might still have time for a midnight snack."

Arturia was convinced.

"Are you serious? I thought I had to clear the level first and then see the boss, but you actually want to lift the table?" Ye Yan saw Zhang Da nodded with certainty and said, "Okay, I'm best at demolishing buildings. Wait. Let me recover my energy and summon the Chaos Beast."

Ye Yan's statement that he was good at demolishing buildings was true. When the three censors went on missions, they often destroyed urban buildings to a terrible extent. Every time, the principal of Xiahou Middle School would shed tears silently to compensate for the maintenance costs.

"Then let me do it." Shark Pepper said that he is also good at causing damage, "Super Shark Giant!"

With a rumble, the shark giant appeared in the distance. According to the usual appearance, it dived in the earth for a while. Its huge dorsal fin cut the earth and split several buildings.

Rubbles flew everywhere, and countless zombies screamed and were knocked away from the building or buried under the rubble.

The giant shark drove until it reached the gate of the castle before breaking out of the ground and making its official appearance.

The surviving zombies looked at the ten-meter-tall shark giant and made frightened sounds: "What is that! A giant?"

Ye Yan, who saw the shark giant for the first time, sighed: "Wow, I actually have this skill. This way of appearing is a bit cool."

"This is just the beginning." Shark Pepper was very happy to be praised and jumped into the cockpit. "Leave it to me next. Even zombies have to be afraid of the power of the giant shark!"

Under the control of Shark Pepper, the Shark Giant took action, crushing the low houses with one kick, and punching and kicking the taller ones.

For the zombies inside the building, if they are lying obediently, let them go temporarily, and if they try to climb out, then they should make up for them. In many cases, size represents strength.

“It feels like the buildings here are sturdier than ours.” Shark Chili, who has demolished several buildings, praised the quality of the buildings here.

Probably because you need to prevent earthquakes there, Zhang Da also complained, but he didn't say it out, but suddenly came up with a bold idea and shouted: "Try not to damage the main mast!"

"Understood!" Shark Pepper responded and continued to destroy.

Ye Yan asked, "Do you want this ship?"

"I have this idea." Zhang Da also thinks that this terrifying three-masted sailing ship is very good. It is not only an island, but also can move.

"I'm thinking about building a home here in the future, that is, if you want to start it, you must have enough manpower, or you can modify it to be more automated."

Houses are built in the middle, crops and fruit trees are planted around, and the moat can also raise fish... It would be a pity not to use such a good mobile site for farming. Moria actually used it to put zombies, which is a waste of nature.

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