Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 223 Tom, look, that’s Tom

The battle between more than thirty warships attracted many people to watch, and the residents of the Seven Waters City stood on the shore and talked about it.

Many people have seen the Justice Ship, but they don't know who is so bold as to attack the World Government's ship. In addition, they are also worried about whether those warships will aim their guns at the town after attacking the judicial ship.

A few people looked at those battleships and thought they looked familiar, but they couldn't remember where they had seen them before.

The firepower of these warships is really fierce. Just being affected by the fire, the Amber felt more defensive pressure than when it was facing the Foxy Pirates today.

It was so big that even Tom dressed up as a swordsman and used his sword to skewer cannonballs.

But it was just a little stressful at the beginning.

After blocking the first wave of sudden attacks, Artoria was able to cut off a battleship with each golden sword energy she swung.

After the Shark Pepper arrives on the battlefield, it can also directly dig through the bottom of the ship underwater.

Coupled with a little shelling from the judicial ship, the fleet of more than thirty warships soon couldn't hold on.

"What happened to that swordsman?"

"Pay attention to the water, there are people under the water!"

"No way, let's go quickly, drive the ship to Hulk Island and evacuate immediately!"

"Hey, where do you want to evacuate?" The green smoke transformed by the flag demons condensed into entities, and they smiled evilly and knocked out all those who wanted to escape.

An ambush battle came to an end quickly. Although the ambushers had the upper hand in terms of number of warships, they were decimated.

"Damn it! Where did that ship come from? Why is it so powerful?" Spangdam, who was hiding in a corner and peeping, broke his telescope in anger and remembered the flag hanging on the Amber. It belonged to a cat. Smiling face, stamping feet:

"Are those flags mocking me? Damn it, my perfect plan!"

"What is your plan?"

"Of course, he framed Tom's studio for attacking the judicial ship, and then captured them..." Spandam answered half of the sentence smoothly, and then suddenly woke up and looked at the monster with an eagle head and human body in front of him, "Who are you!? When did you come here?"

Jin Erpeng smiled, answered his question with his fists, and then grabbed the fainted Spandam and returned to a battleship temporarily seized by Shark Pepper and the flag monsters. It is also the only one still floating on the sea intact. battleship.

The flag demons asked: "Who is this? You deserve to fly away without saying a word. Are you just lazy?"

"Bah, when have I ever been lazy in a battle? My brother has made a great contribution this time." Jin Erpeng pointed at his eyes and said proudly, "I saw this kid sneaking around on the shore at a glance, and I found him when I went over. He’s the boss of these people.”

"Awesome." Shark Pepper praised, then destroyed the battleship's weapons with one punch, and lowered the sails, signaling that the ship was under their control and the battle was over.

Zhang Da also saw Shark Chili's actions and shouted to the judicial ship: "Colonel Soissos, the situation has been solved over there, do you want to move over to receive the prisoners?"

At this time, the sailors on the judicial ship were still stunned. Something was wrong with the battle. Why did the fight end so suddenly when it had just begun?

They were more than 30 warships with powerful firepower. We suffered dozens of casualties in one fell swoop. We had just planned to protect the judge and evacuate. Are you telling us that we won? And capture all the prisoners alive?

In the morning, the judge also told us to protect these interesting children, but now...the fighting power of these children is ridiculously high, right?

Hearing Zhang Daye's voice, Colonel Soissos woke up from a dream: "Hmm...ah...yes, drive the boat over and arrest the prisoner!"

"Thanks to you all this time. On behalf of the hundreds of soldiers and officials on the judicial ship, I would like to express my gratitude to you all!" The old judge solemnly took off his hat and bowed.

This time, the judicial ship was able to be saved. On the one hand, it was thanks to Zhang Daye and the others who quickly defeated the unknown fleet. On the other hand, it was thanks to the pirate ship that blocked a large number of cannonballs.

And the pirate ship was received from Zhang Daye and others, so the credit must be credited to them. Foxy cried and fainted in prison.

"This is what we should do." Zhang Da also said a few polite words and accepted his thanks reservedly. His words were basically the same as when he dealt with Lieutenant Colonel T. Penn in Chambord.

At this time, there was a slight commotion among the navy soldiers. They looked at the strange-looking flag demons covered in dark green and were a little afraid to approach.

Colonel Soissos asked: "Who are those green creatures..."

"They are flag demons. You can understand them as my ability." Ye Yan was too lazy to explain to them in detail what a watchman is, and waved to them, "Come back."

"Yes, Master." The flag demons turned into smoke and got into the Huang Yao Banner.

Powers are a great excuse. No matter how strange things are, as long as they involve devil fruit powers, they will become easier to accept, even living skeletons and weird monsters.

In this way, the soldiers were no longer afraid and skillfully handcuffed the prisoners and carried them onto the judicial ship.

"These people were all wearing wetsuits and seemed ready to escape at any moment. Fortunately, Mr. Shark Pepper was there."

"Yes, it is indeed a robot!"

"Mr. Ye Yan's ability is also very strong."

The soldiers were talking a lot, because Shark Chili and Ye Yan were very familiar with these people in the morning, so there were endless compliments.

Zhang Da also looked at it, and finally found a person with purple hair and a brown windbreaker, who should be Spandam. This guy didn't have an iron mask on his face yet, so he didn't dare to recognize him for a while.

"Mr. Zastis, please severely punish these lawbreakers." Zhang Da also moved closer to the old judge and shouted, "You see, the residents on the shore must have been greatly frightened."

"This is my duty as a judge." The old judge did not like these wanton villains at all. He needed to give an explanation to the frightened civilians and the dozens of naval soldiers who were injured or killed in the battle.

"Colonel Soissos, please send someone to appease the people, and announce that Tom, the shipbuilder, will be officially re-tried tomorrow morning. As for today, we need to investigate the origins of these thugs."

The old judge accidentally glanced at the World Government logo embroidered on the chest of Spangdam's trench coat and frowned. This matter seemed a bit complicated.

At this time, a chubby fish man and a young man hurried over in a small boat. Behind the boat was a large frog as tall as one person. What was interesting was that this frog swam in a freestyle style.

This strange combination immediately attracted the soldiers' attention:

"Is that a fish-man?"

"What a big frog!"

"Why do frogs use freestyle?!"

Zhang Da also looked at the strange frog and the fat fishman, and picked up Tom: "Tom, did you see it? That should be Tom."


Judge Zastis, justice, impartiality; Colonel Soissos, soy sauce, soy sauce.

Is it easy to understand?

The last chapter was released. It’s so strange. I just took advantage of the popularity of the World Cup to make a movie joke, but it turned out that I didn’t want it. It’s really...

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