Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 373 Xia Lulu's Prophecy Magic (4400 words)

After a little accident, Shark Pepper successfully climbed out of the giant shark's cockpit, but when he came out, he felt that he was not a shark but a sardine, the kind that Tom had just pulled out of the can.

Tom shook Shark Pepper's hand to express that you're welcome, and then went on to work on his own cooking.

Shark Pepper didn't know what to say, but it was repaired anyway. Although the seam that Tom pulled out was a little rough, it was not biased, and it would be fine with a little sanding.

When the duel between Dongli and Brocky ended in a draw again, the two came over to have a meal again. They didn't intend to disturb, but Tom's cooking was so delicious.

After the meal, Shark Pepper challenged Broki as promised, and then... the giant shark needed to be repaired, and everyone continued to camp in the small garden.

Because of the experience of dealing with the overlord last time, the giant shark was not injured so badly this time, and the repair time he wanted was not so long, but the pepper shark declined Tom's help because he had already made Tom very hard last time. He was very sorry, so he wanted Tom to rest and have fun.

No matter what other people think, Tom believed it anyway. He was a lazy character who did more things than less things. Anyway, repairing giant sharks is not fun.

"Artoria, what do you think of the giant's strategy of overlord?" Zhang Da was also a little moved.

Artoria said: "It's a very interesting move. It can maximize the power of the giants. It's very suitable for Mengmeng to learn."

Rui Mengmeng, who was suddenly named, was taken aback: "Huh? Me?"

Artoria nodded: "Well, your strength is getting better and better. You can learn how they exert strength, and then integrate the unique energy in your body into it."

Rui Mengmeng scratched her head, wondering: "But it shouldn't be so easy for them to teach me such a trick?"

Artoria said: "It's okay, I have almost mastered the trick, let's rehearse tomorrow and adjust it to suit you."

"Great! Then I will give you all my desserts these days?" Rui Mengmeng was very happy, and after getting along for so long, she knew how to make Artoria happy.

The dumb hair on the top of Artoria's head moved: "Okay, then I will teach you tonight."

Zhang Da also asked: "What about me? What about me? Can I learn?"

"You should be able to learn all the moves we can learn." Arturia felt that with more and more companions, Zhang Daye's potential is also getting higher and higher. Now only time can limit his progress, "but You have so much to learn now, do you have time to practice this?"

"If you don't have it, you have to have it. If it's not possible, I'll sleep an hour or two less every day." Zhang Da also had a bitter face. He now has a lot of defense power, vitality and other abilities, but he lacks a destructive power. A big enough move.

Originally, the Dragon Talisman could also make up for this shortcoming, but after thinking about it, Uncle Long gave it to him if he needed it more. Now that the 'Hegemony' is in front of him, how could he not learn it.

Rui Mengmeng asked: "If we learn that trick, we won't be able to play the effect of the giants, right?"

"Don't underestimate yourself. Giants and murlocs are just born with a higher starting point than ordinary people, but the upper limit is hard to say. And we are not ordinary people." Zhang Da didn't think he would be inferior to giants in the future.

"However, we shouldn't call our move 'Ba Guo', it's too arrogant." Zhang Da also thought about it, and said, "We can call it Ba Village at first, and change it to Ba Town when it gets stronger, and then Ba City, Ba Province. , and finally dominate the country, the sea, the planet, and the universe!"

"Ha, haha..." Rui Mengmeng apologized with embarrassment, thinking that the boss's naming ability is still as bad as ever...as stable as ever.

The name is bad, but the moves still need to be learned. After accepting the "bribe" from Zhang Daye and Rui Mengmeng, Artoria made rapid progress in the deduction of moves, and told them the trick three times before it got dark.

As Arturia analyzed before, this is the most suitable trick for giants to exert their strange power, and it is also suitable for people with super strength. For example, BIG MOM modified the "Weiguo" that suits them based on this trick.

And Rui Mengmeng has super genes, even if strength is not the strongest, it is still far superior to ordinary people, so it is perfect to practice this trick.

Similarly, Shark Pepper may also give it a try. Zhang Da also remembered that Shark Pepper had a shark axe, which he had never used before.

As for Zhang Daye, he is a panacea type, he can learn a little about everything, and if he concentrates on practicing this move, the power will not be bad.

"The Spear of the Amber - Overlord Village!"

An invisible shock wave was launched from Rui Mengmeng's sword, shattering a rock as tall as a person.

She came up with the move, and Zhang Da also dubbed it. Rui Mengmeng evaluated the power of her move, and could only reluctantly accept this frustrating name for the time being. She made up her mind to increase her power quickly so that she could change her name to Ba Guo as soon as possible.

Others are also busy with their own training, especially Jackie Chan. After getting the Dragon Charm, he has more confidence and spends all day dealing with dinosaurs in the jungle. When the situation is critical, Jackie Chan will teach the dinosaurs to be dragons with a dragon blast.

On the one hand, this method is to temper himself, on the other hand, it can also exercise his ability to control the dragon spell, and at the same time, it can also prepare some ingredients for everyone. Moreover, in the rumbling explosion, Jackie Chan seems to feel the infinite firepower. hapiness.

If he hadn't always remembered that his purpose was to exercise and grow, Jackie Chan would have been addicted to this easily obtained power long ago.

But the miscalculation is that the ingredients Jackie Chan obtained were unanimously disgusted by Tom and Arturia. Such a cute dinosaur was blown to pieces by him, and how many delicious parts were wasted.

"Is...is that so?" Jackie Chan said embarrassedly, "Then I throw these away and catch them again?"

"Wasting food is a serious crime!" Arturia said that it is okay to recapture a few dinosaurs, but throwing away the ingredients is not.

Tom pointed to the Dragon Charm, and then to himself, beckoning him to demonstrate the correct use of the Dragon Charm.

"Do you want a dragon spell?" Jackie Chan handed the spell to Tom. In his eyes, Tom is an adult cat. Although he occasionally gets into trouble, he is more reliable than Perona.

Tom picked up the dragon charm, pinched it lightly, a flame burst out, and the black pepper dragon steak was medium-cooked, and it was done.

Another burst of flames spewed out, and the roasted dragon legs were burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Another even and continuous small fire, after a period of time, smoke the dragon's tail, and it's done.

"What a treasure, what a treasure!" The Banner Demons were full of praise for the Dragon Talisman. With this thing, you don't need to chop firewood when you go out for a picnic in the future! It's amazing!

Relying on the smooth firepower to finish all the dishes, Tom threw the Dragon Charm back to Jackie Chan, patted his chest and signaled him to study hard.

Holding the dragon charm, Jackie Chan fell into a state of doubting his life. Could it be that this is not a dragon charm, but a compressed gas tank?

Those unscrupulous banner monsters praised each precious treasure one by one, which made Jackie Chan even more uncertain about this matter.

Ye Yan kicked a lucky banner demon in the ass: "Don't look, just go and ask them to come back for dinner."

"Yes!" The banner demons left today's firewood and dispersed in a hurry, and went to find someone separately.

It was Sui Fenger who went to call Zhang Daye. He had already inquired about everyone's training location. Zhang Daye's place was the closest, and it was suitable for him to take a leisurely walk and inform him. As a monster talent in intelligence, he must Apply your expertise to every aspect of your life.

"How did you get lunch so early today?" Zhang Da also pinched his fingers, he was also learning how to do the counting. Although he was not as accurate as Ye Yan, it was enough to estimate the time every day.

"Well, it's not that it was done early, but that it was done quickly. The main reason is that Mr. Tom tried a new cooking method." Sui Fenger briefly explained the process, explaining for those who don't know the information, he is also a professional.

Zhang Da was not surprised at all after hearing this, and planned to ban the use of dragon charms for cooking on the Amber. He was confident in Tom's unreliability, and he might blow up the ship if he lost his mind one day.

When he returned to the camp, the others had also been found by the Banner Demon, but everyone had serious expressions on their faces. The center of everyone's attention was Ye Yan and Xia Lulu.

Ye Yan frowned as if he was thinking about something, Xia Lulu drooped her ears, looking pitiful.

Zhang Da also had a thump in his heart, but he didn't show it. Instead, he asked half-jokingly, "What's wrong? Tom burned the meat?"

Only Tom felt that Zhang Da was serious and shook his head innocently.

Wendy whispered: "It's Xia Lulu. Xia Lulu has a kind of prophecy magic, and sometimes she can see some pictures of the future uncontrollably. Just now Xia Lulu saw some bad futures, which are related to Ye Yan."

Zhang Da also breathed a sigh of relief, it was Xia Lulu's prophecy, so it's all right. Xia Lulu can predict magic, but she can't control it herself, and can only see some unexplained pictures.

The predictions interpreted based on this are often far from the truth... This one is a bit like the fortune teller Mrs. Xia Li from Fishman Island. You say she is not accurate, she is indeed accurate, because there will indeed be a certain picture in the future that is exactly the same as what she saw. But if you want to say that she is accurate, she is completely inaccurate, because she basically can't guess the truth.

Anyway, since you know it is Xia Lulu's prophecy, don't panic, Zhang Da also asked: "Don't rush to scare yourself, tell me first, what kind of picture did you see? Maybe the truth is not what you understand? "

Zhang Daye's statement didn't have much effect, because everyone was so comforting before he came back. But she still cheered up and said: "It was one night, Ye Yan fought a powerful man alone, and the banner demons had already been defeated, and everyone was not by his side, and Ye Yan's clothes were in tatters , the condition is very bad."

"Is there a possibility that Ye Yan is playing performance art? With his mental state, it is reasonable to wear a beggar's outfit." Zhang Da also felt that it was absurd for Ye Yan to be beaten to the ground at night.

He was in charge of the night watch, as long as the gong sounded, the enemy would be in a trance even if they were not immobilized, and then the eight banner monsters joined together, plus a Chaos Beast with almost invincible physical defense, how could they hold on until everyone came out to support.

"Hey, sir, please don't use 'play' to describe performance art." Ye Yan protested, completely ignoring the dangers he might face in the future.

Zhang Da also put a piece of the dinosaur's front paw into Ye Yan's mouth: "Is this the point? The point is that Xia Lulu is worried that you will be beaten to death...grow some food!"

Ye Yan took a little effort to pull out the dinosaur's claw, took a bite, and said vaguely: "I think you're right, maybe I really had a sudden inspiration that day, and I got a whole set of ragged clothes? Besides , if it is really dangerous, I believe you will come to save me."

The Banner Demons are not as optimistic as Ye Yan. Anyone who knows that they will be beaten up in the near future will not be happy, right? From Xia Lulu's point of view, how many brothers were beaten up pretty badly?

Zhang Da also looked at Ye Yan, who was gnawing on the dinosaur claws like a normal person, and said to Xia Lulu, "Don't think too much, that guy doesn't care about himself, I think it's good to let him get beaten up. And I know A fortune teller once predicted that Tom would be shot through the body and die in the horrible three-masted sailing ship, but don’t you think he is alive and kicking now?”

Tom jumped a few times in coordination, showing that he was really alive and kicking.

Xia Lulu glanced at Tom, then hugged her head. She felt that Zhang Daye's words were not convincing at all.

Rui Mengmeng couldn't help but said: "Boss, your comforting skills are as bad as your naming skills."

Zhang Da also stared at her: "You do what you want!"

"Oh." Rui Mengmeng squatted in front of Xia Lulu, and tried to say, "Xia Lulu, didn't Wendy say that your prophecy magic is out of control? Maybe it's because your magic is as bad as the boss, so there is no magic at all." No way? You thought Ye Yan was at a disadvantage, but in fact the enemy was beaten to the ground by Ye Yan."

Zhang Da didn't expect to lie down like this, but for Xia Lulu's sake, he chose to forgive Rui Mengmeng.

Xia Lulu felt a little bit of comfort, and a little bit of heartache. Although she also hoped that her prophecy was inaccurate, it felt so embarrassing to be told that she was bad at magic.

Rui Mengmeng - Nuoxing sharp knife, average comforting ability, good at making up knife and piercing the heart, usually piercing Zhang Daye's heart, Xia Lulu was lucky to experience it a little today.

In the end, it was up to Wendy, she hugged Xia Lulu as usual: "It's okay Xia Lulu, maybe there were bad predictions before, but in the end we worked hard together with everyone in the guild!"

"Although we are not in the guild now, everyone in the tour group is also a very reliable companion. If you rely on everyone more, you will be fine!"

"Wendy..." Looking at Wendy's smiling face, Xia Lulu really felt a lot more at ease.

Shark Pepper said: "If you still feel uneasy, then try to become stronger, just be strong enough to face all bad 'futures'."

"Although I'm not very strong, I will try my best to help." Jackie Chan left a dragon spell and a right electric shock baton, showing off his weapons like coaxing a child, trying to give her a sense of security.

"In the next period of time, I will be more vigilant at night." Arturia's short and powerful words made people feel at ease.

"I'll work hard too." Perona has a lofty goal of slapping Zhang Daye and Ye Yan, and it's not okay to let them be slapped by others before realizing it.

"En! Thank you everyone." Xia Lulu laughed, the atmosphere here is really similar to that in the guild.

"Actually, I have a good solution. I can solve the problem perfectly tonight." The banner demon Lu Dashan said wittily, "Just beat up the master in advance and restore the picture Xia Lulu saw. If the posture is wrong Just have another fight tomorrow."

The other seven banner demons silently stayed away from Lu Dashan, but they were reluctant to return to the Huang Yao Banner before seeing the good show.

"Good idea, I believe this is your thought from the bottom of your heart." Zhang Da also gave a thumbs up, "But have you ever considered the consequences of saying this?"

Lu Dashan bewilderedly looked at Ye Yan's face, then turned around and ran away.

"You want to die, don't you?" Ye Yan jumped up and said angrily, "Stop!"

I also asked for a chapter push from a big guy—the author Han Shou Tinghou, the work is "Under One Person, Five Blessings Come to the Door", the most authentic fanfic under one person I have seen, recommended by the wall crack

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