Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 487 Father's filial piety

Facing Cavendish's challenge, Zhang Da also said: "Sorry, I refuse."

"Huh?" Cavendish seemed to have heard something unbelievable, and someone would refuse him, "Why did you refuse? It is an honor for you to perform on the same stage with this prince, maybe it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"You are a prince. If you hit you, you will be in trouble. Maybe if I punch you down, I will become a wanted criminal. There is no benefit at all. Why should I play with you, a brat?"

Cavendish is only fifteen or sixteen years old now, a little older than Perona, and in Zhang Daye's eyes, he is just a kid who likes to mess around. Wait a moment!

Zhang Da also suddenly realized that he is now fifteen or sixteen years old, which means he was only twelve or thirteen three years ago? At that time, women all over the country didn't want to get married until he grew up?

Beast, he is still a child!

Zhang Da also looked at Cavendish with a little pity in his eyes.

"What does that look mean!" Cavendish frowned, "Who do you call a child?!"

"I will get angry because of this, and say that I am not a child."

"Damn it! I'm going to beat you right now! If you are lucky enough to persist in a few more tricks, this prince will reward you with all your savings!"

After Cavendish finished speaking, he pulled out the western sword named Durandal from his waist and stabbed at Zhang Daye: "Beautiful Sword Blue Bird!"

The Western sword pierced Zhang Daye's chest with the sound of birdsong piercing through the air, and the blade seemed to be covered with a film of air. This person even has such a good-looking fighting posture, he really deserves the name 'Beautiful Sword'.

"Lord Cavendish!" The cheers sounded again, but Cavendish didn't have time to enjoy it.

Because Zhang Da also quickly found out the sword of Tianlun, with his body turned slightly to one side, the blade had already stopped in front of Cavendish's throat.

The cheers around stopped abruptly, and a drop of cold sweat emerged from Cavendish's forehead: "How could it be so fast..."

"Is this okay?" Zhang Da also retracted his sword, "I have also worked hard for a long time, so I don't have to mess around if I am defeated by you casually."

Speaking of long-term exercise, Zhang Da also felt guilty.

"I lost." Cavendish was very straightforward, but he was a little lost when he turned and left.

This is the biggest blow he has ever experienced. In his words, he has never eaten a devil fruit, nor has he made any efforts. He has reached today's level only by relying on his talent and talent.

He is a swordsmanship genius, hard work is completely unnecessary for him, he was born to reach a level that many people cannot reach. But today he lost. On the way back, Cavendish muttered, "Work hard...?"

The white horse Faruru bowed his head and arched Cavendish's shoulders, snorting.

Cavendish touched Faruru's cheek and smiled: "Thank you Faruru. Although I am not his opponent now, I will work harder next time."

"I will defeat them, and the final popularity must still belong to me! At that time..."

"Ah~ Isn't that the big star who refuses to bow to failure?"

"Huh? Big star, are you talking about me?"


Cavendish recovered quickly, but Zhang Daye was in a bit of an embarrassing situation.

After Cavendish left, he was surrounded, and a group of fans surrounded Zhang Daye angrily:

"You actually defeated Lord Cavendish, you must have cheated!"

"Damn it, how dare you make His Royal Highness so sad!"

"Give me back Lord Cavendish's smile!"

When Ye Yan saw that the situation was wrong, he had already slipped away. By the way, he released the Banner Demon to persuade the other companions to leave in advance, and then happily waited to see Zhang Daye's fun.

Seeing the crowd around him, Tom bit his fingers and trembled in fright, and slipped out through the gap of the crowd while they were not paying attention.

"Tom! Even you are so disrespectful!" Zhang Da also looked at Tom's escape route, feeling that it would be somewhat immoral for him to follow suit.

To be honest, he has also imagined the scene surrounded by a large group of beauties, but it is definitely not the scene like today: "Everyone, calm down, calm down!"

However, the fanatical fans were not so easy to appease. Before they pounced on them to scratch them, Zhang Da finally remembered that he had a flying skill, and jumped into the sky with two or three moon steps and walked away.


After all, Cavendish is a star figure, and soon his challenge to the Amber tour group failed miserably, and word spread throughout the country.

Zhang Da also became the person most hated by unmarried women in the whole country within a day - how dare our Prince Highness suffer such grievances!

At the same time, he has also become the most grateful person for unmarried men in the country-we have wanted to teach Cavendish a lesson for a long time.

Zefa is now sitting helplessly opposite Zhang Daye: "I heard that you beat up the prince?"

Zhang Da also said: "Rumors, I didn't even touch him. At that time, my sword was at least 0.01 centimeters away from his throat, and then he gave up quickly!"

"The sword is on the prince's neck, isn't it more serious? You need to draw the sword if you want to deal with him?" Zefa had a headache, this time he didn't fight the prince Shichibukai, but the prince instead, right? ?

Zhang Da also said: "Mr. Zefa, you know me well. In fact, according to my habit, I should take out a folding stool and slap him in the face, but I feel that if his face is swollen by me, he will cause big trouble. Sword. Besides, he came to provoke trouble."

"..." Zefa actually found it very convincing, and he had to thank Zhang Da for not slapping him in the face. "In short, even we have been affected. Today, everyone encountered a little resistance when they went out to investigate."

"What is this called..." Zhang Da was also a little distressed. When he was the most angry, he thought about who they were, whoever dared to come to trouble would be beaten to death... But one or two lessons are fine. Well, he can't really kill all these people, can he? So when he was surrounded again when he went out, he had no choice but to knock on the soul gong and run away.

Zhang Da also comforted Zefa: "Thinking about it, it's good to encounter a little difficulty. The work of the navy is not always smooth. Occasionally, some people will not cooperate. It is also a good thing to let the students exercise in advance. "

Things have come to this, Zefa can only think so.

At this time, Rui Mengmeng brought a person in: "Boss, the palace sent someone here, saying they are the king's guards."

"Hello, are you Mr. Zhang Daye?"

"I am."

"Excuse me, I'm sorry, but His Royal Highness ordered me to deliver something." The guard was carrying two suitcases, and he put down one of them. "Here is the deposit of 81 million Baileys that His Royal Highness gave you."

"Ah?" Zhang Da also remembered that Cavendish said that if he loses, he will give him all his savings. This person is quite trustworthy, and... this kid is rich enough, a minor It's an exaggeration for a prince to hold a whole Crocodile's bounty.

Weiwei didn't even have one percent of his savings before, that's why Cobra gave more during this long-term trip.

The guard put down another suitcase: "Here is an additional thank you gift from His Majesty the King, 119 million Baileys, and the total deposit of His Royal Highness is 200 million Baileys, please confirm."

"Huh?" Zhang Da didn't even realize it. Why did he give his son money instead of medical expenses after beating him? What did the king think?

"His Majesty the King ordered me to say hello to you, and also ordered me to tell you that the prince has caused you trouble. If you have a chance, please teach him as much as you want, and don't show mercy."

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