Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 490 Judicial Island

"It's so fast! It's like turning a mountain upside down!"

After riding on the triangular current, the speed of the Amber soared, and everyone needed to hold on to the railing to ensure that they would not be thrown out when the current suddenly changed direction after entering the door.

Tom performed one of Luffy's skills, the rubber pendulum, despite holding on to the railing.

The statue on the bow is about to cry in fright. It is uncivilized behavior to sail a boat. You are clearly making things difficult for me!

There was also a little chaos on the warship. Fortunately, they were all well-trained sailors, and the warship would soon be able to keep running smoothly.

Judiciary Island has received the news from the headquarters and opened their door of justice to welcome everyone into Hong Kong.

"Wow!" When they saw the whole picture of Judiciary Island, everyone couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation. The scene in front of them was really incredible.

The main island of Judiciary Island is almost completely suspended, and there is a huge hole below it, as if someone punched a huge hole in the sea, and the sea water poured down the hole like a waterfall, but after so many years, it was not filled at all. signs.

According to the latest plot, the meaning is related to the "mother flame" researched by Vegapunk, because after the Kingdom of Lulucia was destroyed, the same abyss was left on the sea.

The escort ship sent by Judiciary Island is already waiting behind the Gate of Justice. Although I have learned from the phone bug that there is a civilian ship coming besides the warship, I still confirm it carefully.

After confirming that it was correct, the warship and the Amber followed the guide boat to the main gate of Judiciary Island. The sailors escorted the prisoner off the warship. The Amber tour group followed Zefa and looked around.

Entering the second main gate through the narrow passage, everyone saw two giants guarding the gate.

Seeing the curious looks of a few children, the person in charge introduced: "That's Oimo and Casey of the giant race. They signed a contract with the world government to guard the gate here for a hundred years."

The reason is that these two fools thought that their captains Dongli and Broki were imprisoned in the city of advancement, and the world government promised to release them as long as they guarded the gate for a hundred years.

In fact, Dongli and Broki are still fighting in the small garden, and under the influence of Zhang Daye and the others, they plan to visit the village in the near future. I just don't know if the concept of "recent" of the giants is different from that of ordinary people.

"One hundred years?" Weiwei didn't know much about the giant race.

The guide knew Weiwei's identity, and was happy to show off his knowledge in front of her: "That's right, the lifespan of giants is more than three times that of ordinary people, so a hundred years is nothing to them."

Perona said: "Yes, yes, we have seen two giant uncles, and they have been fighting for ninety years."

"Ninety years of fighting? How could it be?" Weiwei was surprised, her little head couldn't understand this kind of behavior.

The guide didn't know that she was referring to the two giants that the government used to deceive Oimo and Casey, nodded and said: "This is also possible, the giant race is a very violent race, and many giants can easily go crazy. "

People are not only prejudiced against murlocs, but also against giants. Even though there are many giant lieutenant generals in the navy headquarters, people are willing to believe that those are just special cases, and most giants are ferocious and barbaric.

There are even rumors that the giants cannibalize people, and they will immediately pretend to be dead when they see them.

Oimo and Casey obviously didn't realize that this group of people had met the two captains they were looking for, and they only opened the door after confirming the order from the main island.

Zhang Da also struggled for a while. If these two people knew the truth, they would run out to find Dong Li and Broki and continue to be pirates, and he would be upset.

But he would also be upset to see the world government cheating these two good combat powers, so he had to think carefully about what to do.

At the end of the road on the main island is the court, where the criminals are tried. Everyone thought it would take a long time to try the more than one hundred pirates.

However, the so-called trial is just to take the pirates in for a walk and talk about the origin. The jury inside shouted "Guilt!" "Guilt!"

The style of the old judge that Zhang Daye and the others met on the judicial boat in the capital of seven waters is completely different. Although this is not wronging the pirates, it still feels that something is wrong.

Especially Weiwei couldn't accept such a hasty trial. After leaving the court, she asked in a low voice: "Shouldn't the court be like this?"

"I don't know much about the judiciary. You can write down what you see and ask your father when you go back. You should also think about it yourself and see what the Alabasta court should be like."

Zhang Da can't teach me things that I don't understand, and what he knows may not be suitable for Alabasta, but he knows how to adapt to local conditions, so that Vivi can read more and think more, and go back and ask Cobra for advice. OK

Zefa Quan, who was walking in front, pretended not to hear it. He was just a soldier and an instructor. These were matters that the world government had to consider, and it was not his turn to intervene.

Next, everyone walked across the suspension bridge behind the court, passed through the Judicial Tower, escorted the tried prisoners to the hesitation bridge at the end of Judicial Island, and brought the prisoners to a special escort ship.

Generally speaking, the escort task has ended at this point, and other people will naturally send the prisoners to the city, but this time it is an internship task, and Zefa will take the students to complete the journey.

At this time, the sailors who stayed on the warship drove the warship back to the Bridge of Hesitation through the front door, and the Amber was driven by the Banner Demon.

On the way, Ye Yan tossed a sack-style dress, and approached Zhang Daye as if flattering him: "Ye Zong, are you interested in cooperating with me to complete a great performance art?"

Zhang Da also smiled, and politely refused: "No."

"At least listen to my idea~ What if you're interested?" Ye Yan acted like a baby to Zhang Da without any psychological burden, making Zhang Da disgusting enough.

"All right...you say what you say, stand there and talk, keep a distance of two meters from me!" Zhang Da also took a few steps back, looked at the things in Ye Yan's hand and guessed, "Aren't you trying to pretend to be that three-year-old?" Chief judge?"

The presiding judge on Judicial Island is also weird. The three of them wore special clothes together, only showing two hands and two feet. It looked like one person had three heads.

Ye Yan became happy: "Sure enough, you are always interested! You and I, together with Uncle Long, can just make up enough heads!"

The innocent Uncle Long said, "Well... Actually, I'm not very interested in this kind of performance art..."

Ye Yan immediately showed a weeping expression: "Uncle Long, you have changed, you told me about medieval European knight armor..."

"I just happen to understand that aspect of historical knowledge..." Uncle Long didn't expect to be able to get involved with the knowledge after popularizing science. "I just want to collect art, and I don't want to make myself a work of art..."

The plot of the Navy Headquarters is almost over, don't rush, if you speed up, it will become a running account

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