Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 555 We are proud of our history

Sui Feng Er, who was willing to work for the Amber Tour Group for generations, soon got a new task - carrying two baskets of apples and a lot of fruit products supervised by Tom to apologize to Enel.

Judging from this incident alone, Enelu suffered an unreasonable disaster, not even Zhang Da.

But without the Thunder Fruit, Enelu will not destroy Bika, which is also a good thing for the others in Bika.

But after all, that was something that hadn't happened yet, and Zhang Da couldn't tell what was right or wrong. Anyway, it was right to do what he thought he should do.

Suifeng held his stomach and said that his old injury had recurred, and such an important task should be handed over to his good brothers.

The good brothers expressed their willingness to accept this task, but they just took Suifeng'er away with them when they left.

It was useless for Sui Feng'er to resist. The good brother he had just called had to bear the pain with tears in his eyes.

"Break off our friendship! I want to break off our friendship with you! I will cut off my robe and sever my righteousness!"

Suifeng Er's shouts gradually dissipated in the wind.

Later, the flag demons came back to report that although Enelu had overturned the table when they went to apologize, after they slipped out, Sui Feng'er heard the sound of someone chewing apples.

I guess Enelou smells really good.

In addition, he also muttered about joining Bika's escort team and sentencing the criminals from Lanhai and all the robbers and thieves to Yunliu.

In this way, Bika will lose a world-destroying demon king. In the future, maybe there will be an extra heroic guard soldier who specializes in dealing with the blue sea people and also catches thieves and robbers part-time?

Probably a good thing.

After staying overnight, the Amber returned to Angel Island in the direction it came from.

Zhang Da also promised to go back to Angel Street to have some fun after finding the Thunder Fruit.

Uncle Long is also obsessed with the ruins of the Sandians and the Golden Bell. Although he has been doing research on photos and some records these days, it is inevitable that there will be omissions, and he wants to go back to the scene to take a look.

The return journey was much smoother than when we arrived, and the boat was much more lively. Weiwei and Misaka stood on the deck at the stern of the boat, practicing their abilities, one placing sand and the other placing thunder.

"Sure enough, Misaka's ability is more handsome." Perona commented after squatting aside and watching for a while.

From an appearance point of view, how can manipulating sand be as good as manipulating lightning? Even if two people assume the same pose, the lightning will always be more dazzling than the yellow sand.

Weiwei was greatly shocked, and the sand controlled in her hand shattered as much as her heart.

"Ah, no, no, no, I'm not saying Weiwei that you're not good-looking...it's just that you're not good-looking compared to Misaka's ability...well, it's not..."

Perona comforted him in a panic for a while, but it was a pity that her comfort level was the same as Zhang Daye's. The final result depends entirely on the psychological quality of the person being comforted.

Fortunately, Weiwei is a strong person. As long as ability is practical, it doesn't matter whether she is handsome or not.

In the year since I left Alabasta, I have become much stronger. When I return, I should be able to help everyone develop oases and dig rivers.

Thinking about this, Weiwei became even more motivated to exercise.




Hearing the sweet bells, Zhang Daye and the others knew that they were not far from Apayado.

They all say morning bells and evening drums, but the Sandians are like morning bells and evening bells. Since they moved back to live near the ruins, they have to ring the bell in the morning and at night, when a child is born, and when an old person passes away.

Ringing the bell has become the most important thing for the Sandians. Of course, this is also because Ganfor reached an agreement with the Sandians after their defeat.

In the future, as long as there is no permission from the Sandians, no one in the Kingdom of God under the rule of Ganfor will be allowed to set foot on Apayado. If you want to obtain supplies on Apayado in the future, you must use Sandi. The demi-humans can accept the price in exchange.

Although there were still some discordant voices among his men, Ganfor still tried his best to correct his position as a defeated country against all opinions.

Even so, Vaipa is still dissatisfied. He hopes to return all the suffering that his ancestors have suffered in the past four hundred years to the Sky Island people.

However, he is not the current chief of the Sandians. The old chief believes that he is lucky to have regained the land and cannot continue fighting. The population of the Sandians is much smaller than that of the Sky Islanders. Once the most elite group of warriors emerges, Any unexpected situation will be reversed immediately.

Instead of fighting to the detriment of both sides, they should work hard to negotiate terms that are favorable to them, and then use this advantage to slowly expand the size of the tribe. When they become stronger in the future, whether they want war and aggression or peaceful development, they will be able to take the initiative.

Vaipa was finally convinced. His biggest wish now is to protect the Golden Bell and fulfill his agreement and mission.

But if one day Waipa thinks that the Sky Islanders will hinder him, then no matter what the chief says, he will not be soft again.

In this way, the Sky Islanders and the Sandians reached a brief peace. If nothing else happens, this peace should only last until Ganfor abdicates, unless a successor with the same views as him is elected.

Zhang Daye and the others landed at Apayado, and after landing, they went straight to the giant bean vine.

They were stopped just before they got close to the ruins. Several Sandia soldiers armed with spears loudly asked what their purpose was. If they hadn't seen Zhang Tatsuya and they had no wings, they might have launched an attack.

"Don't mess around! Put down your weapons, those are our friends!" A young man wearing orange sunglasses stopped them. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tatsuya, they are a sentry team that was just formed these days. There were no sentries before. I’ve seen you.”

Zhang Da also looked familiar to him, but didn't know his name: "You were the one walking with the Waipa that day..."

"Kamaqili, they all call me Mantis." The young man in sunglasses introduced himself, "You and Miss Wendy helped me heal my injuries that day."

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry. I was in a hurry and didn't bother to ask your name."

"Don't say that, we should thank you for your help." Kamaqili said, "Please be sure to come to our tribe as a guest."

Zhang Da also said: "Okay, we are just going to say hello. We have a companion who is very interested in the history of Shandia. If you don't mind, he wants to study it."

"No problem." Camachili said, "We have always been proud of our history. Even if there is a period in the middle that is not glorious, it is proof of the efforts of our ancestors. We hope that the whole world will know our history!"

Uncle Long immediately said: "That's great! In fact, I also want to visit the ruins and the Golden Bell again."

"Of course this is no problem..." Kamaqili led the way, and a group of people headed towards the current camp of the Sandians.

At the same time, there was another group of people walking towards the camp from the direction of the giant bean vine. According to Kamachili, these were the Sandia warriors who had returned from ringing the bell, and Vaipa was among them.

"Does it take so many people to ring the bell?" Zhang Da also thought for a moment and said, "Do you want us to help move the bell tower down?"

"No, there is no need for that. In fact, it is a good thing for us to have the bell tower there." Kamaqili explained, "Now our bell ringer is not fixed, but will be decided through competition."


"Yes, there is a giant bean vine climbing competition held every day. Only the first two people to reach the top of the giant bean vine are qualified to ring the golden bell. The competition for the qualification of bell ringer makes people excited every time!"

Take a rest, try to be early tomorrow, and then go to the new world in a few chapters, don't rush the progress anymore

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